ELTON PARISH COUNCIL Minutes of the meeting of the Parish

Minutes of the meeting of the Parish Council held on Monday 15 January 2015 at Elton
Community Centre
Present: Councillors Tony Mills (in the Chair), Mike Hulse, Margaret Lockhart, Sheila Williams
and Maureen Wilson
In Attendance: Pauline English (Parish Clerk), Ewan McHenry (CWaC Localities Team), PC Kevin
Ross, Dawn Taylor (Cheshire Partnership Gypsy Traveller Co-ordinator) and one member of the
No apologies had been received. A letter had been received from Councillor Martin de
Havilland Fox tendering his resignation due to work commitments. The vacancy would
be advertised. A potential candidate had been found to fill the vacancy left by the
resignation of former Councillor Helen Coy, but he had been unable to attend the
meeting to take up his place on the Council.
Councillor Williams declared a personal, non-prejudicial interest in issues relating to the
Elton Shops as she managed the Post Office.
(1) Policing Issues: PC Ross advised that there was nothing further to report on the
Post Office robbery but that enquiries were ongoing. He told the Parish Council that
it had been relatively quiet over the Christmas and New Year period, the only issue
being a group of 9-13 year olds reported as throwing eggs and stones in various
locations. When the Police arrived the youths had disappeared. One assault had
been reported, there had been no criminal damage and there had been only two
minor RTCs on the A5117. The Chairman asked whether the mugging of two people
on New Year’s Eve had been reported, and Councillor Williams asked about a
mugging on the Saturday following the Post Office robbery which had been reported
and investigated. PC Ross replied that he was only aware of a minor incident in
Dairy Bank on New Year’s Eve.
The Parish Council had asked whether they could be given a list of PC Ross and
PCSO Connolly’s shift patterns so that they would know when someone was
available to attend Parish Council meetings. PC Ross was unwilling to divulge this
information because it could leak to the general public. Chief Inspector Rees had
been asked about this at his recent meeting with Councillors Lockhart and Mills and
had said he could not see any problem, but he would find out and report back. He
had not yet done so.
Councillor Lockhart reported that a car had been parked partly on the pavement on
Alvanley View and that people were having to step into the road to get round it. PC
Ross confirmed that this was classed as obstruction and was an offence. He would
ask the Community Safety Wardens to check the situation and take the necessary
The Chairman stated that he believed that the enforcement of parking regulations on
School Lane and the issue of parking tickets to those who were breaking the law
would have an effect on parking problems in the area and would act as a deterrent.
PC Ross’s attention was drawn to a youth who drove a white van too fast through the
village and had been involved in a number of accidents.
(2) Gypsies and Travellers: The Parish Council welcomed Dawn Taylor, Cheshire
Partnership Gypsy Traveller Co-ordinator, to the meeting. She told the Parish
Council that she had been in her current post since 2005 and that she was to lead a
Regional Traveller Unit. She had a sergeant and a PC attached to her team plus two
traveller officers and would soon be getting a Planning officer. Her Unit covered
Cheshire East and West, Halton and Warrington. Dawn reminded the Parish Council
that two new official sites had recently been created at Ellesmere Port and Winsford
and added that both Prevan Place and Little Meadow had been offered places but
had not taken up this offer. Now that the official sites were available it would be
possible to move on those caravans that were using unofficial sites and it would be
the task of the new Planning officer to look into this. He/she would deal with all
traveller applications and take up all enforcement issues.
A count of all caravans was undertaken in January and July every year and this
provided a snapshot of the situation on that day. The next count was imminent. No
account could be taken of travellers who lived in permanent accommodation.
Dawn explained the law relating to travellers living in caravans parked on another
property which was that the occupants of the caravan must use the kitchen and
bathroom of the host property but otherwise they could continue to live in the
caravan. If someone was living in the caravan and using kitchen and bathroom
facilities within the caravan, then this would be an enforcement issue. If there was
more than one caravan parked on a drive then the rules relating to houses in multiple
occupation would become valid.
Dawn agreed to take up specific issues raised in relation to Elton which were the size
of the caravan parked at 36 Parkland Drive and issues relating to parking and noise
from cockerels and dogs in Alvanley View. The latter would involve planning
enforcement and the noise abatement team which Dawn would contact. She would
also arrange a leaflet drop and knock on doors to try to explain the problems face to
face, especially those relating to parking. She offered to return to the next Parish
Council meeting to report on progress. The Clerk was asked to email her the date
and an invitation to attend.
The minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday 8 December 2014 were
confirmed as a correct record.
There were no matters arising that were not covered in the agenda.
(1) Budget and Precept: The Parish Council approved the budget for 2015-16 and
resolved as follows:
(a) The Clerk’s salary from 1 January 2015 be increased to £364.94 per month
(£4,379.28 per annum gross to the nearest decimal point) in line with SCP22 on
the NJC pay scales;
(b) The Clerk’s salary from 1 April 2015 be increased by one spinal column point to
SCP23 (£4,507.80 per annum (£375.65 per month gross to the nearest decimal
(c) The non-consolidated payment of £21.62 (£17.30 net) agreed by the NJC as part
of the pay deal and made in December 2014 be noted;
(d) A monthly fixed payment of £10 be agreed for 2015-16 to mitigate the costs of
having the Parish Council’s registered office at the Clerk’s home;
(e) The rate per mile to be paid for casual use of own transport by both employees
and Councillors on Parish Council approved business should remain at 45p per
(f) John Henry be appointed as the Parish Council’s internal auditor for the 2014-15
accounts; and
(g) The precept for 2015-16 be set at £12,900 plus the Council Tax Reduction
Scheme payment of £2,702.
(2) Payments: The following payments
goods/services were approved.
Viv Callaghan – net pay
Eric Cockins – net pay
Rob Highcock – net pay
Parish Clerk–net pay
HM Revenue & Customs – Income Tax
PIANDMS-Monthly Inspection
Parish Clerk-expenses
(3) Receipts:
17.12.14 CWaC
12.01.15 Elton Gardeners Association
New Homes Bonus
Water Bill
(4) Balance in Bank: The balance on 19 December 2014 was £28,510.56.
Interviews with the Street Orderlies would be arranged within the next few weeks, to
coincide with their regular shifts. It might be necessary to consider increasing the
number of Street Orderlies to four
The Chairman had consulted the CCG who were looking into the issues and would report
back. It was noted that the current issue for the CCG was extending the hours of GP
(1) Applications:.
Use existing site for the shredding of wood waste and straw for cattle
bedding at Elton Lane Farm, Elton Lane, Chester, Cheshire
(2) Decisions: The following decisions made by CWaC were noted:
14/04225/FUL Construction of a temporary access road including a Bailey Bridge at Plot 9,
Ince Resource Recovery Park, Grinsome Road, Ellesmere Port, Cheshire –
14/04090/FUL Single storey extension at Shell Petrol Filling Station, Chester Motorway
Service Area, Hapsford Interchange, Elton, Chester, Cheshire CH2 4QZ –
(3) Decisions Awaited: It was noted that no decision had yet been taken on the
following application:
14/05050/NMA Non-material amendment to application 11/00040/WAS (Development of
20MW biomass renewable energy plant, bulk storage building, car parking
provision, landscaping, associated highways infrastructure and associated
works) at Plot 9, Ince Resource Recovery Park, Grinsome Road, Ellesmere
Port, Cheshire
14/04412/FUL The use of land for the stationing of caravans for residential purposes for
2no. Permanent gypsy pitches and 6no. Transit pitches with dayrooms and
hardstanding ancillary to that use at Little Meadow Green, ShotwickFrodsham Road, Thornton-le-Moors, Chester, Cheshire.
(1) Pedestrian Crossing on School Lane: The Clerk had contacted CWaC to see
whether the project to construct a pedestrian crossing on School Lane could be
brought forward and had been informed that it had been scheduled for
February/March. The Chairman reported that he had been informed that the project
had been delayed and the Clerk was asked to check with CWaC to ascertain the new
date. The project had been costed at £7,796.19. Councillor Heatley had contributed
£3,000 and the Parish Council would contribute £2,000. CWaC had confirmed that
they would make up the difference.
(2) Road Investment Strategy: A briefing note setting out the Government’s New Road
Investment Strategy as it affected Cheshire West and Chester and announcements
made in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement affecting transport proposals and
programmes had been circulated and was noted.
(1) Police Update: Nothing further to report (see Open Forum)
(2) Community Centre: The Chairman had asked for a meeting to be arranged at the
Community Centre to discuss how to take forward the matter of the boiler.
(3) Parish Field Jubilee Field: The cheque given to the Parish Council by the Fete
Committee for the Licence Fee had not been honoured. The Fete Committee had
been contacted and a response was awaited.
(4) Encirc, Essar, GrowHow: Nothing to report
(5) Ince Forum and Wind Farm: The next meeting of the Ince Park Community Forum
was to be held in February. The date of the Liaison Meeting regarding the Wind
Farm was awaited.
(6) Thornton Science Park: The Clerk had written to the Vice Chancellor, Tim Wheeler,
about the establishment of a Liaison Committee and a reply was awaited.
(7) Allotments: It was agreed that the hedge trimming could be done.
(1) Proposed Changes to Podiatry Services in West Cheshire: Cheshire and Wirral
Partnership and the West Cheshire Clinical Commissioning Group had issued a
consultation document on proposed changes to the way in which the podiatry service
in West Cheshire was to be offered. There were three options for consideration. The
consultation closed on 1 March 2015
(2) The Cheshire "Meet the Developer" Event: An event for Cheshire Communities to
engage with developers is to be held on 12 March 2015, 10.00am to 3.30pm, at
Crewe Alexandra Football Ground. The event was a response to requests from
Local Councils producing Neighbourhood Plans (and those that aren't) to help them
engage with developers and vice versa. The event woud help Town and Parish
Councils find out what developers do and how they operate; learn about the different
ways homes are developed; build contacts with developers to help with
Neighbourhood Plan consultations or to work collaboratively to deliver housing to
meet community needs; provide the opportunity to ask specific questions about how
development works, how it relates to neighbourhood plans and what benefits can be
achieved by working collaboratively with both social and private housing developers;
and convey how the community would like to work with developers in a positive,
constructive and neutral environment.
(3) Rural Housing Alliance: A letter had been received from Peter Moore, Chair, Rural
Housing Alliance informing Parish Councils that the ‘Affordable Rural Housing:
Practical Guide for Parish Councils’ had been revised and republished and was
available to download or request from the National Association of Local Councils.
Two areas of current concern were highlighted. The first related to the way in which
homes in some areas were being allocated. New rules prevented some families,
who could previously apply for an affordable home, from now doing so and it was
suggested that Parish Councils could play an active role in challenging this new
approach. The second concern related to the recent announcement by the
Government that the revised threshold at which new developments would be
required to provide some affordable homes had been set at 10 houses, subject to
limits agreed by local planning authorities in some smaller rural settlements where a
reduced threshold of five or less could be applied. Parish Councils could ask local
planning authorities how they planned to respond to the Government’s changes and,
if appropriate, lobby for a lower threshold to be set
Starter Homes Initiative: The Prime Minister had announced a new scheme offering
100,000 first time buyers new homes with a 20% discount. Aspiring home owners
would be asked to register their interest in buying via the Starter Homes Initiative
from the beginning of 2015. The scheme would require a change to the planning
system to free under-used or unviable brownfield land from planning costs and levies
in return for a below market value sale price on the homes built on the site.
Developers and Councils were currently being consulted on the proposals to ensure
the changes would unlock a range of sites across the country. A number of local
authorities, including Cheshire West & Chester Council, had already pledged support
for the scheme.
Public Transport Services in Elton: A letter had been received from Andrew Miller
MP confirming that he had passed the Parish Council’s letter to David Martin, Chief
Executive of Arriva and had asked him to look into the points made on behalf of the
residents of Elton. He would contact the Parish Council again when he received a
response from Mr Martin.
Get Healthy Get Active Funding: In early December, Sport England had launched a
new fund to help tackle inactivity. Groups with projects designed to get inactive
people more physically active through sport would be able to bid for a share of a new
£5 million National Lottery fund. Funding closed on 24th January 2015.
Healthwatch Consultation on service provision for disabled children:
Healthwatch Cheshire West had received a number of comments from parents and
carers of disabled children and young people regarding gaps in service provision and
services being cancelled and had responded by assisting in gathering evidence from
those who cared for and worked with this group of people and from the young people
themselves. Healthwatch were now seeking views from disabled children and young
people up to the age of 25 years, their families and carers in West Cheshire on what
was good and what was bad about local services being accessed. They also wanted
to know which services were missing as well as good ideas to make things better
North Wales and Borders Partnership of the Canal and River Trust: This was
one of 12 Partnerships created by the Canal & River Trust, a charitable trust looking
after canals and rivers in England & Wales (replacing the former British Waterways).
The aim of the Partnerships was to give people a voice in the development and
management of their waterway. The North Wales and Borders Partnership was
currently looking for new members.
Meeting with Police and Crime Commissioner: A meeting was to be held with the
Police and Crime Commissioner on Tuesday 27 January 2015 in Weaverham
Community Centre. Councillors Lockhart and Williams and the Chairman would
attend. The note of the meeting held on 10 July 2014 was circulated.
(1) Draft Local Plan-Inspector’s report: It was noted that the Inspector had issued his
final report on 15 December 2015.
(2) Enabling Community Empowerment Fund: Cheshire West and Chester Council
were inviting applications to their Enabling Community Empowerment Fund for the
2015/16 financial year. Grants of between £5,000 and £25,000 were available to
voluntary and community organisations.
(3) New Chester Bus Interchange at Gorse Stacks: Cheshire and Warrington Local
Enterprise Partnership had confirmed that the business case submitted for the
Chester Central Transport Improvements Package, which included the bus
interchange and planned improvements to paving and streetscape in pedestrian
routes adjoining Gorse Stacks, had received Government approval and would be
progressed to a formal grant award early in the new year. The Council’s Strategic
Planning Committee had approved the planning application for the bus interchange,
subject to a number of conditions. A preferred construction bidder would be
identified by the end of April 2015 with a planned start on site in early summer 2015.
Enabling works on utility diversions would commence in the spring. Construction
was expected to last around 15 months and it should be operational towards the end
of 2016.
(4) Annual Public Health Report: The focus of the Annual Health Report was
encouraging change to improve health and wellbeing; highlighting actions that
individuals could undertake to benefit their own and their family’s health and showing
what was happening around the Borough
(5) Health and Wellbeing Service for 5-19 year olds: The Council’s Public Health
team was to introduce a Health & Wellbeing Service specifically aimed at 5-19 year
olds. Cheshire & Wirral Partnerships NHS Trust (CWP) had been awarded the
contract. The service would involve a range of partners and would work through
schools, youth clubs and community groups. The Council and CWP were currently
mapping out an implementation plan.
(6) Housing: (1) Changes to Trust HomeChoice: The way homes were allocated
across West Cheshire had changed which meant that anyone who had previously
applied for social housing and been rejected or had been told they weren’t eligible
might now be able to apply successfully. (2) New Home Assistance Hub: HMS had
been appointed by CWaC to carry out services for Liverpool Mutual Homes’ (LMH)
new Home Assistance Hub for residents in West Cheshire including the provision of
disabled facilities grants; minor work adaptations; Handyperson Services; and decent
homes loans for owner-occupiers. The investment in a new Home Assistance Hub
was an initial source to help the residents of Cheshire West and Chester to live in
their own homes for longer and with greater independence and safety.
(7) Census Profiles: Every ten years, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) carried out
a census to find out more about the people living in England and Wales and the
make-up of local neighbourhoods. The 2011 Census had taken place on Sunday 27
March 2011 and Council teams had aimed to ensure as many people as possible
completed the census forms. The response rate for the borough was 96%,
compared to 94% nationally. The Strategic Intelligence team had produced a range
of 2011 Census products including a ward atlas and a range of themed profiles for
wards, localities, Clinical Commissioning Groups and Cheshire West & Chester.
Nothing further to report.
Nothing to report.
Councillor Lockhart asked for dog thefts to be an item on the next agenda.
Monday 9 February 2015 at 7.00pm at Elton Community Centre.