Oleg Mityaev’s Foundation for Cultural Initiatives Bright Future International OUTLINE OF OLEG MITYAEV’S BRIGHT FUTURE CHILDREN’S STUDIO PROGRAM Chelyabinsk, Russia Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio MISSION The creation and work of the Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Children’s Studio are directed at giving children who find themselves in difficult circumstances, a chance for successful socialization and personal growth, for the development of their talents in the field of arts, for forming such qualities of character as generosity, kindness, tolerance, helpfulness, working in a team, and responsibility. Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio CHARITY GIVERS (DONORS) – Project Creators: • Oleg Mityaev’s Charity Foundation of Cultural Initiatives (Chelyabinsk, Russia) • Bright Future International (Chicago, USA) • CHARITY RECEPIENTS: Children and teenagers who found themselves in difficult circumstances: low income families, single parent families, families with a lot of children, foster families, physical challenges, poor standard homes etc. A document has been developed identifying the circle of families that belong to the category of difficult family situation (difficult circumstances). Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio OBJECTIVES Objective 1. In order to fulfill the Mission a complex educational program has been developed. The leading aspect of the program is character development – this is different from other educational institutions. Despite the fact that other institutions claim to equally teach academic knowledge and give character training, unfortunately, the objective picture shows that they prioritize knowledge and underestimate the importance of investing into character development. To compare (see next page): Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio Schools Primary Goal: To make sure that the students show top level results in mastering school subjects. Extra Curricular Training Centers: Primary Goal: To help students succeed in learning different skills, to assist them in developing individual talents, gifts, and interests. Bright Future Studio: Primary Goal: Through implementing a complex educational program to assist in forming in students a moral character, preparing them for a life in a free society in the spirit of understanding, peace, tolerance, and friendship. (see Studio Graduate Portrain, pg. 8) Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio OBJECTIVES Objective 2. In order to achieve the above mentioned goal it is necessary to create a team of like-minded individuals who will effectively carry out the educational process. Teachers whose professional views and outlook on life adhere to the standards necessary for carrying out the Mission are selected (The selection procedure includes recommendations, a resume and an interview). The teachers work using either their original programs or programs that have been adapted to the needs of the above-mentioned category of children and their development rate. Because of inadequate pay that teachers receive in government institutions, the most talented of them sometimes leave this field or lose interest for work. One of the main priorities of the project creators has been to give adequate wages for all who participate in the project. Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio OBJECTIVES Objective 3. Fulfilling the Mission wouldn’t be possible without constructive cooperation with the Project’s social partners who share the ideas of the Project and become its active participants. The main partners are educational institutions of the city, regional or national level or other institutions that have teaching licenses that become the facilities in which similar projects operate. In this case a social partnership agreement is signed with the institutions. Thus the efforts of governmental structures and Project participants are united to achieve a common goal. Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio STUDIO GRADUATE PORTRAIT A STUDIO GRADUATE IS A YOUNG MAN OR WOMAN WHO • • • • • • • • • • Has integrity and realizes the importance of his or her life, who takes care of his or her health and who has the willpower to say “no” to the many temptations that can ruin his or her life of the lives of those around them.; Sees as equals those less fortunate or challenged in some way, people of other nationalities or belief, people with a lower level of education; Is capable of reaching out to a needy person – a friend or a stranger; lives the saying “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, feels compassion toward people regardless of their social background, color, nationality or age, and is ready to support them under any circumstances; Keeps a positive attitude toward any and all life’s circumstances, believes in the power of good; Is responsible for his or her actions, knows how to ask for forgiveness and to forgive; Knows the principles of working in a team, working with others in harmony; Respects those of old age, realizes his or her responsibility for the life and health of people that have given him life and/or family; Realizes the importance of caring for the environment; Is capable of holding a conversation, has good manners, knows a lot about art; Is capable of teaching what he or she has learned to others by his own example and in other ways. Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio STRUCTURE PROJECT FOUNDERS * PROJECT FOUNDERS: Create the project Finance the project Promote the project Control the process: approve plans and programs, seek expert opinions, receive and give accounts and reports Oleg Mityaev’s Charity Foundation for Cultural Initiatives Bright Future International* STUDIO TEACHERS** CHILDREN GOVERNMENT OR OTHER INSTITUTION HOUSING THE PROJECT*** ** STUDIO TEACHERS: Organize and lead the process Monitor the process Give progress reports *** GOVERNMENT OR OTHER INSTITUTION WHERE THE PROJECT IS BASED: Gives (rents, or free of charge) its premises to conduct the education process Supports the project where necessary Co-finances the project (where applicable) Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio PROJECT PROFILE The Studio has 2 groups: Vocals Group (50 children) Performing Arts Group (50 children) The children are enlisted if they match to the following criteria (listed in order of importance): 1. Difficult circumstances/situation 2. Talent The children have to be students of primary or middle school to ensure successful cooperation in the first year that will secure their trust and prepare them for becoming teenagers. Each group is divided into 3 or 4 classes with their school schedules in mind, as well as the rate of their development (children can be moved from class to class depending on their schedules and progress). Classes take place 2 times a week: Monday and Wednesday for the vocalists, and Tuesday and Thursday for the Performing Arts group in two shifts: 8:30 through 12:00, and 14:00 through 17:30. Because the schools have children studying in shifts, the Studio has classes planned in shifts as well (those that go to school in the morning, come to the Studio in the afternoon, and vice versa). Each class lasts 45 minutes. Sunday activities are mandatory as well. (see Program Summary below) Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio SAMPLE CLASS SCHEDULE Vocals Group Monday Wednesday 1.Choir 1.English 2.English 2.Choir 3.Ethics and 3.Elective Course Sunday Organ Hall or Manners Master-class or Big Choir (all groups together) etc. Performing Arts Group Tuesday Thursday Sunday 1. Acting 1.English Ballet or Opera 2.English 2.Acting or 3.Photography 3.Acting Performance in an and Filming 4.Ethics and 3.Photography Manners and Filming Orphanage or Field trip Etc. Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM SUMMARY The program includes: Main subjects: • Vocals and choir (for the vocals group) • Acting (for the Performing Arts group) • Introduction to photography and filming (for the Performing Arts group) Communicative subjects: • Ethics and Manners Course • English Elective courses: • Additional English (for slow learners) • Vocals (ensemble) • Guitar • Dancing • Art Oleg Mityaev’s “Bright Future” Studio BRIEF FOR THE ETHICS AND ESTHETICS COURSE «The essence of esthetic development is in asserting good as beautiful». Boris M.Niemenskiy, National Artist of Russia, Laureate of the USSR and Russian Federation State Awards, Laureate of the President’s of Russian Federation Award, Acting member of the Russian Academy of Arts and Russian Academy of Education, professor Ethics and Esthetics course includes classes with a teacher in the classroom and regular (preferably weekly) activities for the whole group: meetings with interesting people, field trips (concerts, excursions, theatre, museums, zoo, etc.) In class the teacher works on developing in children a love and respect for their “neighbor”, for art and nature, teaches them to set goals in life, to work in teamwork, to display good manners etc. The main goal of the program is humanitarian. The children learn to take active part in the lives of other people who need help. Social projects such as concerts in orphanages, old folks homes, hospitals, “green” events help the students to become socially oriented and bring them to a realization that helping others has to become a very natural part of their lives. RUSSIA’S BRIGHT FUTURE STUDIO