Snakes External Anatomy no limbs nostrils no external ears no eyelids scales - of various size depending on body location (for ID - "keeled" or not keeled) anal shield - denotes boundary of trunk & tail (for ID - anal plate divided or not) Internal Anatomy only one lung no urinary bladder many vertebrae/ribs no sternum (breastbone) very linear digestive tract Snakes exhibit the concept of "Reduction" they have lost several anatomical features typical to other vertebrates: no ears no urinary bladder no limbs no left lung no sternum Senses vision - poor hearing - poor smell - excellent forked tongue - Jacobson's organs (roof of mouth) heat - some snakes can detect body heat = "Pit Vipers" they have pits or holes around mouth that sense IR (body heat) (warm blooded prey) Killing their food: (all snakes are carnivorous) 1. catch & swallow (garter snake, hognose) 2. squeeze to death "asphyxiate" the constrictors (boas, pythons, kingsnakes) 3. poison & swallow (rattlesnake, cobra) Poisonous Snakes: cobras, coral snake, sea snakes ……. types of venom: neurotoxin hemotoxin snake bite? antivenom shot Illinois' Poisonous snakes: Water Moccasin (Cottonmouth) Copperhead Timber Rattlesnake Pygmy Rattlesnake (swamp rattler or massasagua) Cottonmouth Timber Rattlesnake Copperhead Practice Quiz: Snakes Skull Adaptations - snakes have a very movable or "Kinetic" jaw jaw bones unhinge and drop front ligament - R/L halves thrust forward independently teeth slant backwards Birthing Oviparous - lay eggs (most snakes) Ovoviviparous - retain eggs in body - attached to yolk sac Viviparous - live birth Largest Snake ever officially recorded: an Anaconda, captured & measured in 1944 South America - Orinoco River 37 1/2 feet! estimated to weigh nearly 600 pounds! Illinois Non-Venomous Snakes Garter Snake DeKay’s Brown Snake Northern Water Snake Black Rat Snake Prairie King Snake Western Hognose Snake Practice Quiz – Ill. Non Venomous Snakes