ALL THE THINGS YOU WANTED TO KNOW ABOUT 5TH AND 6TH GRADE HEALTH BUT WERE AFRAID TO ASK Presented By Andy Faulkner and Mike Solheim Mr. Solheim and Mr. Faulkner’s Families AGENDA 1. Grading for Health 2. 5th grade: Syllabus 3. 5th grade: First Aid 4. 5th grade: Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness 5. 5th grade: Growing Up and Changes 6. 6th grade: Syllabus 7. 6th grade: Nutrition 8. 6th grade: Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness 9. 6th grade: Growing Up and Changes 10. Question and Answer Grading for Health Grading • We grade the same as the rest of RCI. • We use Outcomes and Study Skills to evaluate the students. • Homework and Tests are graded using the “P,B,N” system. (proficient, basic and not yet) Grading Outcomes in Health Class Outcomes • • • • • • • Graded on a scale of 1-5. 1=The student is unable to show understanding of the outcome. 2=The student demonstrates some understanding of the outcome but has not achieved a level adequate to pass. 3=The student demonstrates an understanding of the outcome by passing the test at the set level of proficiency, however long term retention may not be verifiable. 4=The student demonstrates an understanding of the outcome at the established proficiency level. 5=The student demonstrates an understanding of the outcome beyond the established proficiency level. 9=Instruction on this outcome is “in progress,” and no formal assessments have been administered at this time. Grading in Health Study Skills • • • • • • • • • Graded on a scale of 1-3 (3 outstanding, 2 is most of the time and 1 is seldom or never). However, on the report cards, it will show as a P,B or N. Examples of study skills include: Stays on task Produces quality work Completes assignments on time Organizes work Works independently Shows respect Follows classroom rules Cooperates 5TH Grade Syllabus • Health is a 1 quarter or 9 week class. 5th grade is divided into 3 units; • First Aid • Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness • Human Growth and Development. • The quarter approximately breaks down as follows. • 2 days of getting to know the students • 8 days first aid • 17 days AODA • 13 days HG&D First Aid 5TH Grade • In the first aid unit 5th graders learn basic first aid techniques to deal with the following situations • • • • • • • Accidents and Prevention First on the scene and 9-1-1 Poisoning Choking Burns Bites and Stings Bleeding AODA 5TH Grade • In the AODA unit 5th graders learn: • • • • • • • • • Decision making skill The prevalence of drug use Ways to make friends Ways to have fun, and stay safe and healthy The affects of the following drugs on the body: Tobacco, Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine and Inhalants How to deal with Peer Pressure and ways to refuse How to deal with stress in a positive way How to deal with others who have addiction problems Who to talk to if you have a problem GROWING UP and CHANGES 5TH Grade • • • • • • • • • • Families Values Media Self- esteem Hygiene Puberty and Changes Reproductive parts Menstruation Gender roles Orientation Families • Lesson Objective: Students will learn the importance of family, what family means, and that there is not a set style of family. • Parts of the lesson: Look at the different family structures within the class. Work as a group to accomplish a difficult task. Discuss the findings of the activity. Values • Lesson objective: Discuss what values are, where they come from, and that parents are the most important source of values. • Parts of the lesson: – Look at what values are, and discuss 6 basic societal values and the range that people have in their belief about what is right or wrong. ( honesty, equality, promise keeping, respect, responsibility, and social justice). – Discuss where ideas about values come from and the validity of the information. Media • Lessons objective: The students will evaluate the information, and messages within commercials across a variety of mediums. • Parts of the lesson: – Students research in groups, four media venues. (2 web pages, TV, magazines) They present their findings to the class. Self-Esteem • Lesson Objective: The student will review the growth and accomplishment they have made from birth to present. • Parts of the lesson: Using a worksheet, students write down the changes and accomplishments they have achieved. Puberty and Body Changes • Lesson Objective: Examine the physical changes that occur during adolescence • Parts of the lesson: – Discuss what’s, when’s and why’s of adolescence. – Video that looks at the changes through adolescence. – Worksheet on male and female changes that are different or the same. Hygiene (Boys and girls separate) • Lesson Objective: Explain healthy hygiene habits needed due to changes during adolescence. • Parts of the lesson: Review body changes, complete a chart of healthy hygiene habits. Reproductive Parts (Boys and girls separate) • Lesson Objective: Identify which reproductive parts are male and which are female. • Parts of the lesson: – Review of changes – Video on changes and parts. – Matching worksheet (male parts to male picture, female parts to female picture). Menstruation (Boys and girls separate) • Lesson Objective: Explain the cycle of menstruation. • Parts of the lesson: – Explain the path of the egg cell. – Discuss why it is not okay to make fun of menstruation. Gender Roles • Lesson Objective: Define and discuss the terms stereotype, gender role, and gender beliefs. • Parts of the lesson: – Examine class gender beliefs through magazine ads. – Define terms – Homework showing empathy toward the opposite gender. Sexual orientation • Lesson Objective: Define the terms: sexual orientation, gay, lesbian, straight, homosexual, heterosexual, homophobia, and heterophobia; and discuss why using the terms incorrectly is not okay. • Parts of the lesson: – Tell the students that we are not going to discuss our beliefs about right or wrong, we are only going to discuss what the terms mean and how people can be hurt by using these terms incorrectly. – Define the terms. – Read a story that shows how people are hurt when someone uses terms in a hurtful manner. Homework/Tests in 6th grade Homework • We try to keep homework to a minimum. We sometimes ask students to discuss ideas at home with you. We want you to be the primary people your child discusses Health concepts with. • Most of the time homework is done in class. • If there is an outside of class assignment, we check when the assignment is due and who completed it. This is our way of checking on “Study Skills” during the quarter. • Tests • There are 3 major tests in class: • 1=Nutrition • 2=AODA • 3=Human Growth and Development 6th Grade Syllabus • 6th grade Health is a nine week class. We meet everyday. • There are 3 units: Nutrition, Alcohol and Other Drug Awareness (AODA), and Human Growth and Development (HGD). • Introduction/get to know the kids takes about 2-3 days. • Nutrition lasts about 8 days. • AODA lasts about 17 days. • Human Growth and Development lasts about 12 days (we do this unit last). 6th grade Nutrition • • • • • • • • • Lessons Food Guide Pyramid- How it is different now and how to read it. (lessons on how to create goals and tips about food) Reading Food Labels Super Size Me Lesson- How Friends may influence our food choices Super Size Me Lesson- How media and TV can influence our choice to eat at McDonald’s and other fast food places. Portion Sizes Eating Disorders (2 days) Review Game- Jeopardy type questions game Test (20 questions) 0-4 wrong=P, 5-7 wrong=B, 8 or more wrong =N (corrections need to be made). 6th Grade AODA Lessons • • • • • • • • • • • • Introduction day- Use latest DPI stats. Tobacco (2 days)-tobacco and chewing dangers. Alcohol (2 days)- dangers Advertising- How media affects our choices to buy tobacco or alcohol. Refusal Skill- How to say no to your friend and keep them as a friend. Steroids- Dangers Addiction- Dangers Peer Pressure Experiment Inside/Outside- Looking at how judging people is sometimes wrong. Living With an Alcoholic- Ways to keep yourself Healthy. Marijuana- dangers Review games 6th grade Human Growth and Development • • • • • • • • • • • Lessons Body Image Values Decision Making Communication Self-Esteem Cost of raising You Stereotyping Reproductive Systems- National Geographic Transmission Impossible- STI’s (sexually transmitted infections) Staying Safe from Sexual AbuseBody Jeopardy Review Game- fun way to review for test. 6th grade HGD Body Image • Lesson Objective: • Students will define body image and create suggestions for improving and maintaining one’s body image during puberty. • We look at a website in class,, that helps students see what media does to make models/people look the way they do in magazines. 6th grade HGD Values • Lesson Objective: • To play a pretend game/auction to demonstrate where our goals and values may be. During puberty years, values may change or be experimented with. These changing values can be a significant factor in the goals we keep and the ones we change. 6th grade HGD Decision Making • Lesson Objective: • Students will play 2 games to demonstrate that what kind of information you get helps us make informed decisions. Students interact with each other to help arrive at a decision. 6th grade HGD Communication • Lesson Objective: • Students will learn the different styles of communication (verbal, non-verbal, active and passive). They will again play a series of interactive games to demonstrate how we communicate with each other can help or hurt relationships. 6th grade HGD Self-Esteem • Lesson Objective: • Students will define self-esteem (how we feel about ourselves). They will then interact in a relay race that demonstrates how negative comments can weigh us down after time. We write negative comments on little pieces of paper and progressively add them so the students have to carry them in a relay race. • Students will then define terms (sexual orientation, gay) 6th grade HGD Cost of Raising You • Lesson Objective: • The students will compute the financial responsibilities of raising a child. Understanding the realities of parenthood is a strategy for pregnancy prevention as well as a good way to help students appreciate the tasks their parents face. 6th grade HGD Stereotyping • Lesson Objective: • Students will learn that making decisions or forming opinions without sufficient information will lead to poor decisions and unfair judgments about people. • We will play a guessing game with different rounds. Each round the students get to increase the amount of knowledge they get about the object they are trying to guess. • We will define terms: Stereotype, gender role, and sexism. 6th grade HGD Reproductive System Parts • Lesson Objective: • Students will view a video from National Geographic on the reproductive system. They will label the parts on charts. 6th grade HGD • • • • • Transmission Impossible Lesson Objectives: Students will participate in a trading card game that illustrates the spread of Sexually transmitted disease (STD) from one infected person to another. It also illustrates how abstinent behavior eliminates the risk of contracting an STD. Students will also view a DVD that explains what HIV/AIDS is and how it works in the body. They will learn how to protect themselves in later lessons. Terms will be defined: abstinence, contraception, oral sex, and sexual intercourse. Pregnancy options will be presented as well: child rearing, adoption, and abortion. 6th grade HGD Staying Safe From Sexual Abuse • Lesson Objective: • Students will demonstrate their understanding of sexual abuse and the use of assertive communication in potentially threatening situations. Students will read a short skit that will generate a discussion about sexual harassment. • Students will learn 5 ways to stay safe: – – – – – Listen to your “uh-oh” feeling Say “NO!” Run Away Tell a trusted adult Go to a safe place 6th grade HGD Body Jeopardy review game • Lesson Objective: • This is a review game that the students generally like. It helps them discuss the correct terms for parts of the female and male reproductive systems. It is a game which asks the students to become more comfortable saying parts of the body out loud and in a fun and appropriate way.