03 Bleeding in early pregnancy2014-12

Assistant Professor & Consultant
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology
 An abortion is pregnancy that ends before the baby
can survive outside the uterus because it has not yet
reached viability. It is therefore defined as a
spontaneous loss of a pregnancy before 24 weeks. An
abortion tends to start with bleeding and pain may
 A threatened abortion is characterized by bleeding
early in the pregnancy but the pregnancy continues.
 An inevitable abortion means that the pregnancy
cannot be saved. It may be incomplete, with
pregnancy products still in the uterine cavity or
complete with nothing remaining.
A. Spontaneous abortion – this is when the abortion occurs
naturally as opposed to being induced.
B. Induced abortion – the pregnancy is terminated artificially.
1. Threatened abortion : There is bleeding and sometimes
pelvic pain but the cervix is closed and ultrasound indicates
an ongoing pregnancy within the uterus.
2. Inevitable abortion – the pregnancy is not continuing
3. Complete abortion – an inevitable abortion and the uterus has
completely emptied itself
4. Incomplete abortion – an inevitable abortion with products of
the pregnancy still present in the uterus
5. Missed abortion– there are no reasons to have suspected that
the pregnancy is not going to continue but the embryo has
6. Septic Abortion – The abortion has been complicated
by infection
7. Recurrent or Habitual abortion – most authorities
recommend that these terms should be used only for
three or more consecutive abortions although there is
a tendency towards two.
8. Second Trimester abortion – abortion after thirteen
weeks and before 24 weeks
Prevalence of Abortion
 It is thought that 10-20% of pregnancies miscarry. Most
abortions occur in the early weeks of pregnancy.
 Ultrasound screening of fetal anomaly has shown the
incidence of non-viable pregnancy at 10 to 13 weeks to
be 2.8%
 Often the cause of an abortion remains unknown. The
most common cause for abortion is a blighted ovum –
the trophoblast tissues develop but there is no fetus.
 Another common cause is a genetic defect. Smoking
and obesity may contribute to abortion.
Blighted Ovum
 Normally the zygote divides and part becomes the
embryo, a part becomes the placental tissue
(trophoblast) and the amniotic membranes. When there
is blighted ovum, the trophoblast develops alone
without the development of the embryo. Blighted ovum
has also been referred to as” anembryonic pregnancy”.
Nearly half of early abortions are associated with a
bighted ovum. It is likely that abnormal chromosomes
are more prevalent.
1. Threatened abortion : Slight bleeding which may
persist for weeks, mild pain, internal os is closed. It is
then essential to decide whether there is any
possibility of continuation of the pregnancy by vaginal
ultrasound. Gestation sac can be seen by scan 33 – 35
days after the last menstrual period.
* Serial qualitative HCG levels
* Increasing titres indicate a live fetus and expectant
Inevitable Abortion
 Indicates the pregnancy is doomed to end shortly.
 Progressive cervical dilatation without passage of tissue
 Bleeding may be moderate in amount and the fetus is dead
 Pain usually more
 The internal os is dilated and products may be felt in the
cervical canal.
 Ultrasound scan will show a non-viable fetus
 Remove the products from the canal / emergency
Complete Abortion
 Diagnosed if patient has passed tissue, has slight pain
and slight vaginal bleeding.
 Transvaginal ultrasound – empty uterus
 Anti D injection if patient is Rh negative to prevent
Incomplete Abortion
 If the patient has passed some tissue but the internal
cervical os is open
 Emergency evacuation
Missed Abortion
 It is defined as retention of dead products of conception
in utero for several weeks.
 Symptoms of early pregnancy disappear.
 Uterus not only has ceased to enlarge but also has
become smaller.
 Abnormal sonographic findings
 Irregular gestation sac
 Treated with prostaglandins or suction evacuation
Septic Abortion
 Uterine infection at any stage of abortion caused by:
Delay in evacuation of uterus
Delay in seeking advice
Incomplete surgical evacuation followed by
infection from vaginal organisms after 48 hours,
coliform bacillus
Perforation or cervical tear
Criminal abortion
Treatment should be active to
minimize the risk of septic shock:
a. Cervical and HVS, blood culture
b. Broad spectrum antibiotics
c. Evacuation – caution to avoid perforation
Induced Abortion:
Therapeutic abortion – termination of pregnancy before the age
of fetal viability for the purpose of safe-guarding maternal
health e.g. in heart disease, invasive Ca of Cervix or breast.
* A certificate of opinion is given by the heart consultant and the
Elective (voluntary) abortion is the interruption of pregnancy
before viability at the request of the woman but not for reason
of impaired maternal health or fetal disease.
Illegal abortion is usually performed in unsterile environment by
operators with little or no medical training
It is often incomplete and complicated by:
a. Haemorrhage
b. Infection – which may lead to tubal occlusion. Septic shock
and death may be the ultimate consequences.
Recurrent Miscarriage:
Term is used when a woman has had three or more consecutive
1. Genetic Factors
Karyotyping of both partners may reveal chromosomal
2. Anatomical Factors
Uterine anomalies
Cervical incompetence
Hysteroscopy and HSG. Septum/Fibroid
3. Endocrine problems
Raised LH in PCO
Thyroid disease. Diabetes mellitus
4. Immunological Factors
Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome
Anti cardiolipid antibodies
Lupus anti coagulant
5. Maternal disease
SLE, Renal disease
6. Environmental factors : Smoking / Alcohol
* Medical :
Antiprogesterone (R4 486) – or
Mifepristone and prostaglandin
Prostaglandin vaginal suppository applied to the cervix to
ripen and soften it leading to dilatation or as an adjunct
with Mifepristone.
* Surgical : Suction dilatation and curettage
Ectopic pregnancy
 This is a complication of pregnancy in which the embryo
implants outside the uterine cavity. With rate exceptions,
ectopic pregnancies are not viable. Furthermore they are
dangerous for the mother, since internal haemorrhage is a
life-threatening complication. Most ectopic pregnancies
occur in the fallopian tubes but can also occur in:
a. The cervix
b. Ovaries
c. Abdomen
In a typical ectopic pregnancy, the embryo adheres to the lining
of the fallopian tube and burrows into the tubal lining. Most
commonly this invades vessels and will cause bleeding.
Non tubal ectopic pregnancy
2 % of ectopic pregnancies occur in the ovary, cervix or
are intra abdominal. Transvaginal ultrasound
examination is usually able to detect a cervical
pregnancy. An ovarian pregnancy is differentiated from
a tubal pregnancy by histology.
Heterotopic Pregnancy
In rare cases of ectopic pregnancy there may be two
fertilized ova, one outside and the other inside. This is
called heterotopic pregnancy. Although rare,
heterotopic pregnancies are becoming more common,
likely due to increased use of IVF. The survival rate of
the uterine fetus of an ectopic pregnancy is around 70%.
Signs and Symptoms
Up to 10% of women with ectopic pregnancy have no symptoms.
The symptoms are often non specific and difficult to
differentiate from those of :
Genito urinary disorders
Gastro intestinal disorders like appendicitis or salpingitis
Ruptured corpus luteum cyst
Ovarian torsion
Urinary tract infection
Clinical presentation of ectopic pregnancy occurs at a mean of 7
weeks after the last normal menstrual period with a range of 4 –
8 weeks.
Early Signs inlcude:
 Vaginal bleeding : The amount varies although
classically there is a complaint of spotting. Heavy
bleeding, in the absence of of ultrasound or hCG
assessment, may lead to a misdiagnosis of miscarriage.
 Abdominal pain
 Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea
In ruptured ectopic pregnancy there may be abdominal
distension, abdominal tenderness, peritonism and
haemorrhagic shock.
Risk Factors for Ectopic
 There are a numbver of risk factors for ectopic pregnancies.
However, in as many as one third to one-half, no risk factors
can be identified.
 Risk factors include:
Pelvic inflammatory disease
Use of an intrauterine device (IUCD)
Previous exposure to DES
Tubal surgery
Intra uterine surgery e.g. D & C
Previous ectopic pregnancy
Tubal ligation
 An ectopic pregnancy should be considered as the cause
of abdominal pain or vaginal bleeding in every woman
who has a positive pregnancy test.
 An ultrasound showing a gestational sac with fetal heart
in the fallopian tube has a very high specificity of
ectopic pregnancy. Transvaginal ultrasonography has a
sensitivity of at least 90% for ectopic pregnancy
 The combination of a positive pregnancy test and the
presence of what appears to be a normal intrauterine
pregnancy does not exclude an ectopic pregnancy, since there
may be either a heterotopic pregnancy or a pseudo sac, which
is a collection of fluid within the endometrial cavity that may
be seen in up to 20% of woman.
 The presence of an adnexal mass in the absence of an
intrauterine pregnancy on transvaginal sonography increases
the likelihood of an ectopic pregnancy 100-fold.
 Where no intrauterine pregnancy is seen on ultrasound,
measuring BHCG levels may aid in the diagnosis.
 Other diagnostic methods include laparoscopy and laparotomy
which can also be performed to visually confirm an ectopic
pregnancy. This is generally reserved for women presenting
with signs of an acute abdomen and / or hypovolemic shock.
 Medical : Early treatment of an ectopic pregnancy with
methotrexate is a viable alternative to surgical treatment.
The methotrexate terminates the growth of the emrbyo
and is then resorbed by the woman’s body.
 Contraindications include liver, kidney or blood disease as
well as an ectopic mass > 3.5 cm.
 Also it may lead to the inadvertent termination of an
undetected intrauterine pregnancy, or severe abnormality
in any surviving pregnancy. Therefore it is recommended
that methotrexate should only be administered when hCG
has been serially monitored with a rise less than 35% over
48 hours, which practically excludes a viable intrauterine
 If haemorrhage has already occurred surgical intervention
may be necessary
 Access to the pelvis may be gained either by laparoscopy or
laparotomy. We either incise the affected fallopian tube
and remove only the pregnancy (Salpingostomy) or remove
the affected tube with the pregnancy (Salpingectomy)
 A randomized study in 2013 came to the result that the rates
of intrauterine pregnancy 2 years after treatment of ectopic
pregnancy are approximately 64% with radical surgery, 67 %
with medication and 70% with conservative surgery.