Workforce Impact in Practice (WIP) Capture Template . Keep brief and focussed, think about what others might find useful to know to help them. Title of Workforce Impact in Practice Title? Technician-to-Paramedic Programme Name of Lead organisation (and any partners) Who was involved? West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust with: University of Worcester Coventry University Staffordshire University What was the workforce issue you were trying to address? Usually quite short –background – set scene eg Why were you doing it? What was the challenge you were facing? What was the WIP hoping to achieve? Our vision was to move from being a traditional ambulance service that mainly transports the patients it treats to acute hospitals, to being an emergency healthcare provider that ensures patients receive the best possible treatment from the most appropriate provider. Emergency admissions are costly and frequently preventable; there is a need to significantly reduce the number of patients taken to acute emergency departments. By increasing the number of paramedics and advanced paramedics who are capable of treating patients at scene and working with local health economies to develop alternative care pathways for patients fewer patients will be taken to an acute hospitals by the Trust. Central to achieving this vision is the development of our staff; increasing the skill mix of our workforce to ensure that at least 70% of our operational workforce are educated paramedics which will ensure there is a paramedic on every vehicle so that every patient receives the best possible care, first time, every time. How did you address this issue? How did you go about it? What was involved? We addressed this by developing an alternative educational pathway, differing from the traditional direct entry University programme, for existing WMAS employed Emergency Medical Technicians. The Technician-to-Paramedic programme is a bespoke programme for our existing Emergency Medical Technicians. A full gap analysis was conducted mapping the Technician competencies and experiences to design a fit-for-purpose programme were developed. It is explicitly designed to meet the needs of West Midlands Ambulance Technicians and builds upon their wealth of practical experience as well as their IHCD training course and enhances their knowledge and skills to the level of a registered paramedic. The three HEIs in the West Midlands that deliver paramedic education (Staffordshire University, Coventry University, and the University of Worcester) work collaboratively with the vision of West Midlands being a centre of excellence for paramedic education. The West Midlands HEI Consortium is a best practice model for collaborative working across commissioner, placement provider and education provider. The HEI Consortium allows for the HEIs and the Trust to agree the development & strategic direction of the paramedic profession, in accordance with evidence based practice, workforce demands, and operational requirements. All one day mentor updates & initial training follow the same programme across the three universities. This allows students to have harmonised practice placement experiences regardless of which university the mentor was educated. In the current economic environment we are increasingly finding that students are remaining at home rather than moving into university accommodation. By having a regional practice placement provision, students are able to be placed in a practice placement area that is ‘outside’ their traditional university borders. Having a regional mentor programme means that our staff can mentor students no matter what HEI programme the students are undertaking. The three universities have agreed and deploy a regional quality assurance approach that honours each other’s assessments of clinical education (and pending action plan) and allow ‘cross-border’ allocation of students. A regional QA process enables regional allocations – otherwise each HEI would be required to quality assure every single station therefore recreating the wheel 3 times. Through partnership working with our universities, our paramedics have developed clinical and patient assessment skills that have given them the knowledge and confidence to treat more patients in the community and appropriately refer patients onto alternative care pathways using our Director of Service [DOS]. Our paramedic programmes are developing a workforce that allow clinicians to treat patients at home, offering clinical advice, referring them to their GP or social services or take them elsewhere for treatment such as to a minor injuries unit, walk-in centres or primary care centres. These developments improve quality and effectiveness by ensuring our patients receive the most appropriate level of care to meet their needs. Optional question-Did you use any products or services to help you? Please feel free to share what you have used .If you have used Skills for Health products or services please explain. We want to see what ideas you have used What did you achieve? ie What happened? In 2008, 40% of the clinical workforce was paramedics. By April 2013, the Trust achieved 63% paramedics. By October 2014, it is predicted that 66% of the Trust’s workforce will be made up of Paramedics. The Trust has been supporting staff development through the Tech-to-Para pathway since 2008/09 and, since that time, has supported 494 Technicians to become Paramedics. This equates to 34% of our current frontline paramedics have been developed under this pathway, in partnership with our regional Universities. West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust is an emergency healthcare provider that strives to ensure patients receive the best possible treatment from the most appropriate provider. Only 66% of the patients seen in 2011/12 were conveyed to an Emergency Department or Primary Care Centre. This number continues to reduce with the Trust’s target in 2013/14 set at conveyances to be around 57% by March 2014. What was the WIPs impact? (Clear demonstration of impact of change .eg. the workforce, service delivery on patients/service users. Cost/quantity/quality, productivity, Return on Investment, staffing/clinical time saved, potential benefits. Data and any measures will be useful as will qualitative and and quantitative outcomes. Our workforce programme aims to develop the whole workforce. It ensures that 70% of our operational workforce is clinically qualified and that there is a paramedic on every response vehicle by 2015/16. Having a paramedic on every vehicle will avoid using paramedics to back up technician part-qualified crews, thereby improving the patient care and experience as well as reducing cost by reducing the number of multiple responses. Paramedics are also able to support the 30% support staff with their clinical supervision. This enables us to treat more patients in the community ourselves; to make informed decisions about the destination of those patients that cannot be treated by our staff; and respond with more single ambulance responses. This Strategy aimed to provide the most appropriate care in every situation, deliver care closer to home and transport fewer patients to acute hospitals A&E departments. A 70% clinically qualified paramedic workforce would ensure that there was a paramedic on every response vehicle by 2015/16. Having a paramedic on every vehicle would avoid the need to deploy a further paramedic resource to back up Emergency Medical Technician partqualified crews, thereby improving the patient care and experience as well as reducing cost by reducing the number of multiple responses, and meets our national skill mix commitment for ambulance services in England. This enables us to treat more patients in the community ourselves; to make informed decisions about the destination of those patients that cannot be treated by our staff; and treat patients with more single ambulance responses. Hints and tips for others Share some of the things/insights that you think will help others trying to do the same sort of thing What will you use the prize for? Please tell us how you would use the prize in your The three HEIs work collaboratively towards the vision of West Midlands being a centre of excellence for paramedic education. Effective partnership working within the West Midlands ensures consistent and high quality paramedic education across the region. All members work in partnership to share best practice for the best outcome of both the profession and the quality of paramedic education within the region. We would use the Android Tablets to aid our mentors in their on-going learning & development. Our clinical mentors are key to our success and are at the heart of organisation our organisational change. Our mentors are critical to the on-going development of the Trust and our staff and we would like to be able to recognise their efforts. In completing this template are you happy to share with the members of My Health Skills and Skills for Health Networks? Yes Name and Contact details of person completing template Name: Jennifer Zandbeek Title: Learning & Development Manager Organisation: West Midlands Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust Address: Tel no: 01384 246 335 Email: Many thanks for completing this. Please return via email to