Unit I Test

How Did You Do?
Your class had 17 A’s,
including 6 100’s!
Well Done!
Questions You May Have
 #2: Protagonist
 A protagonist is the main character in a work of
literature. So…
 The FIRST definition of character best applies to the
word protagonist.
 #3 and #4: I gave a lot of you credit, however,
these answers should be adjectives, NOT
actions! Examples: kind, honest,
generous…deceitful, manipulative, rude…
 #5: This should be a sentence expressing
three QUALITIES, not actions, which were
REVEALED by a character’s actions or words.
 Example: Christy, from the novel Christy,
demonstrated through her words and actions that
she was kind, caring, and dedicated to the service
of others.
 #7: The Climax of The Glass Menagerie is
when the gentleman caller arrives.
 #8: The novel, Christy, was written in the first
person. Remember our discussion on how the
first person usage created intimacy between the
reader and the protagonist!
 #12. Why are autobiographies inherently
anecdotal? (Please look at your test and raise
your hand if I asked you to read your answer
 Autobiographies are inherently anecdotal because
they do not have carefully planned plotlines, as in a
novel. They are anecdotal because they tell the stories
of our lives.
 #13. 14. 15: Themes
 Themes are often UNIVERSAL IDEAS explored in
a work of literature.
 Themes ARE NOT the lessons or morals of a story.
 For example: One theme of The Glass Menagerie is
the desire to escape. Another is Mother/Child
relationships. Another is Abandonment.
 Raise your hands and volunteer to list a THEME of
one of our summer reading assignments!
 #27 and 28: The three purposes of literature
that we studied are Education, Edification,
and Entertainment.
 Please raise your hand if I made note on your
test to read your answer to the class!
 Education seeks to impart knowledge to the
reader; Edification seeks to impart wisdom,
uplifting the moral and/or intellectual character of
a person.
Answering Short Answer
 When answering short answer questions on
academic tests, always include part of the
question in your answer.
 Example: Q: Why are autobiographies inherently
 A: Autobiographies are inherently anecdotal
because they do not feature carefully planned
 Write in complete sentences!
 Answer the question being asked.
Very good work on your first English test this year!
Please remember these take away points not only for your Semester
Exam, but for your continued development in class this year.
A lot of these questions were contextual in nature, which may be
different that some of your previous tests in middle school. This is
GOOD THING! Contextual academic challenges will develop your critical
thinking and writing skills! Learn how to take notes and approach class
with a critical, contextual mind.
If you still have questions, it is your responsibility to see me! Let me help