Power Point Document - Strategic Mapping and Data Services

World Class
Marketing & Sales
Who we are
• Mapping & database technology
• Provides technical expertise for
all subsidiary entities along with
financial/accounting support
• Started 1995, formation of LLC in
SM&DS is the parent company
and is solely owned by Dr.
Michael Stachiw & Rita Fosse. The
personnel employed by SM&DS
all have experience with
database, e-publishing, mapping,
and internet technologies as
applicable to agriculture, more
specifically to the feed business.
Over the years, we have grown our
staff to include Ph.D.’s in computer
science as well as a staff of over 25
data entry and fulfillment personnel.
Our combined knowledge of the
livestock and feed industries covers
private, public, and government
entities spanning over a combined
100 years of experience.
In an ongoing effort to keep abreast
of emerging technology, while
staying grounded in its application,
we are heavily involved in a joint
project with Missouri State
University and a group of active
farmers called “Computers on The
The “Computers on the Farm” allows
us to interact with University
personnel and active farmers in
evaluating and understanding new
computer based technology and its
implications and impact on
Our role at the end of the day is to
assist companies in developing and
implementing strategic use of
technology without them getting
lost in the minute details of
Agriculture centered
communications division.
Currently focused on two
major areas: e-mail marketing
(e-mail blasts), and epublishing (e-books, print-on
demand, web sites, apps).
E-mail marketing: We produce and
deliver approximately one hundred
e-mail campaigns per month,
representing over a million e-mails
to agriculture consumers. Our email campaign efforts are not
limited to large corporate blasts,
but also include a close working
relationship with traditional feed
Our company also sends out eflyers to customers and prospects
within a specified radius of their
stores physical location.
For each of these campaigns,
regardless of size, we prepare an
open report detailing the
effectiveness of the campaign in
terms of:
• % Bounced (not delivered)
• Overall
• By Domain
Open Report (cont):
• % Open rate
• Unique
• Overall
• By time
• By Domain
• % Click-Throughs (of opened
• By Link
• By Time
• By Domain
Our campaign software provides
database mail-merge type capability
allowing for on-the-fly customization
of each e-mail message.
Our e-publishing efforts include:
Development and deployment of ebooks via six main channels:
• CreateSpace.com
• Amazon.com (Kindle
• Barnes & Noble (Nook
• iTunes (iPhone & iPad)
• Google Play (Android
powered devices)
• Dedicated websites
e-books (cont.)
We have writers, editors and
technical staff to take existing
documents, or create new
documents from scratch, and
create an e-document, deploy
the document, and update the
document as required.
e-books (cont.)
Our portfolio of books/e-books
include the following types:
• Technical manuals
• Work books
• Extension service
Web construction & hosting:
We have constructed and host
over 100 websites/portals
using two different
• Microsoft’s Internet
Information Systems (IIS)
(hand crafted sites)
• WordPress (template sites)
where the customer
(mainly dealers) can make
their own changes
Web construction & hosting:
Not only do we host and
construct the websites/portal,
we also provide e-mail hosting
(SMTP & Microsoft’s
Exchange), end user e-mail list
support. All of our e-mail
(inbound and outbound) is
screened for spam and viruses.
• Examples of clients using our web
hosting include:
– Hess Mills
– Country-Depot
– Central Elevator Inc.
Another aspect of e-publishing
that we participate in, is the
development and deployment of
apps for both Android and Apple
devices. Currently we have
published the following apps
that are available either in the
iTunes store or at
A partial list of these apps include:
• Beef Weight Calculator
• Bison Body Condition Score
• Canine Body Condition Score
• Canine Breeding Calculator
• Cattle Breeding Calculator
• Dairy Body Condition Calculator
• Elk Body Condition Score
• Equine Breeding Calculator
Farm Animal Breeding Calculator
Feed Cost Calculator
Feline Breeding Calculator
Fish Weight Calculator
Goat & Sheep Weight Calculator
Hammurabi’s Code Reader
Hog Weight Calculator
Horse Weight Calculator
• Magna Carta Reader
• Martin Luther 95 Thesis
• Mouse Ear Notching
• Pearson Square Calculator
• Pig Ear Notching Calculator
• Poultry Breeding Calculator
• Sheep Body Condition Score
• US Bill of Rights Reader
• US Constitution Reader
App Examples
Our Marketing support division,
whose main challenge is harvesting
available technology and taming it
to grow your business, provides
traditional marketing services such
as development of print and web
materials, but also seeks to make
e-based technology work in the
agricultural environment, hence
our tag line “harvesting technology
to grow your business”
The principals of FeedDealer.Com
have collectively been in the feed
business and feed business
support for over 40 years, with a
combined knowledge of over 100
years. We have in the past
worked for the USDA, a large
national feed company, and an
international agricultural
software company.
We currently have as clients
national and international
agribusiness companies along
with several not for profit
organizations. We also provide
support to:
• STL Susan G. Komen
• STL Boy Scouts
• Future Farmers of America
One aspect that makes
FeedDealer.com unique is that it is
actually a collection of
independent companies that work
together to service agriculturally
based clients, such as feed
companies, feed dealers, and
allied industries. Our
independent companies are:
• National Security Sales
• Priority One Business Solutions
• Strategic Mapping & Data
Services LLC
We specialize in support services for
the feed and livestock industries. Our
skills include database marketing and
data manipulation, web design,
customer feedback surveys, contest
data entry, electronic and printed
marketing publications.
Provides support for all aspects
of exhibits and shows. From basic
warehouse storage to booth
construction, our on-site trade show
marketing specialists are here to
assist you in making your presence
in the exhibit/show area a winner.
All of the staff of Exhibitor Show
Services (ESS) have been on both
sides of the equation: as presenters,
trade show exhibitors, and
marketing specialists. When the
opportunity arose to directly
participate in the show/exhibit
business, SM&DS stepped up to the
plate and formed ESS along with the
addition of highly trained and
qualified trade show property
management staff.
Working closely with our
customers, ESS has blended
cutting edge internet/computer
and warehouse technology to
provide the tools and techniques
that aid our customers, as well as
our highly trained staff in the
management of the clients trade
show/exhibit assets.
Here is a partial list of our services
• Brand Management
• Cross-docking
• Exhibit:
• Design & Construction
• Cross Docking
• Property Management
• Brand/Image Updating
• Setup/Tear-Down
• Storage Warehouse
• Exhibit construction
• Exhibit repair
• Exhibitor Services (paperwork
and show coordination)
• Show Collateral Material
• Show/Event Marketing
• Trade Show Property
• Storage (warehousing)
Our customer base for this division
of the company is diverse in both
what we provide, but also in their
respective fields of business.
Format International Ltd.
Flat World
OBA - The Brand Ascension
GS Strategic Forums
Heritage Trading Company
High Hopes Press
Land O'Lakes
National Security Sales
• PMI Nutrition
• Priority One Business Solutions
• Purina Mills LLC
• Strategic Mapping & Data
Services LLC
• Wrangler
Through our various contacts in
agriculture, we have come to realize
that all of us must be stewards of our
planet. Before, during and after any
spill of chemical, insecticides or other
hazardous materials the quicker the
spill is contained the cheaper the
cleanup will be and the impact on
the environment will be greatly
Using the best tools to clean up a
spill will decrease the amount of
time required for cleanup but will
also reduce the cost involved for
cleanup operations. Stopping a spill
before it starts is by far the best
solution yet and to that point we
offer a variety of spill prevention
items in our catalog also. With this
mindset we have partnered with a
manufacturer of sorbing materials
and offer their products for sale.
The products we sell have been
tested, used in real-life situations
and deemed the best value for
your money. Our goal is to exceed
your expectations with top-notch
customer service driven by our
hands on experience with the
products we sell.
• Follow on newly created social
media pages.
– Facebook: Sorb Clean Up
– Twitter: SORBCleanUp