April 2015 CIM Presentation

CALPADS Information Meeting
April 21, 2015
This presentation may be downloaded from:
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 1
 Agenda Review
 CALPADS Update
 CALPADS Support Update
 Next Meeting
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 2
Procedures for Asking Questions
 To ask a question:
 Click on the “Chat” in the upper right-hand section of your screen
to open the chat box.
 In the “Send to” dropdown, select “Presenter”
 Type your question in the chat box and press “Send”
 We will:
 Respond to questions during the meeting as time permits
 Address unanswered questions via an upcoming Flash or in
additions to FAQs as appropriate
 If your question is not answered, please submit a service ticket
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 3
Paula Mishima, Administrator
CALPADS/CBEDS/CDS Operations Office, CDE
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 4
 Fall 1 and Local Control Funding Formula
 Assessments Update
 Current CAASPP Testing
 Accountability Update
 Foster Update
 Looking Ahead
 Perkins Transition
 CASEMIS Transition
 System Improvements
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 5
 The CDE would like to congratulate all county offices of
education, school districts, and independently reporting
charter schools for certifying Fall 1 and Fall 2!
 The CDE recognizes that the data LEAs submit to
CALPADS have become key to many critical functions,
putting more responsibility and workload on those who
work on CALPADS
 We recognize your work and will continue to convey its
critical importance to your superintendents
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 6
Fall 1 and Local Control
Funding Formula (LCFF)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 7
Fall 1 and LCFF
 For purposes of LCFF funding, an LEA’s unduplicated
pupil count for the Second Principal (P2) apportionment
will be based on the data certified in CALPADS by the
end of the Fall 1 Amendment Window
• NOTE: There may be differences between your
certified data and the LCFF file due to county transfers
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 8
Fall 1 and LCFF
 If an LEA determines that the certified data were incorrect,
then a correction to those data may be submitted through
the Principal Apportionment Data Collection Software
(PADC), AND must be accompanied by either a letter of
concurrence from an auditor, or with an audit finding
 Any change submitted through PADC will only affect LCFF
funding and not other programs that use enrollment or
unduplicated pupil data
 Once the adjustment is confirmed by the auditor and
submitted through PADC, the net adjustment will be
reflected as a prior year adjustment at the next principal
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 9
Fall 1 and LCFF
 Incorrect data must also be corrected in the CALPADS
ODS, however, recertification will not be allowed
• Corrections in the CALPADS ODS will not be used for
LCFF funding, unless certified within the Amendment
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 10
Fall 1 and LCFF
 This was the first year County Offices of Education (COE)
were required to populate Student School Transfer Code
and District of Geographic Residence for purposes of
allocating funding under LCFF; data displayed in C/A 1.19
– C/A COE LCFF - Count
 Some common problems included populating the District
of Geographic Residence with the county code, a charter
school, or an inactive school district
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 11
Fall 1 and LCFF
 Input validation rules (IVRs) will be implemented this year
or next prohibiting COEs from populating the District of
Geographic Residence with:
• The COE code
• A charter school code
• An inactive school district code
 As part of annual update procedures, COEs
should review students’ District of Geographic
Residence to ensure they still reside in the district
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 12
Assessments and
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 13
Assessments and CALPADS
Review of State Assessments
 California Assessment of Student Performance and
Progress (CAASPP) includes:
• Smarter Balanced (English Language Arts and Math)
• California Alternate Assessment (CAA) referred to as
“Cal –Alt” – field test this year
• Science
• California Standards Test (CST)
• California Modified Assessment (CMA)
• California Alternate Performance Assessment (CAPA)
• Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 14
Assessments and CALPADS
 California English Language Development Test (CELDT) –
will become English Language Proficiency Assessment for
California (ELPAC) in 2017-18 and will include an initial
“screener” and an annual “summative” test
 California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE) – Legislation
has been proposed to suspend this exam beginning in
 Legacy Tests
• Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) program
tests, including but not limited to, the California
Standards Test in English Language Art, Math, HistorySocial Science, End-of-Course Exams
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 15
Assessments and CALPADS
 CDE is updating the assessment functionality in
CALPADS for rollout in Fall 2015
 Assessment reports in CALPADS will focus on
displaying assessment results for currently enrolled
students regardless of where tests were taken
 CALPADS will include 2014-15 Smarter Balanced
results once all testing is completed
 LEAs will be able to see Smarter Balanced results in
TOMS 3-4 weeks after testing
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 16
Assessments and CALPADS
Enhancements to CALPADS Assessment functionality
• Fewer students “in suspense” due to:
• Streamlined matching logic
• Pre-ID for CAASPP tests through CALPADS
• Smarter Balanced and CAA registration through
• A single assessment role for all assessments
• Reports based on students currently enrolled
regardless of where students took test
• Student assessment summary more easily accessed
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 17
Current CAASPP Testing
Some common questions on
current testing…
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 18
Current CAASPP Testing
What is the turnaround time for students to show
up in TOMS for testing? 2 days, for example:
MONDAY: LEA submits enrollment update to
CALPADS on Monday
• CALPADS uploads file of all enrollments very early
Tuesday morning
• File is picked up by assessment vendor and loaded into
Test Operations Management System (TOMS)
• File is then loaded into the Test Delivery System (TDS)
WEDNESDAY: Student in system and can test
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 19
Current CAASPP Testing
In other words…
LEA uploads new
enrollments in CALPADS
Enrollments show up in
TOMS on…
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 20
Current CAASPP Testing
• Early in the testing window the turnaround time had
been longer than two business days for various issues
causing delays
• Issues have been addressed and so we are back on
track with a 2-day turnaround
• Should delays occur, CDE and the assessment vendor
will inform CalTAC, the assessment help desk, and the
CALPADS Service Desk when the turnaround time is
longer than two business days
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 21
Current CAASPP Testing
What enrollment is submitted to the assessment vendor?
• CDE sends the most current primary or short-term
enrollment each Sunday through Thursday night
• If a student is concurrently enrolled, CALPADS sends
the enrollment with the most recent start date
• Therefore, a Concurrent Enrollment does not need to be
resolved for a student to test UNLESS the later LEA
enrolled the student in error
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 22
Current CAASPP Testing
Is the student “mailing” address required in CALPADS?
 LEAs opting to have addresses printed on Individual Student Reports
(ISRs) should upload the “mailing address” to CALPADS using the SIAD
 If LEAs do not do this, they will have to address the issue locally when
they receive ISRs
 Addresses are loaded with student file Sunday through Thursday, but
CDE recommends updating addresses a few weeks prior to testing
• NOTE: The only other use of student address in CALPADS is for Direct
Certification; it appears the mailing address will not impact the Direct
Certification match because the CALPADS address is matched against
social services data that includes both a mailing and residential address
 CDE plans to modify CALPADS to accept and maintain both address
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 23
Current CAASPP Testing
What grade is used for students taking the California
Alternate Assessment (CAA)?
• CALPADS now provides, and the assessment vendor
accepts, the grades UE, US, and UU
• TOMS will display UE, US, UU and Date of Birth (DOB)
and LEAs will be able to select the appropriate exam
based on the rule of subtracting “5” from the age the
student was on September 1 of the academic year
• EXAMPLE: If a student was 10 on September 1, 2014,
then the student should be tested with the Grade 5 test
(10 – 5 = 5) in spring 2015
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 24
Current CAASPP Testing
Does it matter if the data in the student profile is not
• Student name and grade are required for the
student to test
• If the data in the student profile, such as the English
Language proficiency level, are not up-to-date, it will
not impact testing
• Incorrect data should be updated in the CALPADS
ODS in accordance with announced deadlines so
that it is accurate when pulled from CALPADS for
accountability purposes
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 25
Current CAASPP Testing
Who should I contact for technical questions, such as
when a school or student is not in TOMS?
California Technical Assistance Center
Hours of operation: Monday through Friday,
7 a.m. to 5 p.m. PT
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 26
Current CAASPP Testing
Who should I contact for policy or program questions?
California Department of Education
Accommodations, Test Policy, Testing Irregularities
For Security Breaches: 916-319-0969
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 27
Accountability Update
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 28
Accountability Update - State
Changes to Academic Performance Index (API):
• No API will be produced for 2014-15
• Moving to a new accountability system that is based
on “multiple measures”
• One component of the new system will be a College
and Career Indicator (CCI) which will include
multiple ways for schools to demonstrate that their
students are prepared for college and career
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 29
Accountability Update - State
 CCI Proposals - recommended by the Public Schools
Accountability Act (PSAA) committee but yet to be
approved by the State Board of Education
• Completion of A-G requirements
• SAT and ACT
• Use of the following (it has not been determined exactly
“what” will be used, e.g. completion of courses or
scores on exams)
• Career Technical Education (CTE)
• Advanced Placement (AP)
• International Baccalaureate (IB)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 30
Accountability Update - State
• Other CCI measures currently under
consideration by the PSAA committee include:
• Golden State Seal Merit Diploma
• State Seal of Biliteracy
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 31
Accountability Update - Federal
Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) will be calculated for
all schools based on (pending final federal approval):
• Elementary and Middle Schools
• Smarter Balanced Assessments grades 3-8
• An attendance rate proxy based on Average Daily
• High Schools
• Smarter Balanced Assessments grade 11 (instead
• 4-year Graduation Cohort Rate
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 32
Accountability Update
Graduation Cohort Data
 Release of 2013-14 Cohort Data:
• April 10, 2015 was the final deadline for LEAs serving
grades 9–12 to review and make corrections to the 2013–
14 cohort data in the CALPADS ODS
• These data will be used in the 2015 AYP determinations
• LEAs will not have another opportunity to make ODS
corrections for the 2013-14 cohort data
• The final 2013-14 cohort data will be released in the late
April – early May timeframe
• A pre-release private viewing site will be made available for
LEAs to preview the final 2013-14 cohort outcome data
prior to public release
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 33
Accountability Update
Graduation Cohort Data
 In order to meet the federal reporting deadline for cohort
outcome data, in the future:
• LEAs will be given one private preview of the cohort data,
including AYP targets, for correction purposes following the
initial Fall 1 certification deadline
• LEAs that do not certify their Fall 1 data by the initial
certification deadline will not receive a cohort preview
• LEAs will be required to complete all cohort corrections in
the CALPADS ODS by the close of the Fall 1 amendment
• These final data will be posted on DataQuest and used for
accountability and federal reporting purposes
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 34
Foster Update: some common
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 35
Foster Update
Why does CALPADS not include a lot of foster youth
identified by our local match?
• The California Department of Social Services (CDSS) is the
authoritative source for who is a foster youth under LCFF;
CALPADS can only match children/youth in the file provided
• The LCFF definition of “Foster” does not include
children/youth whose families are “voluntarily” receiving
• “Voluntary” children/youth are maintained in the Child Welfare
Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) and have
Client and Case IDs but are not included in the file sent to
CALPADS; therefore they are not in CALPADS
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 36
Foster Update
Why does CALPADS not include a lot of foster youth
identified by our local match? (continued)
• Some counties have larger numbers of “voluntary”
• It is local decision whether to serve voluntary
children/youth as part of the Local Control and
Accountability Plan (LCAP)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 37
Foster Update
Why are foster children/youth who are included in the
CDSS file not matched?
 Foster children/youth in the CDSS file are matched to
CALPADS data based on:
• Name (first, middle, last, using Namesearch)
• Date of Birth
• One overlapping enrollment over last three years
 Primary reason for foster children/youth not matching is the
CDSS file does not have a valid district or school name
• Users are able to enter school names in CWS/CMS in addition to
selecting the official school names provided from CDE
• Data quality reports will be developed to target technical
assistance/training to county welfare staff
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 38
Looking ahead….
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 39
Looking Ahead – Perkins Transition
Transition of Perkins E1 to CALPADS
• Perkins E1: includes CTE participants, concentrators,
and completers (concentrators completing a capstone
• 2014-15 Parallel Year: data from Perkins Data System
(PDS) will be used for federal reporting
• Additional validations in CALPADS for 2014-15
• Schools receiving Perkins funding will be required to report
• Pathway concentrators and completers must have
completed at least one course in the pathway within the
academic year
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 40
Looking Ahead – Perkins Transition
Transition of Perkins E-2 to CALPADS
• Perkins E-2: Includes outcomes for prior-year graduates who
are CTE completers
• Currently schools receiving Perkins funding survey students
who graduate as completers six months following graduation
& ask them to report whether they are working, in college, etc.
• LEAs submit survey data to PDS beginning in January for
students who graduated in the prior year
• CALPADS will collect the survey results as a “Fall 3”
submission in parallel in 2016-17
• LEAs receiving Perkins funding will be required to submit
survey results for CTE completers who graduated in the
prior year in Fall 3 submission
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 41
Looking Ahead – Perkins Transition
Are LEAs that do not receive any Perkins funding
required to report CTE concentrators and completers?
• CDE has been directed by the State Board of Education (SBE) to
develop a new statewide accountability system that uses “multiple
• The College and Career Indicator (CCI) is one component of the
proposed accountability system and will include multiple ways for
schools to demonstrate that their students are well prepared for
college or career
• One proposed measure in the CCI is the completion of a CTE
• All LEAs providing CTE courses are highly encouraged to submit
CTE data through the SCTE File in 2014-15, as it is likely that such
data will be used in the new accountability system
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 42
Looking Ahead – Perkins Transition
 CDE will be providing a series of regional trainings on the
Perkins transition beginning later this month (late April –
mid May time frame)
 Training dates and locations were announced in a letter
sent to superintendents; this letter is posted on the
 An LEA team of program and CALPADS staff are
encouraged to attend
 A webinar will also be provided in late May
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 43
Looking Ahead – CASEMIS Transition
 The CDE will be transitioning the California Special
Education Management Information System (CASEMIS)
to CALPADS over the next several years
 The first set of data to be transitioned is discipline data
 To meet federal reporting requirements,
• CASEMIS data will be used in 2014-15
• EOY 3 CALPADS data will be used in 2015-16
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 44
Looking Ahead – CASEMIS Transition
In preparation for the transition of special education
discipline data to CALPADS in 2015-16:
 Comparability Activities
• CDE’s Special Education Division analyzed 2013-14 CALPADS
and CASEMIS discipline data for special education students and
sent a letter to LEAs with large discrepancies between the data
from the two systems
• The LEAs that received a letter are required to submit a report to
CDE by June 1, 2015 describing the steps being taken to
address data quality issues
• The required report should be developed by both special
education and general education data stewards in the district
• LEAs should strive to have comparable data in 2014-15
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 45
Looking Ahead – CASEMIS Transition
 New data element in CALPADS needed for federal
• In 2014-15, CALPADS is collecting a new data element
“Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason”
required for federal reporting
• Since this field was added late in the school year, LEAs
are encouraged but not required to populate this field in
• Additional CALPADS reports will be provided in 201516 displaying other discipline data that LEAs have
already been submitting which reflect how the data will
be reported to meet federal reporting requirements for
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 46
Looking Ahead – SELA Changes
 File Format
• Add Student Proficient or Advanced on English
Language Arts Assessment field to capture
when an RFEP student has scored proficient or
advanced on any of three assessments
 Code Set
• Modify English Language Arts Proficiency Test
codes in the Code Set document
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 47
Looking Ahead – System Improvements
 CDE is working to address some overall performance
• Overnight processing: CDE is moving to near real time
updates for snapshot reports (snapshot reports
available on same day data are posted)
• To accommodate release of this change, CALPADS
is tentatively scheduled to go off line this fall from
September 5 - 13
• Posting: CDE recognizes the need to address the
length of time it takes for posting and plans to improve
this functionality in the future
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 48
CALPADS Support Update
Martha Friedrich
Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 49
CALPADS Support Update
 Fall Submission Statistics
 EOY Submission – Strategies & Changes
 Close Out 2014-15 Enrollments
 Support Tips
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 50
Fall Submission Statistics
Fall 1
Fall 2
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 51
CALPADS Recognitions
 Two recognition programs have been created:
• Training Recognition, recognizing those who
complete the core CALPADS trainings:
• Essentials 1-4
• Fall 1 Reporting & Certification (or Adv)
• Fall 2 Data Population & Fall 2 Reporting & Certification (or
• End of Year 2 and 3 Reporting & Certification
• End of Year 1 & 4 Reporting and Certification if the LEA is
required to complete these submissions
• Data Management Recognition, recognizing LEAs
that certify on time and maintain quality data
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 52
Upcoming Important Dates
Starts June
July 31
September 4
CALPADS Calendar:
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 53
EOY Submissions
End of Year
File Types
Priority #1
Priority #2
Course Completion
Career Tech Ed
Priority #3
Priority #4
Waivers & Exemptions
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 54
EOY Submissions
Suggested Milestones
Complete SIS Data Population
Upload files and correct errors or
discrepancies as needed
Review certification reports, correct
errors, and fix discrepancies
Distribute reports for review and
Certify (level 1 and level 2)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 55
Posting Process Backlog
EOY Submissions
Submission Window
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 56
EOY Submissions
1. Set Up
2. Update
• Submit records
• Fix records
• Post records
3. Review
• Review and fix certification errors, review
• Reconcile reports
4. Certify
• Level 1 (EOY 1-4 Data Collection
• Level 2 (Superintendent Certifier)
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 57
EOY Submissions
• Local Planning
•Obtain new SDIS file format from SIS vendor
•Meet and work with local staff
•Identify problems encountered last year and action
needed to eliminate problems this year
•Communicate to sites what is needed
•Determine who will review EOY submission data
and identify their summer schedule to ensure EOY
data are reviewed and certified before staff leave
•Set timelines
•Upload Program and Discipline data in June for staff
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 58
EOY Submission
• Local Planning, Continued
• Provide reports so staff can address and correct any
issues now
• Attend EOY training in May if needed. The EOY
training schedule will be posted by May 4.
• Attend Q&A Sessions
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 59
EOY Submission
Submission Changes
• EOY 3 Changes
• SDIS File Format change
• Code Set added
• Removal to Interim Alternative Setting Reason
• Various new/modified IVRs and CVRs
• More grades included in Discipline snapshot
• EOY 1 Changes
• SCTE Certification Errors added
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 60
Close Out 2014-15 Enrollments
• Develop local plan to close out 2014-15 enrollment
• Be careful to NOT delete enrollment
• Enrollment exits will auto-close Program records
• Check with SIS Vendor on impact of enrollment close
out to EOY submission extracts
• Direct Certification Pull includes records with E155
• Mailing Address vs. Residence Address
• N420 exit code retired 8-15-14
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 61
Support Tips
• Expedite Support Response Time
• Reference Known Issues
• Advise site users to contact LEA Admin
• Configure Security Questions
• Use email or web form
• Include Job ID, SSID*, SEID, Error Number
*Do not include personally identifiable
information; the SSID is sufficient
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 62
Support Tips
• Training Opportunities
• http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Trainings.aspx
• http://csis.fcmat.org/Pages/Self-PacedTraining.aspx
• Basic courses
• Advanced courses
• Self-Paced Training Modules
 Create a CSIS/FCMAT account to register
for training
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 63
Support Tips
• Resources
• Release Updates and Known Issues
• Error List (now available from “Help”)
• Flash Updates
• Data Guide
• Self-Paced Training Modules
• Glossary (User Guide)
• FAQs
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 64
Please complete our survey
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 65
Next Meeting
Martha Friedrich
Client Services Officer, FCMAT/CSIS
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 66
Next Meeting
October 20, 2015
from 9:30 – 12:00
 WebEx from Sacramento
April 21, 2015 CIM, Slide 67