AP Calculus BC – Ms. Battaglia
Somerville High School
2014 – 2015
Room 111
Email: nbattaglia@somervilleschools.org
The following is an outline of the material that will be covered in AP Calculus
BC. Throughout the course, students will be expected to express mathematical
ideas both orally and in written form on a daily basis. Particular attention will be
paid to word-choice and the avoidance of pronouns. All concepts will be studied
using an analytic and graphical approach. Computer technology will be used to
develop ideas and enhance lessons when appropriate.
The following is an outline of the material that will be covered in AP Calculus
BC. Throughout the course, students will be expected to express mathematical
ideas both orally and in written form on a daily basis. Particular attention will be
paid to word-choice and the avoidance of pronouns. All concepts will be studied
using an analytic and graphical approach. Computer technology will be used to
develop ideas and enhance lessons when appropriate.
Through completion of this course students will have the ability to:
Work with functions graphically, numerically, analytically, and verbally, as well as
understand the connections between these representations
Understand that the derivative represents a rate of change or a local linear
approximation and will be able to apply derivatives to problem solving.
Understand the meaning of the definite integral both as a limit of Riemann sums and
as the net accumulation of change and will be able to apply integrals to problem
Understand the relationship between the derivative and the definite integral as
expressed in both parts of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
Communicate mathematics and explain solutions both verbally and in written form.
Model a written description of a physical situation with a function, differential
equation, or an integral.
Use technology to help solve problems, experiment, interpret results, and justify
Verify the reasonableness of solutions, including sign, size, relative accuracy, and
units of measurement.
Appreciate calculus as a coherent body of knowledge and as a human
We will use a graphing calculator on a regular basis. I have a classroom set of TI84s but it is strongly suggested that you obtain your own calculator for work
outside of the classroom. A TI-84 or a TI-89 is recommended for this course. We
will be using the calculator to perform the following tasks:
Graph functions in arbitrary viewing windows
Calculate the zeros of a function (i.e. its x-intercepts)
Calculate the numerical derivative of a function
Calculate the numerical integral of a function
Interpret results and justify solutions obtained manually
Unit 1: Functions, Limits, and Continuity (7 days)
A. The Cartesian Plane and Functions
 Absolute Value
 Symmetry
 Even and Odd Functions
 Domain and Range
B. Limits and Their Properties
 One and two-sided limits
sin x
 1 and confirm graphically)
Squeeze Theorem (look at proof of lim
Calculate limits of polynomial and rational functions graphically,
analytically, and by using a table of values
Infinite Limits and Limits at Infinity
Horizontal and Vertical Asymptotes of a Function
x0 x
C. Continuity
 Develop definition of continuity
 Continuous and Discontinuous Functions
o Removable, Non-removable, Infinite, Jump Discontinuity (discuss y =
int(x) )
Intermediate Value Theorem
Extreme Value Theorem (introduce and revisit in Unit 3)
Unit 2: Differentiation (15 days)
A. Rates of Change of a Function
 Average Rate of Change
 Tangent Line to a Curve
 Instantaneous Rate of Change
B. The Derivative
 Definition of the Derivative (difference quotient)
 Derivative at a Point
 One-sided derivatives
 Numerical Derivative of a Function (using nDeriv on the calculator)
 Graphing f`(x) using the graph of f(x)
 The Derivative as a Function
 Graphing the Derivative (explore using Y2 = nDeriv(Y1,X,X) on the calculator)
C. Differentiability
 Define differentiability
 Differentiability and Continuity
 Local Linearity
 Symmetric Difference Quotient
 Intermediate Value Theorem for Derivatives
D. Differentiation Rules
 Sum and Difference Rules
 Constant, Power, Product, and Quotient Rules
 Chain Rule
 Higher Order Derivatives
E. Applications of the Derivative
 Position, Velocity, Acceleration, and Jerk (show that vertical motion
formulas from physics are related through differentiation)
 Particle Motion
F. Implicit Differentiation
 y` notation
 Expressing derivatives in terms of x and y.
G. Related Rates
Unit 3: Applications of Differentiation (14 days)
A. Extema and Related Theorems
 Absolute Extrema
 Extreme Value Theorem
 Relative Extrema
 Critical Values
 Rolle’s Theorem
 Mean Value Theorem
B. Determining Function Behavior
 Increasing and Decreasing Functions
 First Derivative Test to Locate Relative Extrema
 Concavity
 Using the Second Derivative to Locate Points of Inflection
 Second Derivative Test to Locate Relative Extrema
 L’Hôpital’s Rule
 The Relationship Between f(x), f`(x), and f``(x).
C. Optimization
D. Differentials
 Local Linearity
 Tangent Line Approximation
 Newton’s Method*
Although this topic is not on the AP exam, it demonstrates a
practical application of the linear approximation model which I
believe will reinforce the concept with students.
Unit 4: Integration (12 days)
A. Antiderivatives
 Indefinite Integrals
 Initial Conditions and Particular Solutions
 Basic Integration Rules
B. Area Under a Curve
 RAM (Rectangle Approximation Method)
 Riemann Sums
 Left sums, right sums, midpoint sums
 Definite Integrals
C. The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus
 FTC Part 1
Numerical Integral (using fnInt on the calculator)
FTC Part 2
Mean Value Theorem for Integrals
Average Value of a Function
Integration by Substitution
Integrating with Respect to the x and y axes
D. Trapezoidal Rule
Unit 5: Transcendental Functions (12 days)
A. Trigonometric Functions
 Differentiation
 Integration
B. Inverse Trigonometric Functions
 Differentiation
 Integration
 General Rule for Derivative of an Inverse Function
C. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions
Unit 6: Advanced Integration (14 days)
A. Substitution with Complete Change of Variable
B. Integration by Parts
C. Partial Fractions (non-repeating linear factors only)
D. Improper Integrals
Unit 7: Differential Equations (8 days)
A. Slope Fields
B. Euler’s Method
C. Separable Differentiable Equations
D. Exponential Growth and Decay (including their use in modeling)
E. Logistic Differential Equations (including carrying capacity and their use in
Unit 8: Applications of Integration (14 days)
A. Net Change
 Distance vs. Displacement of a Particle in Motion
 Consumption over time
B. Area of a Region Between Two Curves
 Integrating with Respect to the x and y axes
C. Volume of 3-dimensional Regions
 Disk Method
 Shell Method
 Known Cross Sections
Unit 9: Sequence and Series (16 days)
A. Sequences
 Types: Arithmetic, Geometric, Harmonic, Alternating Harmonic
 Convergence and Divergence
 Monotonic and Bounded Sequences
 L’Hopital’s Rule to Determine Convergence
B. Series
 Sequence of Partial Sums
 Convergence and Divergence
 Tests for Convergence or Divergence: nth-term, geometric series, telescoping
series, p-series, alternating series, integral, root, ratio, direct comparison,
limit comparison
C. Taylor Polynomials
 Approximation of Transcendental Curves Using Polynomials
 Express Functions as Maclaurin and Taylor Polynomials
 Differentiation and Integration of Taylor Polynomials
 Radius and Intervals of Convergence of a Power Series
 Lagrange Error Estimation
Unit 10: Polar and Parametric Equations and Vectors (12 days)
A. Parametric Equations
 Conversion between rectangular and parametric forms
 Differentiation and Integration
 Length of a Parametric Curve
B. Polar Equations
 Conversion between rectangular and polar form
Differentiation and Integration
Area Bound by Polar Curves
Length of a Polar Curve
C. Vectors
 Properties of Vectors
 Dot and Cross Products
 Differentiation and Integration of Vector-Values Functions
 Velocity and Acceleration of Objects Modeled by Twice-differentiable
Functions of Time
Unit 11: Review and AP Exam Preparation (15 days)
A. Multiple Choice Practice
B. Free Response Practice
 Rubric Review
 Self-scoring using rubric
 Peer evaluation of written responses
After the AP Exam
Projects related to the applications of the derivative and solids of
Conic Sections and their Calculus
Hyperbolic Functions
Larson and Edwards. Calculus of a Single Variable (AP Edition). Ninth Edition.
Brooks/Cole, 2010.
Supplemental Reference Materials
Finney, Demana, Waits, and Kennedy. Calculus – Graphical, Numerical, Algebraic. Second
Edition. Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2006.
AP Calculus Workshop Handbook, College Board, 2008-2009.
Texas Instruments TI-83 Flash Debugger
Texas Instruments TI-SmartView for TI-84
Geometer Sketchpad
Calculus in Motion.
60% of your final grade
40% of your final grade
**Other Projects will be graded as I deem necessary
The lowest quiz grade will be dropped marking periods 1-3.
If you have a question or concern about your grade, you must make an
appointment with me after class, during lunch, or before or after school.
Students will have ONE day for each day you are absent to make up the
If you miss a test or quiz, you must make it up the FIRST DAY you return
to school.
Plagiarism and academic dishonesty are serious offenses. The academic
work of a student is expected to be his/her own effort. Students must give
the author(s) credit for any source material used. Students who commit
any act of academic dishonesty will receive a failing grade in that portion
of the course work. Acts of academic dishonesty will be reported to the
I have very high expectations for this class. If you perform to the best of
your ability, you will succeed. I look forward to helping you in any way
during the school year and will be available if you need extra help. The
following are specific rules of the classroom:
o Be on time! You must be in your seat and ready to work when the
bell rings.
o Be prepared! Bring daily-required materials to class every day.
o Be respectful! Show respect to everyone and everything!
o The teacher dismisses the class, not the bell!
1st Offense: Verbal warning
2nd Offense: Teacher/student conference
3rd Offense: Phone call home
4th Offense: Detention before school, after school, or during lunch
5th Offense: Referral
I look forward to working with you this year!