File - Wesley Heaton

EX Vocab
Microsoft excel 2007- a powerful spreadsheet program that allows users to organize data, complete
calculations, make decisions, graph data, and much more
Workbooks and worksheets- workbooks are a collection of worksheets. Worksheets allow users to
modify numbers and text.
Charts- excel can draw a variety of charts
Tables- used to organize and display data
Web support- allows users to save excel worksheets in HTML format
Requirements document- includes a needs statement and other special requirements for a document
Column heading- identifies each column
Row heading- identifies each row
Cell reference- a cell’s unique address
Active cell- the cell which you can enter data into
Gridlines- make it easier for you to see and identify each cell in the worksheet
Worksheet window- the area in which the portion of the worksheet is displayed
Normal view- the default view dimensions
Scroll bars, scroll arrows, and scroll boxes- used to control what part of the document you can view
Tab split box- increases or decreases the view of the sheet tabs
Status bar- presents information about the worksheet
Mode indicators- specify the current mode of excel
Ready- excel is ready to accept the next command
Enter- excel is in the process of completing a command
Keyboard indicators- show which toggle keys are engaged
Ribbon- the control center in excel
Tab- surrounds a collection of groups
Group- contains related commands
Home tab- contains groups with more frequently used commands
Active tab- the tab that is currently displayed
Contextual tabs- tabs that displays options in a certain tab that are related to the work that is being
done on the excel document
Ribbon commands- includes buttons, boxes, and galleries
Gallery- set of choices arranged in a grid or list
In-ribbon gallery- shows common gallery choices on a ribbon
Live preview- a feature that allows you to point to a gallery choice and see it’s effect
Enhanced screentip- an on-screen note that provides the name of the command, available keyboard
shortcuts, a descriptions of the command, and sometimes instructions on how to obtain help
Dialog box launcher- displays a dialog box or a task pane
Dialog box- contains additional commands and options for the group
Task pane- a window tat contains additional commands
Formula bar- a bar that displays the formula as you write
Name box- displays the active cell reference
Mini toolbar- appears automatically based on your performance
Shortcut menu- appears when you right click on an object
Quick access toolbar- provides easy access to frequently used commands
Office button- a central location for sharing and managing notebooks
Menu- contains a list of commands
Submenu- contains a list of additional commands associated with the selected command
Key tip badge- displays when you press the alt key
Key tip- displayed code letter
To select a cell- to use the mouse to move the pointer to the cell and click
Text- to place titles on the worksheet
Left-aligned- means that the entries are aligned as far as they can to the left
Autocorrect feature- works behind the scenes, correcting common mistakes when you complete a text
Number- can contain the following characters: 12345677890+-(),/.$%Ee
Source area/copy area- the cell being copied
Designation/paste area- the cells receiving the copy
Relative reference- each adjusted cell reference
Fill handle- the small black square located in the lower right corner of the heavy border around the
active cell
File- a saved workbook
File name- the name assigned to a file when it is saved
Format- emphasizes certain aspects of the sheet
Font type- defines the appearance and face of the letters
Font style- indicates how the characters are emphasized
Font size- specifies the size of the characters
Point size- a size of 10 is 10/72 of one inch in height
Font color- defines the color of the characters
Bold- emphasizes and makes entries stand out
Merging cells- involves creating a single cell by combining two or more cells
Embedded chart- drawn on the same line as the data
y-axis- vertical axis
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