Multiplicative Structures Cards

Equal Groups/Unknown Product
Mark has seven bags of cookies. There are four
cookies in each bag. How many cookies does Mark
have altogether?
Equal Groups/Group Size Unknown
Sean has thirty-six apples. He wants to share them
equally among his four friends. How many apples will
each friend receive?
Equal Groups/Number of Groups Unknown
Joann has twenty-seven stickers. She wants to put
them onto scrapbook pages containing nine stickers
each. How pages did Joann fill with stickers?
Compare/Group Size Unknown
Billy cut a piece of board that is six ft long. He now
needs a piece of board that is twice as long. How long
should the second piece of board be?
Compare/Unknown Product
Jill walked twelve miles this week. That is three times
as far as she walked last week. How far did Jill walk
last week?
Compare/number of Groups Unknown
I have a piece of red ribbon that is eight feet long. I
have a piece of black ribbon that is two feet long.
How many times longer is my piece of red ribbon than
my piece of black ribbon?
Arrays, Area/Unknown Product
What is the area of a rectangular garden that has a
width of nine feet and a length of twelve feet?
Arrays, Area/Group Size Unknown
A rectangle has an area of thirty-six square feet. The
length is 9 feet. What is the width?
Arrays, Area/Number of Groups Unknown
A rectangle has an area of thirty-six square feet. The
width is three feet. What is the length?
Equal Groups/Unknown Product
Enterprise is replacing all tires on the fifteen cars in its
fleet. How many tires are needed?
Compare/Unknown Product
Arrays, Area/Unknown Product
Tonya has four times as many dresses as Janie. If Janie
Julius’s garden measures twelve feet wide and fifteen
has five dresses, how many does Tonya have?
feet long. How big is his garden?
Equal Groups/Group Size Unknown
Janie brought twenty-four doughnuts to the
breakfast. There will be twelve people there. How
many doughnuts does each person get if they are
shared equally?
Equal Groups/Number of Groups Unknown
Tonya makes bracelets as a hobby. She has a pattern
that takes twelve beads for a bracelet. She found a
great package of beads at Michael’s that contains two
hundred forty five beads. How many bracelets can
she make?
Arrays, Area/Group Size Unknown
Coleen has a rug that measures seventy-two square
feet in area. She remembered it was twelve feet
wide, but not how long? How long is it?
Arrays, Area/Number of Groups Unknown
Janie has a rug that is sixty-three square feet in area.
She knows it is nine feet long, but how wide is it?
Compare/Unknown Product
Katy saved $50 last month. This month she saved
three times as much. How much did she save this
Equal Groups/Unknown Product
Compare/Number of Groups Unknown
Tonya has $125 saved for the trip and Janie has $25.
How many times greater is Tonya’s amount saved
than Janie’s amount?
Equal Groups/Group Size Unknown
Mrs. Green gives $2 to each of her four children. How
Mrs. Smith shared sixteen books equally among her
much money does she give away?
four children. How many books did each child get?
Equal Groups/Number of Groups Unknown
Arrays, Area/ Unknown Product
There are eight chairs in each row. There are six
Mr. Jones shared twelve apples equally, giving each of rows. How many chairs are in the room?
his children four. How many children does he have?
Arrays, Area/ Group Size Unknown
There are twenty four children. If they are in six rows,
how many children are in each row?
Arrays, Area/ Number of Groups Unknown
There are thirty-five cars in a parking lot. If there are
seven cars in each row, how many rows are there?
Compare/Unknown Product
Compare/Group Size Unknown
John has five toy cars. Matt has three times as many
toy cars as John. How many toy cars does Matt have?
Carol has six pencils. She has twice as many pencils as
Mary has. How many pencils does Mary have?
Compare/Number of Groups Unknown
Andrea walked thirty minutes. Heather walked ten
minutes. How many times as long did Andrea walk