Using Search Tools on the Internet They’re NoT All The Same! 1 3 Types The 3 main types of search tools used to find information are: Subject Directories Subject Directories Search Engines Multiple Search Engines Search Engines The Web Multiple Search Engines 2 Subject Directories Are produced by humans who have reviewed a web site and allocated a subject to that particular web site. The web site’s detail, including it’s address are then organized under these subjects categories. Examples: Yahoo Excite Magellan The Aussie Index 3 Yahoo Human selection – not all inclusive Functions more as a directory Sparse abstracts (descriptions of web sites) Updating is slow Boolean operators (AND, OR) Yahooligans (for kids) Web tutorials (self guided learning) 4 Excite Limited database Intelligent searches i.e. related/synonymous terms: e.g. elderly people, senior citizens (Concept search) Content type selection: current news, Excite Germany Boolean operators: limited - AND, NOT, OR 5 Magellan Human selection Site easy to navigate Abstracts are actually reviews of entire site Aims to provide thought provoking, current, in depth information Indicator if suitable for kids, (net nanny) Greenlight sites: no content for mature audiences Boolean operators: AND, OR, NOT, NEAR, WITH, ADJACENT 6 Search Engines Are a little more complicated and are made up of 3 parts; 1. A computer program which visits a web site, reads the information and picks out key words 2. A very large list of subjects in alphabetical order, (index) which is created from the key words 3. The search part of the program which looks at your search term and and then checks your word with the list and reports back to you. 7 Search Engines Examples: Alta Vista Google Hotbot Infoseek Nine MSN 8 Alta Vista Automatic indexing of every word on every page – high recall/ low relevance. No selection criteria for sites Abstract is first 25 words on the first page Ask Alta Vista a question Limited use of Boolean operators to refine search – use of +, -, *, AND, OR, NOT, NEAR Basic, advanced searches, refine, FAQ’s 9 Google Is the BIGGEST search engine database in the world (Updated 5 Sept, 2002) AND is always the default between terms Limited Boolean search terms – OR Google lets you search full text of most PDF files (Personal Document Files) on the web Lots of "stop words" which you have to precede with a + to search or search in quotes. Offers Advanced Search Special features include, Google Image Search, Google News, Google Special Searches, Google University Search 10 NINEMSN SEARCH An Australian Search Engine Results come from Looksmart Australia and Inktomi Is linked to ninemsn, which is Australia's number-one website Can download their free filter (net nanny) 11 Multiple Search Engines Are able to search using a keyword you type in, across a number of already existing search engines and subject directories, therefore a much wider search is carried out. They only use the top 10-15 hits from each search engine. This means they aren’t as good for in-depth searches. Examples: Metacrawler Dogpile Savvy Search 12 Metacrawler Can choose to search by “any’, “all” or “phrase” Queries nine different engines. Can limit by geographic region and type of site (edu, gov, etc). Has Basic and Advanced search options Special search features include: Song and audio file, Images, Multimedia, Message Boards, News, Shopping, Search by Country 13 Dogpile Queries more than 20 databases. Has Basic and Advanced search options Special search features include: Directory Song and audio file, Images, Multimedia, File Search, Message Boards. 14 The Last Word Choose the Search Tool that best meets your information needs! Power Point by Nicole Slinger 15