Commas - My CCSD

Study Guide –KEYGrammar Concepts:
• dates, items in a series, to prevent misreading, interruptions
• quotations and commas in
• helping, linking, action
Correct Punctuation
• general ( e.g. capitalization/ end punctuation/commas)
Writing Process
• Revising/editing
• Subject, object, Possessive, antecedent
text structure, transitions, narrative, compare/contrast, cause/effect, argument
Refer to the pages below for EXTRA practice in preparation for your MIDTERM EXAM
Pronouns identify and define
- Subject, object
- Antecedents
- Possessive
- Intensive
Commas – usage and rules
Verbs- Action
- Linking
- Main and Helping
- Capitalization
Writer’s Choice page numbers
Class chart, notes, classwork, homework
1. Which of the following is not a comma rule?
A. Use a comma to show a pause after an introductory word.
B. Use a comma between the title of someone’s first name and his or her last name.
C. Use a comma after two or more prepositional phrases at the beginning of a sentence.
D. Use commas to set off words that interrupt the flow of thought of a sentence.
2. Which of the following is not a comma rule?
A. Use a comma after a coordinating conjunction when writing a compound sentence.
B. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction when writing a compound sentence.
C. Use a comma to prevent misreading.
D. Use a comma after an introductory word or phrase.
3. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
A. Last night I completed my homework ate dinner watched television took a shower and went to
B. Last night, I completed, my homework, ate dinner, watched television, took a shower, and went to
C. Last night, I completed my homework, ate dinner, watched television, took a shower and went to
D. Last night, I completed my homework, ate dinner, watched television, took a shower, and went to
4. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
A. We wanted to go on vacation to London, Paris and Rome.
B. We ended up traveling to Denmark, Norway, and Sweden.
C. Next year I want to travel to, the Mediterranean, the Red Sea, and the Strait of Gibraltar.
D. My parents think it is important to stay home save our money, and take a break.
5. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
A. Oh, I was unaware of a comma there!
B. Yes I need a comma there!
C. Why, is there a comma there?
D. Well you always must consider the comma rules!
6. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
A. Beside the porch, under the flag, are the prettiest flowers ever!
B. Out of the woods, into the meadow the wolves crawled.
C. In 1921 in the middle of the night, a great storm began.
D. Over the river, through the woods, to Grandmother’s house we go.
7. Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly with commas?
A. Mrs. Jones where are you going to travel over spring break?
B. Where are you going to travel Mrs. Jones, for spring break?
C. Where are you going to travel for spring break, Mrs. Jones?
D. Where are you going to travel, Mrs. Jones for spring break?
8. Choose the sentence below that correctly uses quotations marks and commas.
A. "This job is too big for one person," the manager said.
B. "I thought we would go out to eat" she said.
C. The weather forecast suggested that, "tomorrow to be a perfect day."
D. "The train, he said, comes by every 30 minutes."
9. True or False? All prepositional phrases need commas.
A. True
B. False
10. I need to use a comma after a prepositional phrase when it occurs in the middle or end of the sentence.
A. True
B. False
11. Which is true about using comma in sentences?
A. Commas help the reader understand the sentence.
B. Commas help avoid confusion for the reader.
C. Commas may show a pause needed when reading a sentence.
D. All of the above.
12. In the following sentence where would the comma be placed to make the most sense?
A. Last night Allie dreamed that she saw tigers eat bears run and elephants sleep.
B. Last night Allie, dreamed that she saw tigers eat bears, run, and elephants sleep.
C. Last night, Allie dreamed that she saw, tigers eat bears run, and elephants sleep.
Comma Rule
Write an original sentence using the rule
Use a comma to set off 3 or
13. RULE 1: Bethune lived, studied, and working in the South.
more words or in a series.
(pg. 491)
Use commas in an address stating 14. RULE 10: the address on the envelope was 42 Campus Drive,
The street, city, state, and zip code.
Stanford, CA 94305.
(pg. 495)
Use a comma before the coordinating 15. RULE 6: She was born in Africa, but she was enslaved and taken
conjunctionthat joins two independent to Boston.
clauses. (FANBOYS) for, and, nor,
(pg. 493)
but, or, yet, so
Use a comma to set off an
16. RULE 2: No, her family had very little money.
introductory word or phrase.
(pg. 491)
Interjections (yes, no, well,)
Use a comma(s) to separate
17. RULE 13: Claude said, “Sally Ride received her doctor’s degree
direct quotation from the text.
from Stanford University in 1978. (pg. 495)
Use a comma to set off two or more 18. Rule 3: For a number of years, she served as a director of the
introductory prepositional phrases.
NYA Division of Negro Affairs. (pg. 491)
Use a comma(s) to set off a
19. RULE 5: Clarisse, did you know that Ms. Bethune opened a
direct address.
school for girls? (pg. 491)
Use a comma to prevent misreading. 20. Please eat, Grandpa! RULE 8: Instead of one, two friends visited
Phillis. (pg. 493)
Use a comma to set off words that
21. RULE 4: Bethune, as you might imagine, spent her life improving
interrupt a flow of thought.
educational opportunities for African Americans (pg. 491)
Use commas before and after the name
22. RULE 10: People cane from as far away as Albany, New York,
of a state/country when it is used with and Guatemala City, Guatemala, to watch the launch.
the name of the city.
(pg. 495)
Use a comma or pair of commas
23. RULE 12: Kathy Sullivan, too, is a famous person.
to set off too when too means also.
(pg. 495)
Use a comma before and after the year24. RULE 9: The flight began on June 18, 1983, and lasted six days.
when it is used with both the month and (pg. 495)
—DO NOT USE a comma if only
a month and year are given.
Use a comma or pair of commas to set25. RULE 11: Norman E. Thagard, M.D., accompanied Sally Ride on
off an abbreviated title or degree
That memorable mission. (pg. 495)
following a person’s name .
D. Last night Allie dreamed that she saw tigers eat, bears run, and elephants sleep.
Identify the rule that shows WHY the commas are in each of the following sentences?
26. No, you are not allowed to sleep over at Jade’s house tonight.
Use a comma to show a pause after an introductory word or phrase.
27. In the early part of the twentieth century, Bethune opened a girls’ school.
Use a comma after two or more prepositional phrases at the beginning of a sentence.
28. Mr. Fenster, is it true that Bethune was the first African American woman to head a federal agency?
Use a comma or pair of comas to set of names in direct address.
29. For dinner we plan to make macaroni and cheese, hotdogs, and peaches.
Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series.
30. No, I would rather have donuts, cake, and ice cream for dinner.
Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series AND pause after introductory
31. In the middle of the night, I awoke, I believe, very scared.
Use a comma to separate three or more items in a series AND prepositional phrases.
Use the above Comma Rule Guide to insert commas in the following sentences. Be sure to use the
“comma insert” proofreading symbol. Identify which comma rule is represented.
Dear Aunt Millie,
Instead of New York, Boston was our choice.
Hakeem weeded the garden, and his mom picked the vegetables.
Felipe’s first language is Spanish, and Andre speaks French.
Instead of twelve, six players got new uniforms.
Ali was invited to dinner, but he wasn’t feeling well.
Janelle came in first, four seconds ahead of Sonya.
Your friend,
Now it is suppertime, and we’re getting ready to go out.
When I turned forty, seven people wished me a happy birthday!
Would you rather go out to dinner, or would you rather order in?
After eating, Frank Jacob went to the movies.
I love watching animals, eating Italian food, and listening to music. (Also Items in a series)
The Valentines have been sent out, and love is in the air!
Dear Jennifer,
To many, sailors seem to lead an exotic, independent life. (add another comma)
Mary did not feel well this morning, yet she still went to school.
Mrs. Jacobs
The children having already eaten, the adults sat down to a quiet dinner.
If you cook, Rick will do the dishes.
In your own words…
52. What is a pronoun?
A pronoun is a word that takes the place of one or more nouns.
53. What is an antecedent?
An antecedent is a word that the pronoun refers to.
Write the word that best completes each sentence and the pronoun case on each line. Circle the antecedent if there is
our__/Poss There were two red cars involved in the accident on (our, ours, we) street.
54. ours/Possessive
There are many tall trees on our street, but (our, ours, we) is the tallest.
55. our/Possessive
We have many daffodils in (our, ours, we) garden.
56. we/Subject
57. We/Subject
Tonight (our, ours, we) will sing, "America."
(Our, Ours, We) used the magnet to attract the nails.
58. she/Subject
Rachel's pious nature guaranteed that (she, her) would never lie to her parents.
59. she/Subject
Although (she, her) tried to be brave, Lisa let a soft groan escape when the doctor gave her an injection.
60. her/Object
My best friend wants me to stay with (she, her) tonight.
61. Her/Possessive
(She, Her) pink hair looked ridiculous!
62. She/Subject
(She, Her) went to the mall with her companion.
63. I/Subject
(I, Me) need to discard the old clothes.
64. me/Object
At home my mother gives (I, me) etiquette lessons.
65. me/Object
Everybody in my family but (I, me) likes squash.
66. I/Subject
I kept the receipt for the groceries (I, me) bought.
67. me/Object
The story began to puzzle (I, me) when it did not make sense anymore.
68. It’s/Subject
(It, Its, It's) time to switch classes.
69. it’s/Subject
A fig doesn't look tasty, but (it, its, it's) good to eat.
70. it’s/Subject
I've had a lot on my mind lately, so (it, its, it's) been hard to focus on my work.
71. its/Possessive
The tiny little beetle couldn't roll off (it, its, it's) back.
72. its/Possessive
The resort offers daily maid service to (it, its, it's) guests.
73. my/Possessive
The person in the blue car is (my, mine, I, me) mother.
74. I/Subject
(My, Mine, I, Me) am ashamed of myself for being so rude to her.
75. mine/Possessive He is not a good friend, but he is an acquaintance of (my, mine).
76. me/Object
My parents will not allow (my, mine, I, me) to spend the night with Pam.
77. My/Possessive
(My, Mine, I, Me) brother sits on a stool when he plays the piano.
78. us/Object
Our teacher taught (we, us) multiplication this year.
79. We/Subject
(We, Us) purchased bread at the bakery.
80. us/Object
The keeper let (we, us) walk all the way to the top of the lighthouse.
81. We/Subject
(We, Us) were aghast at the amount of food my uncle was able to eat.
82. we/Subject
Please put the label on that folder so (we, us) will know what it contains.
83. his/Possessive
Jack tricked (his, he) little sister on April Fool's Day by telling her that there was a spider on her leg.
84. he/Subject
Bob did not waste his money; (his, he) always made judicious use of his funds.
85. his/Possessive
The police officer showed us (his, he) badge.
86. he/Subject
(His, He) donated the proceeds of the sale of his photographs to charity.
87. he/Subject
He wanted to rob the bank, but (his, he) was afraid that he would get caught.
Complete the chart
Subject Pronouns
Object Pronouns
Possessive Pronouns
88. Read the following sentences and choose the sentence in which the italicized pronoun agrees with its
A. Donna loves to put lots of hot sauce on her food.
B. Jim and I didn't enjoy the movie; they thought it was boring.
C. All of the members of the team give his best performances.
D. A person needs their full amount of sleep to perform well on tests.
89. Which sentence uses the correct pronoun cases?
A. Susie and I went to the movies last night.
B. My mother bought tickets for she and I.
C. Susie and me enjoyed the movie a great deal.
D. Afterwards she and me went to her house.
In your own words…
90. What is the difference between an action verb and a linking verb?
An action verb names an action; Linking verb connects the subject of a sentence with a noun or
91. What is a helping verb? Give three examples.
A helping verb is a verb that helps the main verb tell about an action or make a statement
92. What is a verb phrase?
A verb phrase consists of one or more helping verbs followed by a main verb
Read the following excerpt from I Am a Genius of Unspeakable Evil and I Want to Be Your Class President by
Josh Lieb and then answer the following questions:
(a) He should be staring down at his plate, rethinking his entire youth, realizing just how empty his school-age
accomplishments were, since I can equal them. (b) Or he should be looking at me with admiration. (c) He should be
slapping me on the back, giving me a proud and hearty “Good work, Kid.” (d) Or he should be weeping. (e) Weeping
would be fine.
Sentence (a) has one verb phrase. What is it?
Is the word “should” in sentence (b) an action verb, linking verb, or helping verb?
Sentence (c ) has a helping verb. What is it?
Sentence (d) has a verb phrase? What is it?
should be staring
be or should
should be weeping
Directions: Highlight each verb in the sentence. On the line, write A for action verbs and L for linking verbs.
97. A
Sound waves enter our ears.
98. A
They strike the eardrum.
99. L
Some sounds are too high-pitched to be heard by humans.
The process of hearing is complicated.
Sir Francis Galton invented a whistle to call dogs.
The sound was too high for people to hear.
Dogs heard it clearly.
Signals reach the brain.
My cousin Rita brought us fresh-picked bread.
Loud music gives my mother extreme headaches.
Janelle baked her family double-chocolate brownies.
Louie’s sister made the team a pitcher of lemonade.
Ezra read us the newspaper from Mexico City.
Colleen showed her father her new gymnastics routine.
Camille loaned us her tent.
Read the following passage and answer the question.
In the past, canines have been trained to work as seeing-eye dogs for people who are visually impaired. However,
seeing-eye dogs are no longer the only canine aids for people with disabilities. Dogs are now in use to help people who
are deaf. Hearing-ear dogs are trained to respond to silent hand signals and enable individuals with hearing
impairments to live more independent lives. One of the primary tasks of a hearing-ear dog is to alert the deaf owner to
such sounds as doorbells, smoke alarms, crying babies, alarm clocks, and any unusual sounds at night.
Which of the following details from the passage best supports the opinion that a trained dog could provide
assistance for a deaf person in an emergency situation?
…hearing-ear dog is to alert the deaf owner to such sounds as doorbells, smoke alarms, crying babies,
alarm clocks, and any unusual sounds at night.
Read the following paragraph.
November and December are wonderful months for gardening in Florida. While residents of northern states are more
concerned with preparations for winter, gardeners in Florida can still enjoy weather that will reward their efforts.
Even in winter months, temperatures in parts of Florida are warm enough to grow abundant amounts of flowers and
vegetables. Additionally, plants and gardeners are relatively free from the pesky bug populations that present
problems during the summer. _________________________________________.
Choose the best concluding sentence to fill in the blank.
A. The weather makes November and December impossible for gardeners to grow anything in other parts
of the country.
B. The weather in Florida during the winter months is much better than other parts of the country.
C. Florida's naturally warm weather makes it a gardener's paradise during the winter months.
D. If you're a frustrated gardener, you should really think about moving to Florida.
Read the following paragraph.
My father and grandfather have been working on cars together for nearly twenty-five years. Fixing cars is just part of
our family's history. My grandfather became a mechanic when he graduated from high school and joined the military.
After finishing boot camp, he was assigned to repair tanks and other military service vehicles. His training in the
military allowed him to open up his own repair shop once he came home. Naturally, when my dad was growing up, he
spent most of his weekends and after school hours helping my grandfather work in his shop.
Choose the best concluding sentence to fill in the blank.
A. After Dad graduated from high school, he got his mechanic's certification, and he and my granddad have
been in business ever since.
B. My father never really liked working on cars, but my granddad needed someone's help to keep the shop
C. My family's car repair shop is still one of the most popular places in town to have your car troubles
D. My grandfather says that he'll retire from the family business once I graduate from college and get a job.
Read the following paragraph.
One serious problem facing a number of elderly people is living on a reduced income. When they retire, many older
adults receive a pension from their company or benefits from the government. The amount of their monthly income is
often significantly less than they received when they were fully employed. All of a sudden, retirees find that they can no
longer continue the lifestyle to which they had become accustomed, even if that lifestyle was a modest one. Many find,
after paying their monthly bills, that there is no money left for a movie or dinner out.
Choose the best concluding sentence to fill in the blank.
A. Unfortunately, without some financial help or planning, many elderly adults may have trouble making
ends meet.
B. Younger adults can avoid the struggles of living on a reduced income with better financial planning and
C. Luckily, my parents won't have to face this challenge because their mortgage has been paid off.
D. Many Americans are working well past retirement age simply because they cannot afford to retire.
Read the paragraph below.
Growing a garden is easy. First, you need a fertile piece of land. Next, you should till the soil until it can sift through
your fingers. Then you take the seeds and drop two or three into a small hole and cover the hole with the soil. Your
hands will get dirty from digging. Water the seeds and watch for tiny plants to grow.
Choose the sentence that is irrelevant. (Irrelevant – def. adjective - no connection to, not fitting in,
Your hands will get dirty from digging.
Which of the following information would not be appropriate (Appropriate – def. adjective – belong,
fitting, proper) to use in a research paper?
A. The name of the governor of South Dakota.
B. The nations that border Scotland.
C. What you did last weekend.
D. The nation that rules the Juan Fernandez Islands.
Read the following passage.
1) In December of 2000, professional baseball player, Alex Rodriguez, raised the bar for other professional athletes. 2)
Surprisingly, he didn't do it on the baseball diamond. 3) He didn't do it as a shortstop for playing Major League
baseball. 4) Rodriguez set a new record with his paycheck. 5). Alex Rodriguez made both baseball and sports history
when he signed an astronomical contract with the Texas Rangers. 6). Rodriguez signed a contract worth $252 million
to be paid over ten years. 7) For playing a game, Rodriguez was being paid a quarter of a billion dollars.
Which sentence should begin a new paragraph?
Alex Rodriguez made both baseball and sports history when he signed an astronomical contract with
the Texas Rangers.
Read the following passage.
1) For thousands of years, people have removed minerals from the ground. 2) Minerals do not come from living things
or from the remains of living things. 3) Minerals are solid substances found on or in the ground. 4) A gem is a stone
that can be cut and polished to make jewelry. 5) Most gems are minerals. 6) Diamonds are minerals, and so are brightly
colored gems, such as rubies, sapphires, and emeralds. 7) These four are called precious stones because they are rare
and valuable. 8) They are the most costly gems.
Which sentence should begin a new paragraph?
A gem is a stone that can be cut and polished to make jewelry.
Analyze the following essay outline and identify the organizational pattern.
Issue: Motorized Vehicles
1. Increasing pollution
2. Increasing traffic congestion
3. Traffic accidents and related deaths
Fix: Riding Bicycles
1. Reduces the number of motor vehicles being used
2. Reduces pollution
3. Health benefits
Which of the following organizational patterns best describes this essay outline?
A. cause-effect pattern
B. advantage-disadvantage pattern
C. chronological pattern
D. problem-solution pattern
Which of the following statements is not true when organizing information in an essay?
A. Always include an introduction and conclusion.
B. Divide information into one-sentence paragraphs.
C. Begin sentences with capital letter.
D. Use transition words.
Read the following passage.
The sound of the traffic on the highway outside my hotel was unbelievably loud. In fact, it kept me up all night. The
high-pitched sound of police sirens never stopped. Once, I heard squealing tires and then a crash. I looked out the
window and saw that two cars had been involved in a wreck.
Among the sentences below, choose one that adds the best detail to the following paragraph.
A. The big trucks going by sounded like planes taking off.
B. There was also a lot of noise in the hall outside my hotel room door.
C. The people in the room above us played loud music all night long.
D. My room at home sounded nothing like this.
Read the following passage.
It is important to create a shopping list before going to the grocery store. First, you should check your pantry for
needed items. Next, you should look in the newspaper for sales on items you need prior to shopping. After locating
your items and deciding where you will buy them, create your list of items and places to go. Additionally, you should
note the sales price of certain items in case you forget them while shopping. Finally, you should create a column to
check off items after you place them in your basket. Completing each of these steps will help you purchase all of the
necessary items and save time during your next trip to the store.
Write the best transition word to complete the paragraph above.
Paragraphs should be written in a manner that is both readable and understandable. When a passage includes a
sentence that has little connection to the theme or interrupts the flow of the paragraph, then the sentence is
Read the following paragraph.
(1) People are much more annoying than animals. (2) Many people think of their pets as part of the family.
(3) I consider my dog Carlo to be one of my closest friends. (4) He's been a part of my family since I was five- yearsold, and it really seems like we do just about everything together. (5) We love to spend the weekend hiking in the
woods. (6) During the summer, we spend almost every day swimming together at the lake. (7) He is just an enjoyable
companion to have around. (8) With a special dog like Carlo, it is easy to understand why many people
treat their pets like family.
Write the sentence that is irrelevant (meaning: no connection to, not fitting in) to the paragraph's
theme or flow.
People are much more annoying than animals.
Read the following paragraph.
Anna dashed into the house headed for the basement. (1) She had spotted the funnel cloud on her way home from
school. (2) As the sky turned darker, she remembered all of the safety drills she had practiced with her family. (3) She
wondered if her friend, Charles, had made it home from school; he was afraid of the dark. (4) She was not frantic
because her parents had trained her on the proper procedures in case of a tornado.
Write the sentence in the passage that is irrelevant.
She wondered if her friend, Charles, had made it home from school; he was afraid of the dark.
Use Credible Sources
To figure out if a source you are using for research is credible, which question is most important?
A. Is the source a book, a periodical, or a website?
B. How long is the book or article?
C. Is the author respected in his or her field?
D. How much information will the source provide?
127. To find out if animals are really able to communicate with humans, the best source of information
would be __________.
A. an article written by an expert in animal behavior
B. an interview with someone who claims to understand animal speech
C. a front-page article in a tabloid newspaper
D. a film that depicts animals and humans talking with each other
128. Which person would be the most reliable source for information when you are writing the essay
"Dinosaurs, How They Lived"?
A. a person who has a web site
B. a scientist who studies fossils
C. an 8th grade science teacher
D. a scientist who studies space
129. Imagine you are writing a paper about the life of the current U.S. president. Which source would be
least likely to contain credible information?
A. a recently published biography
B. an article in a national news magazine
C. a page on the official White House website
D. an article by a political activist
Write Arguments & Support Claims
Read the following passage speech and then answer the question.
George Graham Vest Speech - Tribute to Dogs (adapted)
(c. 1855) after winning a case against a man who killed a dog
Gentlemen of the Jury: The best friend a man has in the world may turn against him and become his enemy. His
son or daughter whom he has raised with loving care may prove ungrateful. Those who are nearest and dearest
to us, those whom we trust with our happiness and our good name may become traitors to their faith. The
money that a man has, he may lose. It flies away from him, perhaps when he needs it most. A man's reputation
may be ruined in a moment of poor decision. The people, who are prone to fall on their knees to honor us when
success is with us, may be the first to throw the stone of hatred when failure settles its cloud upon our heads.
The one truly unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one
that never proves ungrateful or false is his dog. A man's dog stands by him in prosperity and in poverty, in
health and in sickness. He will sleep on the cold ground, where the wintry winds blow and the snow falls, if
only he may be near his master's side. He will kiss the hand that has no food to offer. He will lick the wounds
and sores that result from dealing with the harsh world. He guards the sleep of his poor master as if he were a
prince. A dog will stay even when a man loses all of his other friends. A dog will stay true even when a man
loses his money, and his reputation falls to pieces. A dog is as true in his love as the sun in its journey through
the sky.
If, in bad luck, the master lost his friends and home, the faithful dog asks no higher privilege than that of
keeping him company, to guard him against danger, or to fight against his enemies. And when a man faces the
last scene and death comes, and his body is placed in the cold ground a dog will remain true. No matter if all
other friends pursue their way, there by the graveside will the noble dog be found, his head between his paws,
his eyes sad, but open in alert watchfulness, faithful and true even in death.
In the speech, "Tribute to Dogs," George Graham Vest argues that dogs should be held in high regard because
they truly are "man's best friend" because they will never leave their masters.
Identify and write the sentence that is the claim?
The one truly unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts
him, the one that never proves ungrateful or false is his dog.
Read the following paragraph and choose the supporting sentence that best fits the context or flow of the
131. Despite the dislike that most people feel toward cockroaches, they do help humans in several ways. For
example, they are commonly used in scientific experiments and research. In studies on nutrition and food
digestion, cockroaches are helpful because they will eat almost any kind of food. Cockroaches have been
used in studies on heart disease, and they are even being used in cancer research because they grow
cancerous tumors like those found in humans.
A. Breeding cockroaches for research is easy because they thrive in any condition.
B. The survival skills of cockroaches have helped them survive for millions of years.
C. Cockroaches have feelers that are sensitive enough to detect change in air currents.
D. Cockroaches are being used in scientific research that might help save human lives.
The claim of an argument is:
The position being argued; the thesis statement
The counterclaim of an argument is:
The opposing side of the argument
Convey Information Clearly
Consider the scenario and answer the following question.
John is writing a paper about the Civil War in his American History class. He has decided to focus his paper on
the important battles of the war. For the conclusion of the paper, John wants to discuss the Confederate's
surrender at Appomattox Court House. John has all of the details for the paragraph, but the details need to be
rearranged to improve the "focus" of the paragraph.
134. Read the details from John's paragraph and then rearrange the details to improve the paragraph's
(1) The Union troops defeated the Confederates at Petersburg then marched to Richmond.
(2) The Confederate Army surrendered at a ceremony at Appomattox Court House, thus ending the
Civil War.
(3) The Confederate soldiers were forced to evacuate Richmond.
(4) Union troops chased the evacuating soldiers and captured them.
(5)Surrounded and outnumbered, Lee's Confederate army was forced to surrender Richmond.
A. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
B. 1, 3, 4, 5, 2
C. 1, 5, 3, 4, 2
D. 1, 3, 5, 4, 2
We used to play baseball, Marty and I. We would go to the old ball field across town in the morning and stay
until the sun went to bed. Then Marty moved away. He said he would visit, but he never did. I got a few letters
every now and then, but it wasn't the same. As the years went by, I still thought about our days at the field. I
was the pitcher; he was the batter. Sometimes he hit a homerun, and sometimes I would strike him out. How I
wished for those days again. Then I got a phone call. Marty was coming back! We picked up right where we left
off. He was at the plate, and I was on the mound. Just like it used to be.
What would be the best title for this writing?
Answers may vary
Capitalization/ Punctuation
For dinner tonight we are having spaghetti with tomato sauce which is one of my favorites.
Which choice gives the sentence above the correct punctuation?
A. For dinner tonight, we are having: spaghetti with tomato sauce which is one of my favorites.
B. For dinner tonight, we are having spaghetti with tomato sauce, which is one of my favorites.
C. For dinner tonight, we are having spaghetti with tomato sauce; which is one of my favorites.
D. For dinner, tonight we are having spaghetti, with tomato sauce which is one of my favorites.
Since last friday, she has been studying for tuesday's spanish test.
Which words need to be capitalized?
A. Since and Spanish
B. Since, Friday, and Tuesday's
C. Since
D. Since, Friday, Tuesday's, Spanish
Which of the following is NOT a rule of capitalization?
A. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in a sentence.
B. Capitalize cardinal directions; north, south, east, and west.
C. Capitalize the first letter of the first word in the beginning of a quote.
D. Capitalize the first word in a salutation (greeting) of a letter.
Which of the following is NOT a rule of capitalization?
Capitalize seasons; winter, spring, summer, and fall.
Capitalize names of people and the initials that stand for their name.
Capitalize a title or an abbreviation of a title before a person’s name.
Capitalize the names and abbreviations of degrees that follow a person’s name.
Which of the following is NOT a rule of capitalization?
A. Capitalize the pronoun I.
B. Capitalize names of cities, states, countries, and continents.
C. Capitalize names of non-specific places.
D. Capitalize bodies of water and other geographical features.
Which of the following is NOT a rule of capitalization?
A. Capitalize names of clubs, organizations, businesses, institutions, and political parties.
B. Capitalize names of days of the week, months, holidays.
C. Capitalize the names of non-specific subjects such as, reading, science, and math
D. Capitalize names of ethnic groups, nationalities, and languages.
Choose the sentence in which capital letters are used correctly.
We hoped that the President would answer Our Letters.
we hoped that the president would answer our letters.
We hoped that The President would answer our letters.
We hoped that the President would answer our letters.
Choose the sentence in which capital letters are used correctly.
A. The Delaware River separates Pennsylvania and New jersey.
B. The Delaware River separates Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
C. The Delaware river separates Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
D. The delaware river separates Pennsylvania and New jersey.
Choose the sentence in which capital letters are used correctly.
A. Did you know that their group is going to visit the White House?
B. Did you know that their Group is going to visit the White House?
C. Did you know that their group is going to visit the White house?
D. Did you know that their group is going to visit the white house?
Choose the sentence in which capital letters are used correctly.
A. Mr. and Mrs. Bagans think the Moravia is a fine Ship.
B. Mr. and Mrs. Bagans think the moravia is a fine ship.
C. Mr. and Mrs. Bagans think the Moravia is a fine ship.
D. Mr. and mrs. bagans think the moravia is a fine ship.
Choose the sentence in which capital letters are used correctly.
A. This year, Mrs. Thomann will paddle down the Amazon river on a raft.
B. This year, Mrs. Thomann will paddle down the amazon river on a raft.
C. This year, Mrs. Thomann will paddle down the Amazon River on a raft.
D. This Year, Mrs. Thomann will paddle down the Amazon River on a raft.
Directions: Select the word or words that are capitalized correctly.
A. a Summer picnic
C. a summer picnic
B. a Summer Picnic
D. A summer picnic
Directions: Select the word or words that are capitalized correctly.
A. the Philadelphia Phillies
C. the Philadelphia phillies
B. the philadelphia phillies
D. The Philadelphia Phillies
Directions: Select the word or words that are capitalized correctly.
A. an italian poet
C. an Italian Poet
B. an Italian poet
D. an italian poet
Directions: Select the word or words that are capitalized correctly.
A. 17 Thomas oaks dr., New York City, NY
B. 17 Thomas Oaks Dr., New York city, NY
C. 17 thomas aaks dr., New York City, ny
D. 17 Thomas Oaks Dr., New York City, NY
Which is capitalized incorrectly?
A. Madison School
B. Valentine’s day
Capitalization Rule:
C. Seventeen magazine
D. New York Times newspaper
Capitalize the first and last words of the titles of literary works.
Capitalize all other words except articles, coordinating conjunctions, and
prepositional of fewer than five letters.
(pg. 479)
Which is capitalized incorrectly?
A. stories from Africa
B. tsunami in Japan
Capitalization Rule:
C. World War I
D. History I
Capitalize all of the important words in the names of important
historical events, periods of time, and documents.
(pg. 479)
Which is capitalized incorrectly?
A. Julie Of The Wolves
C. Popular Mechanics magazine
Capitalization Rule:
Capitalize the names of days of the week, months of the year, and
holidays. Do not capitalize names of seasons.
(pg. 479)
Which is capitalized incorrectly?
A. world war I
B. history
Capitalization Rule:
C. December
D. Statue of Liberty
C. London Tower in England
D. airplane flights to germany
Capitalize the names of cities, counties, states, countries, and continents.
(pg. 477)