


1. According to the Butterball corporation, they recommend that you thaw a wrapped turkey in the refrigerator how long per 4 pounds of bird?

(a) One hour per 4 lbs.

(b) 8 Hours per 4 lbs.

(c) One Day per 4 Lbs.

(d) 4 hours per 4 Lbs (or one hour per pound)

2. Thanksgiving is celebrated only in the

United States.

True or False?

3. The Greek Goddess of Corn is:

(a) Demeter

(b) Cornucopia

(c) Ceres

(d) Grainophillia

4. The first department store to hold a

Thanksgiving parade was:

(a) Montgomery Wards

(b) J.C. Penney's

(c) Gimbel's

(d) Macy's

(e) None of the above.

It was a non-commercial event.

5. What is the name of the famous rock credited to where the pilgrims first landed?

6. Butterball says that once the turkey is done, you should let it stand for 15 minutes before serving because:

(a) So you don't burn your tongue when you eat it.

(b) It's easier to carve

(c) To let the aroma go through the house.

(d) To let the stuffing cool a bit before you take it out.

7. The Indians who were invited to the

Thanksgiving feast were of the Wampanoag tribe. Who was their chief?

(a) Massasoit

(b) Pemaquid

(c) Samoset

(d) Squanto

8. What was the name of the ship the pilgrims came over on?

9. Who was the captain of this ship?

10. Thanksgiving became a national holiday thanks to this woman who was an editor of a woman's magazine called "The Godey's

Lady's Book":

(a) Sarah Hale

(b) Sarah Parker

(c) Sarah Bradford

(d) Sarah Standish

11. Which President was the first to establish Thanksgiving as a legal national holiday to be held the 4th Thursday in


(a) Abraham Lincoln

(b) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(c) Thomas Jefferson

(d) James Madison

12. In Canada, they celebrate

Thanksgiving in what month?

(a) November

(b) October

(c) September

(d) May

13. The term "Cornucopia" means what?

(a) Tall Corn

(b) Greek God of Corn

(c) Horn of Plenty

(d) A traditional New England relish


14. What was the original name for the pilgrims?

(a) Puritans or Separatists

(b) Partisans or Dividians

(c) Settlers or Colonists

(d) Journeymen or Seekers

15. Butterball recommends that you cover the breast and the top of the drumsticks with aluminum foil when?

(a) Right away when you first put it in to cook.

(b) When it is half-way done

(c) When it is 2/3 cooked.

(d) The last 15 minutes of cooking.

16. What part of the turkey is saved and snapped as a superstitious good luck custom?

17. The word turkey is said to come from the Hebrew word "Tukki" which means:

(a) Big Bird

(b) Pheasant Bird

(c) Wild Bird

(d) Turk's Bird

18. Which President moved Thanksgiving up one week to help stimulate the

Christmas shopping economy?

(a) Theodore Roosevelt

(b) John Kennedy

(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt

(d) Dwight D. Eisenhower

(e) None of the above. It was never changed.

19. What is the name of the book that

Governor William Bradford wrote telling of the troubles and experiences of the pilgrims?

(a) A Pilgrim's Progress

(b) Of Plimouth Plantation

(c) Of Plimouth Rock

(d) Trials and Tribulations of Plimouth


(e) It had no title. It was just his diary.

20. Captain John Smith founded what colony in Virginia?

21. What poet wrote "The Courtship of

Miles Standish?"

(a) Longfellow

(b) Keats

(c) Yeats

(d) Shelley

22. The pilgrims took beer with them on their voyage.

True or False?

23. Butterball says that when making your turkey stuffing, you should have all the ingredients already cooked before you put it into the bird. True or False?

24. The town of Plymouth, Massachusetts celebrates this on December 11 every year:

(a) Miles Standish's Birthday

(b) Forefather's Day

(c) Priscilla Alden's birthday

(d) William Bradford's death.

25. The real Plymouth rock is cracked, true or false?

26. Indian corn is for decoration purposes only and not for cooking. True or False?

27. In what year did the first Macy's

Thanksgiving parade take place?

(a) 1864

(b) 1894

(c) 1904

(d) 1924


28. Thanksgiving is a religious holiday.

True or False?

29. Butterball says the best place to put the meat thermometer in the turkey is:

(a) Breast

(b) Thigh

(c) Top of Leg

(d) At an angle so it hits both the meat and stuffing

30.WHY is the male turkey often referred to as "Tom Turkey?"

(a) Because it's more politically correct than using the word cock for male. (Hen is a female turkey btw)

(b) After Thomas Jefferson

(c) Because Indians would catch them by pounding on tom-tom drums and lure them into traps.

(d) From an 18th century political cartoon.

31. It is believed that how many pilgrim women survived to celebrate the first

Thanksgiving in 1621.

(a) 5

(b) 15

(c) 25


32. The first Thanksgiving in 1621 was believed to have lasted how many days?

(a) 1 day

(b) 3 days

(c) 7 days

33. By the 19th century, celebrating

Thanksgiving is said to have been the origin of what following table tradition?

(a) Having a kiddies' table for the children to eat at

(b) Having table cloths with turkeys on them

(c) Having Indian corn as a centerpiece on the table

34. On June 20, 1998, in Bellevue, Ohio

Dale Gasteier built at 52 foot what to celebrate the American Thanksgiving holiday?

(a) A turkey

(b) A free-standing star

(c) An Indian figure

35. Every year the President of the US pardons a turkey and it goes to a public farm called Frying Pan Park, Herndon,

VA. Which president is believed to be the first to pardon a turkey and start this annual tradition?

(a) President Andrew Jackson

(b) President Millard Fillmore

(c) President Harry Truman

(d) President Warren Harding

36. Before being harvested and sold, an individual cranberry must bounce at least how many inches high to make sure they aren't too ripe?

(a) 1 inch

(b) 2 inches

(c) 3 inches

(d) 4 inches

37. The busiest travel day of the year is:

(a) The Friday after Thanksgiving

(b) The day after Christmas

(c) The day after New Years

(d) The day after Labor Day

38. The first meal eaten on the moon by astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldren was a roasted turkey dinner with all the trimmings. True or False?

39. Which balloon was the first balloon in the 1927 Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade:

(a) Mickey Mouse

(b) Felix the Cat

(c) Betty Boop

(d) Superman

40. Turkeys can drown if they look up in the rain. True or False?

41. In October of 1777, George

Washington declared an "All Colony

Thanksgiving" because he was feeling really good due to:

(a) The victory over Saratoga

(b) His Mt. Vernon home got finished

(c) Establishing the 13 original colonies

42. The following towns with "turkey" in their names, are really towns in the United

States. Turkey, Texas, Turkey Creek,

Louisianna, Turkey, North Carolina and Turkey

Feather, New Mexico.

True or False?

43. Historians have proven that the pilgrims didn't really wear those funny hats and buckles on their shoes. True or False?

44. The longest balloon in the Macy's

Thanksgiving Day Parade is:

(a) Spiderman

(b) Superman

(c) Wonder Woman

(d) Barney the Dinosaur

45. In 1943, Norman Rockwell created his famous "Freedom From Want" illustration by using a Thanksgiving dinner as an example of this. This illustration first appeared on which magazine?

(a) McCalls

(b) Saturday Evening Post

(c) Life

46. Back in the early 1600's, the pilgrims didn't have which of the following utensils to eat their Thanksgiving meal with?

(a) Spoons

(b) Forks

(c) Knives


47. How many pilgrims were on the


(a) 92

(b) 102

(c) 122

48. How long was the voyage from England to the New World?

(a) 66 Days

(b) 106 Days

(c) 146 Days

49. The pilgrims dressed really colorfully.

True or False?

50. Of the original 102 pilgrims that came, approximately how many survived to celebrate the first Thanksgiving?

(a) 101

(b) 50

(c) 10

51. The Mayflower docked at Plymouth

Rock. True or False?

52. Which of the following foods that we normally do not eat today at Thanksgiving, was an original food that the pilgrims ate back in 1600's?

(a) Roast Beef

(b) Codfish

(c) Ham

53. Cranberries are native to North

America. Which of the following fruits are also native to North America?

(a) Blueberries

(b) Concord Grapes

(c) Both of the above

54. Cranberries can be harvested two ways: Wet and Dry. The cranberries that are harvested wet are the ones used to make cranberry juice. True or False?
