Practice Test2

Practice Test #3
1. In an experiment the psychologists were using the “nose dot” test. This is a tst
designed to measure
A. differences in level of aggression
B. creative abilities in children
C. sensitivity to different smells
D. the acquisition of self-awareness
2. A child has just passed the “nose dot” test. You can reasonably infer that he
A. is not finished acquiring a sense of self
B. can think of himself as existing in the past, present, and future
C. does not have a sense of self-awareness
D. must be an advanced child
3. Jet-Lag occurs as a result of
A. flying on airplanes
B. the altitudes that modern airplanes must fly at in order to work effectively
C. the discrepancy between one’s biological and environmental clocks
D. short-distance travel
4. In 1937 sleep researchers began using
A. electroencephalograms
B. experience-sampling
C. hypnosis
D. think-aloud protocols
5. Your brain waves have slowed to about 1 or 2 cycles per second, and your breathing
and heart rate have decreased. You are in _____ sleep.
A. Stage 1
B. Stage 2
C. Stage 3 or 4
D. Paradoxical
6. People have about ______ periods of REM sleep each night, and these periods
_____ in length with each sleep cycle.
A. Four to six; decreases
B. Four to six; increases
C. Ten; decreases
D. Ten; increases
7. Most of a person’s sleep time is spent
A. Dreaming
B. In REM sleep
C. In paradoxical sleep
D. In NREM sleep
8. Researchers who have looked at changes with age in total amounts of daily REM
sleep and NREM sleep have found that
A. The amount of REM sleep increases considerably over the years.
B. NREM diminishes more sharply than REM sleep over the years
C. The amount of REM sleep decreases considerably over the years
D. REM sleep remains fairly constant over the years but NREM increases slightly.
9. A person who rarely falls asleep quickly, is frequently aroused during sleep, and
wakens too early in the morning. This is what kind of sleep problem?
A. Insomnia
B. Narcolepsy
C. Sleep apnea
D. Nightmares
10. You would probably be most concerned if you were being taught by a person who
has the sleep disorder called
A. Insomnia
B. Narcolepsy
C. Sleep apnea
D. Subjective insomnia
11. The classic book The Interpretation of Dream was written by
A. William Domhoff
B. J. Allan Hobson
C. Barbara Tedlock
D. Sigmund Freud
12. The process of hypnotic induction
A. Encourages participants to fall asleep
B. Involves the use of anesthesia
C. Distracts participants so they do not realize that they are being hypnotized
D. Minimizes external distractions and encourages concentration
13. Increasing the dosage of drug to achieve the same effects is called?
A. Withdrawal symptoms
B. Psychological dependence
C. Tolerance
D. Intolerance
14. Sleep deprivation has been shown to:
A. increase attentiveness to highly motivating tasks
B. produce long-term emotional instability
C. diminish immunity to disease
D. do all of the above
15. When human research participants are deprived of the time, their circadian rhythms:
A. follow a 23-hour cycle
B. follow a 24-hour cycle
C. follow a 25-hour cycle
D. lose all synchronicity with any time schedule
16. Research indicates that alcohol:
A. impairs recall of what has just been said
B. disrupts the processing of recent experiences into long-term memories.
C. Impairs recall of long-term memories
D. Does all the above
17. The disorder involving uncontrollable attacks of overwhelming sleepiness is known
A. Aphasia
B. Insomnia
C. Sleep apnea
D. Narcolepsy
18. According to Freud, people dream in order to:
A. give expression to personally threatening feelings and desires
B. prepare themselves for the challenges of the following day
C. strengthen their memories of the preceding day’s events
D. do all the above
19. The theory that dreams result from bursts of neural activity that spread upward from
the brainstem helps to explain why:
A. Dreams often involve sudden and surprising changes in scene
B. Birds and fish experience REM sleep
C. Most dreams are pleasant and unrelated to daily life events
D. People spend progressively more of their sleep time in REM sleep as they grow older
20. The need to take larger and larger doses of a drug in order to experience its effects
is an indication of:
A. Withdrawal
B. Dissociation
C. Resistance
D. Tolerance
21. Circadian rhythm refers to:
A. The pattern of emotional ups and downs we routinely experience.
B. A pattern of biological functioning that occurs on a roughly 24-hour cycle.
C. The experience of jet lag following an extensive transoceanic flight
D. The cycle of five distinct stages that we experience during a normal night’s sleep
22. Insomnia is a disorder involving:
A. the excessive use of sleeping pills or other drugs that induce sleep.
B. Recurring difficulty in falling or staying asleep.
C. The cessation of breathing during sleep
D. The inability of sleep following occasional periods of emotional stress or excitement.
23. A temporary state of apparently heightened suggestibility in which some people are
able to narrow their focus of attention and experience imaginary happenings as if they
were real is called.
A. The cocktail party effect
B. Extrasensory perception
C. Hypnosis
D. Meditation
24. Ashley insists that she never dreams but her roommate feels she can prove
otherwise. Which of the following should the roommate do to prove that Ashley does
A. feed Ashley lots of rich and indigestible food before bedtime
B. make an all-night audio tape of the sounds of Ashley’s sleeping
C. wake Ashley after she has been asleep for about 30 minutes and ask her what she’s
D. Wake Ashley after 5 minutes of REM sleep and ask her what she’s dreaming.
25. Which of the following is the best advice for a person concerned about occasional
A. relax and drink a glass of milk before bedtime
B. eat a big dinner late in the evening so you’ll feel drowsy at bedtime.
C. Relax with a drink of your favorite alcoholic beverage just before bedtime.
D. Engage in some form of vigorous physical exercise shortly before bedtime.
26. Research indicates that most memories retrieved during hypnosis are:
A. Accurate recollections of information previously learned.
B. Wholly products of the imagination
C. Forgotten again as soon as the person awakens from the hypnotic state
D. A combination of fact and fiction
27. After four years of working nights, Bill now works days. His present difficulty in
getting to sleep at night is most likely due to a disruption of his normal:
A. Circadian rhythm
B. Biorhythm
C. Alpha wave patterns
D. General adaptation syndrome
28. A person occasionally stops breathing while sleeping. What does this person suffer
A. Sleep apnea
B. Narcolepsy
C. Insomnia
D. Night terrors
29. Research studies of the content of dreams indicate that:
A. Men are less likely than women to report dreams with sexual overtones
B. The genital arousal that occurs during sleep is typically inrelated to sexual dreams
C. People are more likely to dream of success than failure.
D. Most dreams are pleasant, exotic, and unrelated to ordinary daily life
30. Vivid dreams often involve sudden and surprising changes in scene. This best
serves to support the theory that dreams:
A. strength our memories of the preceding day’s events
B. give expression to personally threatening feelings and desires
C. help to prepare us for the stress and challenges of the following day
D. are triggered by bursts of neural activity.
31. A psychologist would be most likely to use the experience-sampling method to
A. How much daydreaming people do.
B. What strategies people use to solve problems
C. How long it takes people to respond to changes in temperature.
D. How hunger affects the ability to store new information.
32. They youngest age at which children acquire a sense of objective self- awareness is
at about ______ months
A. 6
B. 18
C. 30
D. 42
33. Circadian rhythms are
A. bodily cycles that affect such things as arousal levels and metabolism
B. patterns of rhyme and meter used in studies of language behavior
C. birth control techniques
D. likely to be found on tests of musical intelligence
34. A pilot will experience the greatest symptoms of jet lag after flying
A. either portion of the Japan-California route
B. northbound from Los Angeles to San Francisco
C. eastward from Japan to California
D. westward from California to Japan
35. The sleep spindles that occur during sleep are minute bursts of electrical activity of
______ cycles per second.
A. 1 to 2
B. 3 to 7
C. 8 to 12
D. 12 to 16
36. Paradoxical sleep is so called because
A. this type of sleep is a mystery to scientists
B. the EEG tracings during paradoxical sleep vary wildly from person to person
C. the EEG tracings during paradoxical sleep can only be interpreted by the sleeper
D. the EEG tracings during this type of sleep resemble those of a person who is awake
37. Research on dreams shows that remembering a long and emotional dream will most
likely occur
A. during Stage 4 of the sleep cycle
B. shortly before you awakened
C. during NREM sleep
D. about 90 minutes after you fell asleep
38. REM sleep accounts for ______ percent of sleep time
A. less than 10
B. 20 to 25
C. 70 to 75
D. more than 85
39. Explanations of why sleep evolved include all of the following EXCEPT that it
A. enabled animals to conserve energy
B. enabled the body to restore itself
C. served as a method for maintaining body heat
D. helped the brain to restore brain chemicals such as neurotransmitters
40. All of the following are symptoms of insomnia EXCEPT
A. delayed onset of sleep
B. sleep during the daytime
C. frequent arousals during sleep
D. early morning awakening
41. A person who stops breathing hundreds of times during the course of the night. This
condition is called?
A. oxygen deprivation disorder
B. cataplexy
C. narcolepsy
D. sleep apnea
42. Research on nightmares suggests that they
A. are more likely to be experienced by children than by adults
B. are not related to real-life experiences
C. occur on average about once per year in undergraduate students
D. increase in likelihood as one gets older
43. The primary goal of meditation is to
A. focus consciousness on immediate worldly concerns
B. achieve a state of heightened bodily arousal but lowered awareness
C. help individuals feel physically relaxed and provide a time-out from tension
D. change consciousness in order to enhance self-knowledge and well-being
44. A person who craves alcohol and can’t wait to get home in order to have a drink.
From this description, it appears that the worker has developed ______ alcohol.
A. tolerance for
B. physiological dependence on
C. an addiction to
D. psychological dependence on
45. This plant’s active ingredient is THC and it has psychoactive effects. What kind of
plant is this?
A. cannabis
B. cocoa
C. toadstool
D. coffee
46. After sleeping for about an hour, his heart began to beat faster, his breathing
became fast and irregular, and his closed eyes began to dart back and forth. What was
this person experiencing?
A. Stage 4 sleep
B. Sleep apnea
C. Narcolepsy
D. REM sleep
47. After taking ______ the person had experienced a diminished appetite, an
increased pulse rate, dilated pupils, and feelings of self-confidence and euphoria.
A. heroin
B. cocaine
D. Marijuana
48. Nightmares are to _______as night terrors are to _________.
A. REM sleep; Stage 4 sleep
B. Narcolepsy; sleep apnea
C. Delta waves; alpha waves
D. Stage 4 sleep; Stage 1 sleep
49. When people are experiencing vivid dreams:
A. their bodies often move in accordance with what they are dreaming
B. Their eyes are likely to move under their closed eyelids
C. they are more likely to sleepwalk than during any other stage of sleep
D. Their slow brain-wave patterns indicate they are deeply asleep
50. In a sleep-research study the participant was awaken during the past three nights,
because the REM sleep was disturbed, when allowed to sleep undisturbed, the
participant experienced:
A. an increase in REM sleep
B. a decrease in REM sleep
C. insomnia
D. an increase in Stage 4 sleep
51. After ingesting a small dose of a psychoactive drug, the person experienced vivid
visual hallucinations and felt as if she were separated from her own body. She most
likely experienced the effects of:
A. cocaine
C. heroin
D. marijuana
52. The cocktail party effect provides an example of:
A. psychological dependence
B. latent content
C. selective attention
D. an hallucination
53. REM sleep is referred to as paradoxical sleep because:
A. our nervous system is highly active, while our voluntary muscles hardly move
B. we are deeply asleep but can be awakened easily
C. our heart rate is slow and steady, while our breathing is highly irregular
D. all of the above
54. When the person was unable to obtain her regular supply of heroin, she began to
develop tremors, fever, and an intense craving for the drug. She was developing
symptoms of:
A. narcolepsy
B. dissociation
C. insomnia
D. withdrawal
55. Sleep deprivation has been shown to:
A. increase attentiveness to highly motivating tasks
B. produce long-term emotional instability
C. diminish immunity to disease
D. do all the above
1. d
2. a
3. c
4. a
5. c
6. b
7. d
8. c
9. a
10. b
11. d
12. d
13. c
14. c
15. c
16. d
17. d
18. d
19. a
20. d
21. b
22. b
23. c
24. d
25. a
26. d
27. a
28. a
29. b
30. d
31. a
32. b
33. a
34. c
35. d
36. d
37. b
38. b
39. c
40. b
41. d
42. a
43. d
46. d
47. b
48. a
49. b
50. a
51. b
52. c
53. a
54. d
55. c
44. d
45. a