Alcohol Use and Pregnancy FASEout Project 2006 Age & Drinking During Pregnancy 25 22.6 20 15 16.4 Percentage Women who drank during pregnancy, 1996-97 14.1 10 11.7 5 0 -25 25-29 30-34 35+ Age FASEout Project 2006 Awareness in Canada Health Canada Study released January 2000 High level of knowledge re: alcohol use in pregnancy can lead to life long problems (89%) Most women said they would stop or cut back if pregnant (73%), only 4% said they would not change Confusion on when to stop drinking, safe drinking levels and characteristics of FASD FASEout Project 2006 Adolescent Girls and Young Women: Alcohol Use and Pregnancy Survey found 22% of girls in grade 10, 12% in grade 8, and 2% in grade 6 reported drinking an alcoholic beverage once a week or more Research indicates that girls out of the mainstream have higher rates of alcohol use and riskier patterns of use FASEout Project 2006 Adolescent Girls and Young Women: Alcohol Use and Pregnancy Studies have shown that young people are more likely to engage in sex without the use of contraception when they are drinking Some indication that young women identify their pregnancy later in term than older women FASEout Project 2006 Why do some women use alcohol while pregnant? Many women don’t plan to get pregnant Some women are unaware of, misinformed, about the consequences of alcohol’s effect on the developing fetus Most will want to reduce or stop alcohol use when they find out they are pregnant Women who are addicted may not be able to stop drinking FASEout Project 2006 Those Who Keep Drinking Addiction Social acceptance Family/peer/professional pressure Cope with painful feelings or stressful events Self medicate a mental health condition FASEout Project 2006 Barriers to Seeking Support Denial of drinking problem Guilt and shame Fear of losing children Childcare, finances, loss of home Opposition from family & friends Stigma associated with alcohol use during pregnancy and FASD FASEout Project 2006 Prevention Efforts Must… …move the focus from women’s alcohol use to an increased understanding of related health and social problems that contribute to FASD. FASEout Project 2006 Determinants of Health Income and social status Social support networks Education Employment and working conditions Social environments Physical environment Gender Culture Personal health practices and coping skills Healthy child development Health services Biology and genetic endowment FASEout Project 2006 Our responsibility is to … …provide a network of supports that directly address these contributing factors FASEout Project 2006 Key Messages Drinking alcohol during pregnancy can cause birth defects There are no known safe limits It is best to plan ahead and to stop drinking before you get pregnant It is never too late to stop drinking FASEout Project 2006 Don’t Forget …. Emphasize the importance of the health of both the woman and the fetus/child Be sensitive to physical/sexual trauma (past and present) Address family issues and offer support to family members,FASEout whenever possible Project 2006 Alcohol Risk Assessment Problems have not developed No risk Health Enhancement Low Risk Problems have developed Moderate Risk Risk Avoidance Risk Reduction 70% of women who drink will avoid alcohol during their pregnancy if they understand it will cause damage to the developing fetus High Risk Early Intervention 20% of women will require support of their partner, family and friends to avoid alcohol FASEout Project 2006 Treatment/ Intervention 10% of women will require specific intervention to reduce and/or eliminate alcohol (harm reduction) Screening Tools Brief alcohol screening questionnaires developed to detect periconception risk-drinking associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes (defined as two or more drinks per day) Tools assess alcohol intake indirectly by asking about tolerance to alcohol’s effects, i.e., psychological consequences and significant other’s concerns FASEout Project 2006 T-ACE How many drinks does it take to make you feel high? (Score 2 for 3 or more drinks) Have people annoyed you by criticizing your drinking? (Score 1 for yes) Have you ever felt you ought to cut down your drinking? (Score 1 for yes) Have you ever had a drink in the morning to steady your nerves or get rid of a hang over? (Score 1 for yes) Score of 2 or more = high risk, 0 or 1 = low risk FASEout Project 2006 TWEAK Tolerance (number of drinks) Worry about drinking (has anyone worried about your drinking in the past year?) Eye-openers Amnesia (blackouts) Cut down on alcohol FASEout Project 2006 Stages of Change Pre-contemplation – not thinking about quitting Contemplation – thinking about quitting Preparation – getting ready to quit Action – process of quitting Maintenance – staying substance free FASEout Project 2006 Increasing Awareness Provide information Marriage preparation classes Preconception classes Pregnancy support programs Keep up-to-date on information Make referrals to well informed resources Ask what would be helpful FASEout Project 2006 Fathers-to-be Clarify that their drinking cannot cause FASD, but can lead to infertility and less viable sperm Important role in supporting partner through pregnancy Their behavior can help a partner stop drinking FASEout Project 2006 Things to Keep in Mind There are no known safe limits and no safe time to drink during pregnancy Raise awareness without raising panic Information is not enough Promote the benefits of a planned pregnancy Working on prevention can raise community interest in support for those with FASD FASEout Project 2006 Resources Keys to a Successful Alcohol and Pregnancy Campaign, ion/index.html Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission FASEout Project 2006 Resources “Father Involvement and FASD: Developing Best Practices,” 2005. Rutman, D., Callahan, M., Lundquist, A., Jackson, S., Field, B. Substance Use and Pregnancy: Conceiving Women in the PolicyMaking Process. Status of Women, Canada, August 2000. British Columbia Reproductive Care Program. BCRCP Guidelines for Leslie, M., Reynolds, W. The Smart Guide: Motivational Approaches Alcohol Use in the Perinatal Period and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. 2005. Within the Stages of Change for Pregnant Women Who Use Alcohol: A Training Manual for Service Providers, March 2002 FASEout Project 2006