AP Govt - TWHSSturges

Journal 8/15
“In framing a government which is to be administered by
men over men you must first enable the government to
control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to
control itself.”
-James Madison Federalist 51
Turn this quote into a question…and then answer
Journal 8/19
The colonies were unitary. The next step were the
articles of confederation. The United States has
finally landed on federal.
Your task is to explain the meaning of the
italicized words using context clues and your
knowledge of US history. In order to fill in any
mental gaps you may ask me yes or no questions
for 5 minutes…
• 1: Unitary…
• 2: Confederation…
• 3: Federal…
▫ Direct Democracy:
▫ Republic:
• Open to appendix page 3 in your book.
• Read the Articles of Confederation. Answer the
following discussion questions:
1) What sounds familiar in this document; in other
words, what was adopted from the AofC into the
2) Are there some important rights/powers of the
central gov’t that seem to be missing in this
3) What issues seem to be important to the
writers/signers of this document?
4) What surprises you?
• Open to appendix page 3 in your book.
• With your group write down the express powers
of the central government under the Articles of
• Read the excerpt from Howerd Zinn’s A People’s
History…about the rebellion in Mass.
▫ Who was rebelling and why?
▫ How did this rebellion reflect the weaknesses in
the AofCs?
Journal 8/22
So Shays’ Rebellion taught us one thing…You were
lucky enough to be selected a delegate from your
state to the Constitutional Convention. On the
way to Philadelphia you are attempting to
organize your ideas about the new government.
First you have to anticipate some of the
arguments that will arise about the structure of
the new constitution; what are they? Which will
be the most important?
Why Bother?
• Fear
▫ Federalism is a compromise
▫ The Constitution, not the central gov’t would reign
• Unity
▫ Confederalism is a lack of unity
▫ Unitary is TOO MUCH
• “…A republic if you can keep it”
The Problem With Feds Is…
• Federalism requires all people to accept the
dominance of one document
▫ Difficult in diverse areas…
Former USSR
• Nation-Centered Federalism
• State-Centered Federalism
• Dual Federalism
Where is Federalism in the
• Federalism:
▫ 10th Amendment _________and _______
▫ Checks and Balances (Arts 1-3)
• Not-so-Federalism?
▫ Necessary and Proper Clause (1.8)
▫ Supremacy Clause (6.1)
Journal 8/29
A Utah congressman once asked: “who is the
sovereign, the state or the federal government?”
How would you answer this question? Think
about the 9th and 10th Amendments, the
Supremacy Clause (6.2), the necessary and
proper clause (1.8), etc…
Journal 9/5
Turn to page 51 of your book. What are “negative
powers”? Identify and explain at least one for
each branch…
In-Depth Pictions
For each term create an In-Depth Piction:
• Categorical Grant
• Block Grant
• Unfunded Mandate
For each I-DP you will:
1) Write the term (duh)
2) Provide a description
3) Relate it to something else (in this case a form of federalism)
4) Provide an example
Dual Federalism, Cooperative Federalism,
5) Draw a picture
Picket-Fence Federalism, Coercive
Federalism, Competitive Federalism
Journal 9/10
Turn to page 171. Look at the table shown there (ON
PAGE 171 TYLER JOHNSON). Make some
generalizations about the data:
▫ What is this measuring?
▫ What label would you place on the column on the far
▫ What would you place across the top?
What’s Political Socialization? What
are agents of political socialization?
Rank the following in order of the most influential
to the least influential agent of political
• Peers
• Family
• School
• Media
• Political leaders
• Group Identity
• Communities
Who are liberals/conservatives?
War is ALWAYS the answer
War is NEVER the answer
The Gov’t should provide
The Gov’t should provide
ANY regulation of firearms is
All FIREARMS are illegal
This country should have a
national religion
This country should outlaw
The gov’t should not regulate
The gov’t should regulate
The border should be closed to
There should be NO regulation or
process for obtaining citizenship
Sex education should NEVER be
taught to ANYONE, EVER!
Sex education should be taught
Liberals are all COMMUNISTS!!
Conservatives are all FASCISTS!!
Political Spectrum
• What’s that…?
▫ Conservatism
 Small gov’t on economic matters
 Large gov’t on moral matters
▫ Liberalism
 Large gov’t on economic (social) matters
 Small gov’t on moral matters
▫ Libertarianism
 Gov’t is ALWAYS small
• So what does it look like…?
Political Spectrum
Read 167-174
• Read about the various agents of political
• For each describe the agent and how it/they
shape the ideas of Americans.
• Reflect on your own political ideas. How has
each of these agents influenced your opinions?
Which has had the most influence?
Key Terms
• Political Culture –
Widely or commonly held beliefs/attitudes within a
• Political Ideology –
A set of principles that provides guidance on the
proper behavior of government.
• Efficacy –
citizen’s belief in their ability to impact government.
• Legitimacycitizen’s belief that the government has the right to
• Individualism/limited government/American
dream –
the individual is responsible for finding prosperity.