
Caty Brown
First Agricultural Revolution- Neolithic Revolution
Saw the human development of seed agriculture and
the use of animals in farming.
12000 years ago
Replaced nomadic hunting-and-gathering life.
Second Agricultural RevolutionFarming developed into feudal village structures
Open lot system- where a large plot of community
farmland that all the villagers worked to produce a
crop to eat.
Enclosure movement- gave individuals farmers their
own plots of farmlands their own plots of land,
making a major shift in agriculture.
Agricultural Revolutions
Agriculture- the deliberate cultivation of
plants and animals for subsistent or
economic gain.
◦ It originated when humans began
domesticating both plants and animals
Subsistent Agriculture- the production of
food primarily for consumption by the
◦ Found in LDC’s
Commercial Agriculture- Production of
food primarily for sale.
◦ Found in MDC’s
Vegetative Planting- Growing plants by
cutting the roots off the parent plant
◦ Direct cloning
Seed Agriculture- Farming through
planting seeds.
◦ Practiced by most farmers today
Types of Agriculture
Carl Saucer’s theory of a vegetative
hearth argues that the vegetative farming
knowledge first originated in Southeast
 It then diffused north and east to China
and Japan, and west to southwest Asia
and the Mediterranean region.
 Other hearths were believed to have
emerged through independent innovation
in South America and Africa.
Agricultural Hearths
Shifting Cultivation- is an agricultural
system in which plots of land are
cultivated temporarily, then abandoned
and allowed to revert to their natural
vegetation while the cultivator moves on
to another plot.
 Slash and Burn Method- Clearing land by
slashing vegetation by burning it.
Shifting Cultivation
Pastoral nomads- are a form of
subsistence agriculture based on the
herding of domesticated animals. The
word pastoral refers to sheep herding. It
exists in dry climates where planting is
impossible, primarily in the arid lands of
North Africa, the Middle East, and Central
Pastoral Nomads
Intensive agriculture is the primary
subsistence pattern of large-scale,
populous societies. It results in much
more food being produced per acre
compared to other subsistence patterns
 Found in Asia.
Intensive Subsistence
Large Farm that specializes in commercial
Crops: Cotton, bananas, coffee,
sugarcane, rubber, tobacco, cocoa, tea,
palm oil, ect…
Usually found in LDC’s but owned by MDC’s.
Plantation Farming
Can be divided into six main types
 Mixed(crops and livestock)
 Dairy, grain farming
 Livestock ranching
 Mediterranean agriculture
 Gardening and fruit culture
Each type is specific to a certain area
depending on the climate.
Agricultural Regions in MDC’s
Shows how the distance from
a City affects the choice of
agriculture activity due to the
price of land, price of
transportation and how
perishable the item is.
Von Thünen’s Model of Agriculture
First Zone- Market Gardening Activities
Second Zone- Dairy Farming
Third Zone- Livestock
◦ Needs to grown close to market
◦ Needs to minimized the cost to offset the expense
of grown.
◦ Must also be close to market area
◦ Needs to be close to the market to minimize the
cost of transportation
◦ Deliberate adding of weight to animals to increase
sale price
◦ Transportation costs are high due to weight.
Von Thünen's Model of Agriculture
The Fourth Zone- Commercial Grain
◦ Transfer Process from ground to market can be
done quickly
◦ No real manual labor
Fifth Zone- Livestock Ranching
◦ Uses the most land than any of the models
◦ Transportations occurs sporadically throughout
the year
Von Thünen's Model of Agriculture
◦ Link of links!! (linkception)
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