Chanc Advisory 10-10-13

CCCECE Chancellor’s Office Advisory Committee Meeting
Lucy Berger, Janet Fulton[Assistant w/Foster-Kinship], Mary Jane Maguire-Fong, Joel Gordon, Tracy
Johnson, Lisa Schut[Prog Specialist w/CDTC], Patty Scroggins [CDTC], Linda Olivenbaum [Mentor
Program], Cindy Stephens, Deborah Owens, Pam Prefumo, Margie Perez-Sesser, Beth Rizo [SBCity Lab
School director], Sallie Turpen, Mary Beth Miller, Patrick Monaghan, Mary Johnson, Cathy Nyznyk, Lisa
Carr, Elaine Robinson, Jeanne Virgilio, Jan DeLapp, Kate Williams Browne, Kristin Pierce, Barbara
Tamialis, Sandy Viser, Darlene Landeros, Becky Green, Darlene Jackson, Sydney Fisher-Larson; Edna
Rodriggs[late arrival]
Absent: Patty Dilko Hall, Sondra Moe
Updates from Chancellor’s Office & CCCECE Lucy Berger & Sidney Fisher-Larson
Lucy: This for discussion of policy & info flow; new CDD Director is open, just created a survey on
its way for input of what’s going on in ECE. Is she a Fighter? Advocate? Politically savvy?
Knowledgeable? She was Co-chair of I/T conference-Sacramento. Articulate & excited to go to
Legislature to ask for more $.
Sydney: Wesley Chesborough [State Assembly]will be here tomorrow, assistant is inquiring about ECE.
Key issues for us will be:
*Support of lab schools;
*ECE Teaching Credential and CD permit revision;
*Next funding cycle for CELP/CDDF plan, CC role & lab school role;
*Imbalance/realistic infant-toddler cost adjustment;
*Quality care, Community Care Licensing connections.
Include an Offer: what can we do for CDD? Complete/support their agenda? CDD can use the field
thru CCCECE/CCs about implementing ECE Assessment [DRDP pressure]& Learning Foundations/etc.;
CAP connection with CDD materials.
Include an Introduction: who are we, how we work & get back to all CCs. And connect to 50K
students; over 80% of workforce come thru. We are an important and fundable entity.
CDD Updates & Discussion Debbie McMannis, Director of CDD/CDE
Debbie McMannis: Background in School District, Head Start in Sacto area. Strong Infant-Toddler
background. Loves ‘the catalyst’ term. Huge supporter of CC [6 transcripts- DeAnza/Foothill ; LosRios,
FolsomLake, SacCity, CDTC-pd CD Permit, Mentor retreat]; Pacific Oaks grad; Beauty of this work is that
YOU know what actions to take& take them, the grass-roots are important; funding is huge;
*Children’s center funding issues;
*Quality issues re the Community Care Licensing system; So Many Systems
*ECE is 0-8= how do we bridge this system? We need to bridge of the 2 systems. Let’s make the
Credential happen.
*Workforce Registry could be centralized data base; a valuable tool for all permits, all
*All need to be funded, likely with collaboration of State Agencies. Integrated Action Team is
being begun [Race to the Top IAT] and another grant’s task, too. Meeting next week. Should
CTC be one of the invitees?
3 Hotspots you’ve been given?
1. Funding- always an issue. Reimbursement rate, etc.
2. Good, hard-working people @ CDD; important to get to know CCCECE.
3. Not sensing anything huge. Big ship, moves slowly; needs to know us.
Pam: Quality issue; Jeanne: so many systems & difficult to make quality happen.
Kate: ECE credential and K-12 bridge; Cindy: critical for compensation
Joel: Lab Schools have 2 systems- CC & CDD. Are getting requirement of becoming self-sufficient,
9K children will be at-risk. CC has made $9million for facilities but no operational budget.
Janey: we are a well-oiled infrastructure, underutilized by CDD. We do work well with CDD but in
terms of crossing of $ between the 2 agencies, considering the investment. We are ready to
work with and for you; part of the frustration of our field is when we do have $, how do we use
them most efficiently?
Sydney: we are rooted in all communities; Early Learning Advisory Council is more ”info in” than
“advise out”.
Margie: excited of your EC background; we were supportive of TK so our ECE students can go
into teaching & they can’t yet.
Lucy: Legislation co-sponsored by CTC & Chancellor’s office has just passed to add CC member on
Darlene: We’re almost in competition for fund. If we are involved w/credential, we need to fight
for professional parity.
Patty: Funding challenge example- missing opportunities for College involvement if it is underfunded [$25/unit reimbursement rate with $13/unit tuition, now tuition is $46/unit but still have
the same reimbursement rate].
Pam: InterAgency Meeting- can we get someone from CC Chancellor’s office? CTC? All agencies
involved in Race to the Top.
Beth: lab schools must be in the conversation, cornerstone for students to get their teacher
Joel: letter from one College President put suggestion of lab schools being eliminated
Lucy: new Chancellor has a wage-matching service that shows ECE salaries hugely low.
Mary: Definitions of ‘highly paid & highly needed’ is critical in Career Tech. State CTE funding is
now only for math, science, & health. [highly paid only]. Federal CTE funding is both; for ‘fastest
growing jobs in next 10 years’ ECE is very high, if not highly paid.
Janey: Where is the intersection of Federal Career Tech funding and CDD? If we had Dept of Ed
power saying that Federal & State Career Tech $ needs to include teacher prep/education.
Joel: We issue more certificates that any other field; 4th in degrees, overall the most in
Certificates & Degrees.
Linda: be sure to include us in this room as the new CDDF comes out.
Desi Soto, Manager, N. Field Services, CDD [Greg Hudson is Mgr of S. Field Services, will retire 12/13]
Don’t get out as often as she likes, planning a trip to San Mateo in November; CCCECE is one of the
Stakeholders that is now on Debbie’s radar. CCDF funding is a huge conversation; CA comments have
been submitted to Fed Govt; Desi will send Patty the link to those.
Are we all on the CDD listserve?
1. Brochure of CA Inclusion & Behavior Consultation Network.
2. Survey just came out. Range of topics came out of CA Stakeholder’s Group, so survey is coming
out now, due November 7.
How can we help?
1. Send me information & let me know what is going on.
2. Make relationships at the local level. Educate the general public.
3. It is our job to learn their language [ie K-12]. Frame it for the audiences; we have to bridge that
gap; they won’t learn our language “to talk their talk” so that they understand & make it real
4. Invite me to your events, etc.
Report on SAC & CA Early Learning Plan- Sidney Fisher-Larson
a. Mandated meeting as part of Head Start reauthorization, but Governor won’t authorize
any $ to implement any recommendations.
b. Next mtg: January, will be presentation on CC & workforce by Sidney & Jan de Lapp.
c. Discouraged about no $, and Dept of Finance has the strongest voice.
d. It’s Readable: Show it to your students & faculty.
Theresa Tena, VP CC League of CA- Data needs to support labs/centers
a. Sydney: has a list of questions that Theresa wants info about.
Theresa: The system is very complicated, illustrated by her visit @ Cuyamaca College; wanted to do a
session at their Conference & cannot do it now. Still thinking about doing something at their Lunch
Conference in January. Who has the lens from the State perspective and how Instructional Services side
connects with Lab School/Centers application side. “An Educational Continuum”- how to articulate how
the CC serves California. Trying to think of different ways for funding for CD labs. It appears there’s an
Administration interest in Early Learning, but doesn’t jive with Finance decisions.
b. Lunch Conference/Sacramento: Date: Sun/Mon last week in January. Attendees are
CEOs, Trustees, Public Info Officers, Legislative Reps, Administrators. Has to be set up
without knowledge of budget. Maybe use this as a lever for supporting the CDCs. Not
likely breakout sessions; have been doing Regional meetings for the smaller groups.
*Purpose is Big Picture Policy with a focus on Student Success/Access and Equity.
*Share data: what does the student population look like?
*What does faculty, classified, administrator population look like?
*Resources are fewer, now what? Distribution of resources: categoricals, fin aid, etc.
Janey: Where does it begin? How articulate the concept? What does it cost? How do we make it a
reality for the children of CA?
Theresa: What do people know already? How can we educate them?
Jan: What alignment? with other segments of education?
Theresa: For example, prep the kids better before they enter K-12. Or the intersection between
preparation of children for Common Core.
Pam: What’s the best way to get data you need? Timeline?
Theresa: Put something together for the conference. Doesn’t know if it is on the radar for
Governor’s budget. Have these things been asked before? When was the last time new $ was
available for lab schools?
Joel: The strongest story is the loss of children’s slots & college students as lab schools have been
undermined. It isn’t something that Research Departments ask for of their College students.
Theresa: The student advocates don’t have children, but they are bringing it up. [example: Rich
Copenhagen, Statewide Student]. Now is the time to raise the issues with Prop 98, with Measure
Joel: Build a set of questions and take it to our Institutional Research offices on campuses.
CTE/ Workforce Dvpt Update- Maureen White, Paul Barth, Workforce & Economic Dvpt
Paul: Career Education Practices- manage the Perkins grants. We used to get F&CS Statewide
collaborative monies, now unfunded, and reframed as Career Sectors, with nothing in ECE.
Have approved a grant for Special Projects for $45K.
Maureen: Perkins 1C money remained unchanged; Perkins1B monies for leadership has changed
[see above]. CC is $250 million for CA State. You need to be in touch with your CTE Dean and work
the proposal/allocation/goals & indicators. Use your Advisory Committee to make
recommendations that you can bring to your CTE Dean. [See Career Tech handout]t
Maureen: Doing What Matters has a lot of money for the 10 areas, those who were “hiring at higher
entry level rate” and she is overseeing “Small Business” sector for State of CA. [See Screenshot]
Maureen: CC Foundation has service that would make statewide employers set up Paid internships.
Maureen: Draft of CDE/CTE website link about grants: 1-time only $250 million connections
between secondary to CC [2014-2018]; strong language about Career Pathways
AB 86 [Ch 48, section 86]= CA Career pathways Trust. They want to fund specialists to connect
2ndary & CC with employers. Connect with your Deputy Sector Navigator of your Region for Small
SB 1070 CA Partnership Academies- models of successful pathways from HS to CC. CC could cowrite proposal with High Schools to have HS offer “Careers in Early Care & Education”.
Lucy: $25 million is being allotted to Adult Ed, and there will be Regional Leads for each area.
CEC Mentor Program Update
Linda Olivenbaum
a. Back at Chabot College
b. 3 current items
i. In midst of annual2-hr. Webinar, Step 1 for Director Mentor selection.
ii. BAS will be added to PAS; Webinars scheduled for Fall & then all selection
committee will need training on it.
iii. Discussion with Mentor Seminar leaders to make meetings more effective [with
Race to Top Communities of Practice model] with protocols.
Discussion of campus lab & curriculum issues
a. Summer 2013 – meetings with Sidney, Joel, Janey, Patty Scroggins, Lucy [?]
i. Cecilia Fisher-Dahms, CDD
ii. Camille Maben, First Five
iii. XXXX, Fiscal office guy
iv. Chris McCoullough, CDE
v. Theresa Tena, CC League
b. Issues: current funding leaves out CCCECE, and leaves out Lab Schools
i. Our CCCECE organization should hire someone to collect data & develop a
ii. Our Lab School issue should
1. Need 1-page “Need”
2. Need a clear “Ask”
3. Will likely need to be connected to Legislation
4. Complexity & Detail can get us bogged down and diffused.
iii. How does Strategic Plan fit into this?
iv. Idea: Use SARS system to track student use of Lab School.
M/S Hire a Researcher to develop a Survey & collect Data & Make a Report of campus lab schools, based
on a representative sample of the 102 Community Colleges with Child Development Centers, not to
exceed $10,000., to be completed by January 20, 2014.
M= Becky Green; S= Sallie Turpen Unanimous.
Discussion: Any Perkins $ available? Plan written in May, modifications can be made, but unlikely to be
able to access for this survey; CA Budget might have revised monies in January; Consider asking Camille
for CCCECE to be on First Five agenda; Ideas for Institutional Researchers.
Further: Develop the 1-page Need/Ask; Brainstorm possible Researchers; follow-up possibilities at
Regional Meetings; consider the questions to take back tomorrow.
Adjourned 4:30 pm