Our Solar System

Dwarf Planets
By Michelle Stephens
Uranus Neptune
• Video
• Assignment Cont.
• Websites
• Core Standard
• Works Cited
Distance from the Earth:
92,955,820 miles.
Length of Day:
609 hours 7 minutes
Surface Temperature:
10.000 *F
Can hold 109 planet earths across
its surface.
Accounts for 99.8% total mass in
the solar system.
Play to hear a song about
the sun.
28 times Earth’s
1st Planet
Rocky Planet
Inner Solar System
No protective atmosphere
around the planet.
One of the smallest
planets, yet 2nd
most dense.
Distance from Sun:
35,983,095 miles
Length of Year:
88 days
Length of Day:
1,407 hours, 30 minutes
Min/Max Temp:
279*F to 801*F
Distance from Sun:
67,237,910 miles
2nd Planet
Rocky Planet
Inner Solar System
Atmosphere made up of
sulfuric acid.
Rotates opposite of Earth.
Pressure like you were under
water ½ miles.
Length of Year:
225 days
Length of Day:
5,832 hours
Average Temperature:
Distance from Sun:
92,955,820 miles
Length of Year:
3rd Planet365 days, 6 hours, 16 minutes
Only planet know to have life.
Rocky Planet
Inner Solar System
Atmosphere made of 77% nitrogen &
21% oxygen.
Only planet that has total solar
Length of Day:
23 hours, 56 minutes
Min/Max Temp:
-126*F to 136*F
Distance from Sun:
141,633,260 miles
Most liked to look at
through a telescope.
Used to have believed
aliens to live on Mars.
Storms can create clouds of
dust that can hid most of the
planets surface from our view.
4th Planet
Rocky Planet
Inner Solar System
Length of Year:
687 days
Length of Day:
24 hours, 37 minutes
Min/Max Temp:
-125*F to 23*F
Distance from Sun:
483,682,810 miles
Length of Year:
4,331 days
5th Planet
Length of Day:
Gas Giant
Outer Solar System 9 hours, 56 minutes
Largest planet in size and mass.
First of the gas planets: made
up of hydrogen and helium.
Largest number of moons.
Average Temperature:
Distance from Sun:
885,904,700 miles
2nd largest planet.
6th Planet
Gas Giant
Outer Solar System
So light it would float in
Rings made up of countless pieces
of ice and rock.
Length of Year:
10,759 days
Length of Day:
10 hours, 39 minutes
Average Temperature:
Distance from Sun:
1,783,939,400 miles
Gas planet with outer layer of methane.
Planet is tilted on its side
Winds that move at several hundred
miles per hour.
Length of Year:
30,687 days
Gas Giant
Length of Day:
Outer Solar System
17 hours, 15 minutes
Average Temperature:
Rotates at a very fast speed.
8th Planet
Gas Giant
Outer Solar System
One moon has geysers that erupt
nitrogen from deep within.
Cold on the outside, hot inside. It gives
off more heat that it receives from the
Distance from Sun:
2,795,084,800 miles
Length of Year:
60,190 days
Length of Day:
16 hours, 7 minutes
Average Temperature:
What is a Dwarf planet?
* A celestial body orbiting theTheir
may be as many as
42 Dwarf Planets in our
* Massive enough to be round from
Solar System.
its own gravity.
* Has not cleared its neighboring
* Is not a satellite.
For your student assignment you will work in
Your group will choose somewhere in the solar
system you want to visit (one planet per group).
You will create a glog on that planet.
You need to include on your glog page:
Physical Features, Ability to support life, Flight
and Recommendations.
Physical Features:
Ability to support life:
*Length of days & years
*What is needed for
*How you propose to
compensate for conditions
that are not suitable for
sustaining life.
*Diagram of space station
or base.
*A chart of your planet and
earth’s orbits
*Where the earth needs to be
in its orbit at launch in order to
make the trip successful.
*Where the destination planet
needs to be in its orbit upon
your arrival
*For or against the trip.
Summary of why or why not.
• Astronomy for Kids: Info on planets.
• The Planets and Dwarf Planets: Info on planets.
• All about Astronomy: Graphs and charts on planets.
• Views of the Solar System: Wonderful pictures and info.
• National Geographic (Solar System): Interactive map and info.
• NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory: Games & Info.
Science Benchmark
The solar system consists of planets, moons, and other smaller objects including asteroids and
comets that orbit the sun. Planets in the solar system differ in terms of their distance from the sun,
number of moons, size, composition, and ability to sustain life. Every object exerts gravitational
force on every other object depending on the mass of the objects and the distance between them.
The sun's gravitational pull holds Earth and other planets in orbit. Earth's gravitational force holds
the moon in orbit. The sun is one of billions of stars in the Milky Way galaxy, that is one of billions
of galaxies in the universe. Scientists use a variety of tools to investigate the nature of stars,
galaxies, and the universe. Historically, cultures have observed objects in the sky and understood
and used them in various ways.
Standard 3
Students will understand the relationship and attributes of objects in the solar system.
Objective 1
Describe and compare the components of the solar system.
a. Identify the planets in the solar system by name and relative location from the sun.
b. Using references, compare the physical properties of the planets (e.g., size, solid or
Exploring the Solar System. Science NetLinks.
http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.php?DocID=165 6/22/2011