Reading counts Activities


Reading Activities for Reading Counts

Goal: For independent reading of novels, you will be required to complete several activities of your own choosing. You must read (2) novels to reach the goal of 200 pts per nine weeks . You may do extra work for bonus points or complete another novel to obtain another 100 pts which will be listed as an optional assignment.

The due date for the first novel will be on February 1 st . The final due date for your second novel will be on

March 9th th . You must also complete a Reading counts test for each novel on the computer by this due date. The reading counts tests are worth 100pts. I will not accept any late assignments even if you are absent on the final due date.

Note: These assignments can and should be turned in before the final due date. Also, these assignments excluding the reading counts tests, can be done at home or during study time in class. You may also come up with other activities to complete for this. Please get my permission if you come up with other ideas.

Activity Choices

1. Bibliography- (5pts) in MLA format

2. RACE questions- (Each question is worth 20pts)

Question #1: How does the setting affect the character's attitudes and choices throughout the novel? Question #2:

How does the main character interact with the other characters throughout the story?

Question #3: What is the theme/lesson/moral of the story?

Question #4: What is the main conflict in the story?

Note : if you do not Cite © you will not receive any points for completing the RACE question

3. Book or article Review- (15pts) Find an article or book that has similar topics and themes to your book. Write a paragraph that discusses those similarities and how those topics relate to the real world. If you are doing an article, attach a copy of it. If you are doing a book, write a bibliography in MLA format.

4. Synopsis- (10pts) Write a summary of your book comparable to the summary the author provides on the back of the book. Note: Do not copy the summary. Write a summary that tells you what the novel is about without revealing the outcome or resolution of the book. The summary should be at least 8 sentences long.

5. Thematic Analysis: (25pts) Write an analysis for one of the major themes in your novel. Your analysis should be at least at a half a page, but remember your goal is to discuss how the theme you chose is shown in the novel.

You may also include how the theme relates to real life and how it affects the characters in the novel.

6. Character Analysis: (25pts) Write an analysis on the main character for your novel. It should be at least a half a page. Your goal is discuss the character's personality, physical traits, thoughts, feeling, and how the other characters relate to them. Use p. 36 in your reading workbook to help you construct your paragraphs.

7. Poetry Activity: (20pts) Create or find poem or song that has similar topics and themes to your novel. In a short paragraph, discuss how they are similar. Your poem must contain figurative language or sound devices.

Highlight and label at least three examples of these poetic devices. Remember to include a copy of the poem.

8. Genre Card: (20pts) Using white paper, divide the paper in half and on one side write a synopsis for your novel. It should be at least 8 sentences long. On the other side of the paper, illustrate a scene from the novel.

Also, list all the genres for your novel.

Examples for each Reading Counts Activity


Bibliography in MLA format:

Author’s last name, Author’s first name. Title of book. Publisher. City of Publication: Copyright year.


RACE question:

R- The novel, The Outsiders , is written from the point of view of ……….

AFirst person

C-Ponyboy, the main character, states “As I stepped out into the clear blue sunshine,” at the beginning of the novel when he is leaving the movie theater.

D- The main character is using the pronouns I and me to tell the story. This shows that he is telling the story and not a narrator.


Book or article Review: In the nonfiction book entitled “Gangs in America”, it has a similar theme of gang violence like in “The




A teen gang in rural Oklahoma, the Greasers are perpetually at odds with the Socials, a rival group. When Greasers Ponyboy and Johnny get into a brawl that ends in the death of a Social member, the boys are forced to go into hiding. Soon Ponyboy and

Johnny, along with the intense Dallas and their other Greaser buddies, must contend with the consequences of their violent lives.

While some Greasers try to achieve redemption, others meet tragic ends.


Thematic Analysis:

Example of Thematic Analysis

Kristen Ray

January 26 th , 1999

Thematic Analysis


In “Dirk the Protector,” one of the major themes is bravery. This theme is shown in the story when Dirk, a homeless and ferocious dog, puts his own needs aside to help the story’s writer fend off a vicious bullying attack. According to the text, the main character is constantly bullied by a gang of boys who…………………………………………..

This theme relates to real life because people show bravery in their everyday lives. An example of this was when my sister saved my son when he ran out into oncoming traffic. My son was two years old at the time when …………………………………….


Character Analysis :

Ponyboy Curtis The novel’s fourteen-year-old narrator and protagonist, and the youngest of the greasers. Ponyboy’s literary interests and academic accomplishments set him apart from the rest of his gang. Because his parents have died in a car accident,

Ponyboy lives with his brothers Darry and Sodapop. Darry repeatedly accuses Ponyboy of lacking common sense, but Ponyboy is a reliable and observant narrator. Throughout the novel, Ponyboy struggles with class division, violence, innocence, and the love of his family. He matures over the course of the novel, eventually realizing the importance of strength in the face of class bias.


Poetry Choice

: The poem “Stay Gold” relates the theme of staying true to yourself in the novel “The Outsiders”. The main character

Ponyboy has to try to remain true to himself and his Greaser friends when he befriends a Soc who is considered to be the Greasers’s enemies.
