Comparison/Contrast Essay

Revising Your
Have Your Essays in Front of you:
Do each one of these for each one of your
7. Correct Use of Quotes
Must be used as part of a sentence
The quote with the sentence must read as
a complete sentence.
Goodman Brown states that his wife is “a
blessed angel” and that after that one night
he would cling on to his wife and follow her
to heaven” (Hawthorne para.7).
Goodman Brown had recently gotten
married, and states he is “a wretch am I to
leave her.” (Hawthorne, 1)
Goodman Brown had recently gotten
married, and states he is “a wretch am I to
leave her.” (Hawthorne, 1)
Goodman Brown has recently gotten
married, and thinks he is “a wretch […] to
leave” his wife alone at night (Hawthorne,
Jacqueline Shoemaker in her article,
“Hawthorne’s Realm of Morality:
Biographical Contexts for Young Goodman
Brown,” states that Hawthorne wrote his
stories involving his personal moral beliefs,
including, “that all men share a brotherhood
of guilt” (para. 45).
In a study on the effects of immediate and
delayed emotional outcomes in times of
conflict, researchers argue:
[h]ighly emotional events, and
particularly negative emotional
events, are relatively well retained,
both with respect to the emotional
event itself and as well as to central
information in the event that elicits the
emotional reaction. (Coleman,
Goldman & Kugler, 9)
8. Parenthetical Citations
For each story or poem
 Quote (parenthetical citation)
For each article,
 Quote (parenthetical citation).
 Summary (parenthetical citation).
 Paraphrase (parenthetical citation).
(Author page number)
(“First two” page number)
(Author para. Number)
9. Works Cited
Hall, Cathy. “Self-Reported Aggression and
the Perception of Anger in Facial
Expression Photos.” The Journal of
Psychology. Volume 140. Number 3. May
2006. 255-267. 11 November 2007.
Hall, Cathy. “Self-Reported Aggression and
the Perception of Anger in Facial
Expression Photos.” The Journal of
Psychology. Volume 140. Number 3. May
2006. 255-267. 11 November 2007.
Hall, Cathy. “Self-Reported Aggression and
the Perception of Anger in Facial
Expression Photos.” The Journal of
Psychology. 140.3. May 2006. 255-267. 11
November 2007. <
Hawthorne, Nathaniel. “Young Goodman
Brown.” Classic Short Stories. B & L
Associates. 1995-2007. 12 October 2007
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