By: Michael Kuritzky and Guy Cepelevich Supervisor: Amichai Shulman 2010 Wikipedia: “In computer terminology, a honeypot is a trap set to detect, deflect, or in some manner counteract attempts at unauthorized use of information systems. Generally it consists of a computer, data, or a network site that appears to be part of a network, but is actually isolated, (un)protected, and monitored, and which seems to contain information or a resource of value to attackers.” M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 2 2010 Deploy a honeypot on the web. Gather information about the usage of the deployed honeypot (requests and replies). Store the data for future use. Devise a tool to conveniently review and manually analyze the info gathered from the honeypot in order to create automatic “rules” that will categorize and filter the existing, and new information. M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 3 Deploy a honeypot on the web: 2010 In order to entice possible attackers into using our Honeypot, we “offered” them a service – an anonymizing proxy server, a very popular “tool” in the “scene”. We used Amazon’s EC2 (Elastic Compute Cloud) machine to run the anonymizing proxy. M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 4 Gather information about the usage of the deployed honeypot (requests and replies): 2010 We used Privoxy (available from to monitor the traffic and record&store the raw traffic logs in an Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volume. M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 5 Store the data for future use: We wrote a parser to parse the raw privoxy logs. The parser goes over the logs, one line at a time (to avoid memory problems), and parses it using several Regular Expressions (a.k.a Voodoo ). We also wrote a listener which registers with the parser, and is called whenever the parser finishes parsing an entry. The listener inputs the parsed entry into a MySQL database for future analysis. 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 6 2010 We use the following tables to store the entries in the DB: M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 7 Devise a tool to conveniently review and manually analyze the info gathered from the honeypot in order to create automatic “rules” that will categorize and filter the existing, and new information: 2010 This is the largest part in the system and will be covered in the next couple of slides. M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 8 The system consists of 3 panels: Entries Panel: Convenient display of entries from the DB (all entries, or entries matching a certain rule). Allows on-the-spot manipulation on the entries. 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 9 The system consists of 3 panels: Rule Editing Panel: Interface for creating “rules” for automatic data manipulation. 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 10 The system consists of 3 panels: Rule Management Panel: Interface for activating and deactivating existing rules. 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 11 Interest level Tags 2010 Many entries result from regular internet usage; those can often be automatically marked as uninteresting using our rule system. Some entries, on the other hand, entail potential attacks (sql injection, automation, etc.). those can be marked as interesting, and then manually processed. Using our rule system, the user can automatically assign tags to entries that match certain patterns (e.g. suspicious user-agents). M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 12 A simple rule to catch porn And the results: ~1000 entries Most requests come from the subnet 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 13 Suspicious user-agents: users who claim to use Windows 98 2010 And the results: ~9000 entries M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 14 The project was written fully in Java, for the following reasons: In order to organize and save all the information gathered from our Honeypot, we used a MySQL database. This platform was chosen due to several reasons: 2010 Developers’ experience. Extensive integrated and third-party library support (i.e. JDBC for database connections). Very common Free Easy to access Existing management tools Easy to write rules on the entries Developers’ experience M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 15 2010 Make the SQL queries more efficient (currently we have a problem dealing with databases with a large number of entries). Make the user defined queries more structured and guided. Support for creating automatic queries from multiple selection from the entries table. Support for reconstruction and “replay” of requests. M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 16 2010 M. Kuritzky & G. Cepelevich, Technion 17