Dynamic characters

 Create THREE discussion questions for the beginning
of Chapter 12. (you stopped at pg. 172 in the yellow
book, and pg. 149 in the pink book)
 These must be thought-provoking questions! Don’t ask
questions with just one-word answers.
 Then, trade with a partner to answer your questions.
Your partner must pick TWO of your questions to
answer in 3-5 complete sentences.
 Then, you and your partner will choose ONE of your
questions to write on the board to share with the class.
Flat and Round Characters
Static and Dynamic
Main Characters
Protagonist—the main character of a story.
• The action of the story revolves
around the protagonist and the
conflict he or she faces.
Antagonist—the character or force
the protagonist struggles against
and must overcome.
Subordinate Characters
A subordinate
character can be
defined as a
character with an
important role in a
story who is not
actually the story's
Main character
Flat Characters versus Round
Flat characters
• have only one or two
character traits that can be
described in a few words
• have no depth, like a
piece of cardboard
Think back to the short stories we
Who were the flat characters in
the following stories?
• “All Summer in a Day”
• “Wine on the Desert”
• “Harrison Bergeron”
Flat Characters versus Round
Round characters
• have many different
character traits that
sometimes contradict
each other
• are much like real
people, with several
sides to their
Think back to the short stories we
Who were the round (dynamic)
characters in the following
• “All Summer in a Day”
• “Wine on the Desert”
• “Harrison Bergeron”
Flat vs. round characters
So, “flat” and “round” refer to the character traits and
personalities of the characters.
To determine whether a character is flat or round, ask
• Does the character have a lot of different
character traits? (round) or,
• Can the character’s personality only be described
in a few words? (flat)
• Does the character seem like a real person with a
real personality? (round) or,
• Does the character not seem lifelike?
Dynamic Characters versus Static
Dynamic characters
• change or grow as a result of the story’s
• learn something about themselves, other
people, or the world as they struggle to resolve
their conflicts
The changes that a dynamic character undergoes
contribute to the meaning of the story.
Think back to the short stories we
Who were the dynamic characters
in the following stories?
• “All Summer in a Day”
• “Wine on the Desert”
• “Harrison Bergeron”
Dynamic Characters versus Static
Static characters
• do not change or grow
• are the same at the end of a story as they were
in the beginning
Subordinate characters are often static characters.
Think back to the short stories we
Who were the static characters in
the following stories?
• “All Summer in a Day”
• “Wine on the Desert”
• “Harrison Bergeron”
Static and Dynamic Characters
So, “static” and “dynamic” refer to whether a
character changes or not. Basically, ask
• Did this character change throughout the
story? (dynamic) or,
• Did the character stay the same? (static)
Quick Review
What’s the difference between flat/round
characters, and static/dynamic
Flat/round refers to characters’ personalities.
• Flat=character has only one or two personality traits
• Round=character has multiple, humanlike personality
Static/dynamic refers to character change.
• Static=character doesn’t change in a story.
• Dynamic=character DOES change in a story.
Characterization in Poetry
• Read the poem “Peanut Butter Sandwich.”
After reading the poem…
Turn and talk with a partner. Discuss the
• Is the king a round or flat character? Why?
• Is the king static or dynamic?
• How would you describe the king?
Characterization in Poetry
• Read ”Yesterday” lyrics
After reading the lyrics…
Turn and talk with a partner. Discuss the
• Is narrator a round or flat character? Why?
• Is the narrator static or dynamic?
• How would you describe the narrator?
What do you think?
Is Ponyboy Curtis, our main character in The
Outsiders, ROUND or FLAT? Is he STATIC or
Ponyboy is…
ROUND: He has multiple personality traits.
DYNAMIC: He changes throughout the story.
Ponyboy Curtis
In partners, you will look at how certain characters in The
Outsiders are dynamic.
Ponyboy’s Changes
• How does Ponyboy’s attitude toward the Socs change? (ch. 1
and ch. 7, ch. 9)
• How does Ponyboy’s attitude toward Darry change? (ch. 1, ch.
4 and ch. 6)
• How does Ponyboy’s reaction change when the Socs try to
fight him? (ch. 1 and ch. 12)
• How does Ponyboy’s performance in school change? (ch. 1
and ch. 12)
• Ponyboy’s attitude about Bob (ch. 3, ch. 4, and ch. 11)
• Ponyboy’s attitude toward Dally (ch. 1 and ch. 10)
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