[Title Paper] [Name of Student] [Name of Instructor] [Course

[Title Paper]
[Name of Student]
[Name of Instructor]
Question: What role advertising and branding plays in the success of a business? Provide
Regardless of the size of the business, the advertising and brand campaigns are crucial for
the survival of the organization. These tools will make it unique and draw more customers. As
they will be striking and persuasive, potential customers won’t be able to resist the product and
be attracted towards the service or merchandise.
Branding is very important as the name of the company is attached with it (Kotler, &
Mindak, 1978).. The future relies on the company image as the transactions conducted with other
business works with the company name rather than with its workforce. The company name or the
slogan sits in the minds of the audience, and it makes them think of the products when they visit
grocery stores.
Advertising is one of those elements which can’t be neglected even a business is about
selling a needle. A niche market’s product needs advertisements to inform others that there now
exist a new product in the market for their facility. Furthermore, if a new modernized product is
developed, targeted market needs to be inform and make them re-think their decision. The role is
to attract customers and divert them towards one’s product.
These two key characteristics should be taken into consideration if hone wants to prosper
in any industry. This is the only reason why thousands and millions of budgets are allocated in
the company for these objectives.
Microsoft came into existence in 1995 and was launched having an advertising budget of
millions of dollars yet it was unsuccessful in accomplishing its benchmark. This made Bill Gates
frustrated and to sell out his product; he took the reins in his control and boosted the leading
software product himself by appearing in a video game to let others know of it. This showcase
that advertising is necessary for any level to create a brand image, even for the great Bill Gates.
Coke keeps on advertising on a regular basis to keep its customers’ in contact and remind
them of their existence and stay with their product only. It doesn’t mean that if the market share
is low, one stops advertising. The Coke Company doesn’t gives up and has continued its war
with other leading brands like Pepsi. At some point, the sales will rise again; and the market
leader position may alter.
Question: A description of one real-world example of an advertising campaign that
successfully achieved a desired outcome. Why did it achieve its desired outcome?
Tags and small catchwords work miracles. They are extremely helpful for the brand to
enhance its sales figure. They create a positive image in the minds of the consumer who forces
them to buy or at least try the product once in a while.
The whole world mostly knows the expression "a diamond is forever". it is a name of the
book and also the 007 movie title. In the United States, diamond ring is presented by a male
when he plans to marry his beloved. Also other jewelry ornaments are designed. The De Beers
Company (major seller) created the saying "A Diamond Is Forever" back in 1940's. This slogan
connects diamonds and love relationship. It means that diamond is a symbol to represent lovenever ending sign. This slogan is used in advertising for over a period of half century in thirty
different languages all across the globe.
This approach was successful because diamonds would be there as to evoke the
importance of their relation and make the girl proud and happy because of her mate. They
targeted a niche market, a wedding ceremony, most special event of one's life, so the chances of
buying this product for an extravagant event is very high. Advertising Age magazine named "A
Diamond Is Forever" the best advertising slogan of the twentieth century in the year 2000.
All possible mediums were approached for this target accomplishment. The product was
successfully launched and showed on televisions. Radio broadcasting was done; stories and
photographs of celebrities for inclusion in magazines and newspapers were visible.
Question: A description of one real-world example of an advertising campaign that did not
successfully achieve a desired outcome, and reasoning for why that campaign was
unsuccessful. Why did it not achieve its desired outcome?
All of the nutrients and other healthy components for toddlers are present in Gerber's
baby food, a US company. It is a product of Nestle; a royal brand image is supporting it. But still
it had to face a hard failure when they stepped out in the platform of Africa.
When Gerber started selling baby food in Africa, as like their other country packaging
system; they employed the same label cover in Africa, having a smiling baby image on the front.
It was a disaster; the sales were close to zero.
No one can imagine this fate with such a big company. No one was buying this product.
All was because of lack of research. It is a custom in Africa that the label contains the product's
content images as the population is illiterate. It is for their ease to identify the product but this
major factor was neglected by the organization.
Gerber didn't do their homework. They were least concerned on how different regions
have different systems so marketing strategies are to be altered accordingly. They suffered a
heavy loss as their product was already in the market but was unsold. They had to revise the
packaging and do all the production from scratch, as maintaining the image of the organization
was vital.
Question: A description of one real-world company branding campaign that successfully
achieved a desired outcome. Why did it achieve its desired outcome?
NIKE “WRITE THE FUTURE” brand campaign is a great example to evaluate a
successful brand campaign. It launched its campaign at the time of the football league, to prove
its reliability after the game, operating under intense pressure. It was unveiled on all social
networks first to reach a wide audience.
Write the Future is a celebration of football moments celebrated with some of the leading
players, including Cristiano Ronaldo, bearing the title of one of the most globally recognized
footballers in the world. Nike even sponsored sponsors 9 teams competing in South Africa; the
awareness tool was applied here.
Question: To showcase your creative capabilities and ethical awareness, and increase your
chances of being hired by Tuff Inc., recommend an advertising campaign and branding
strategy for Tuff Inc. Why are you in support of such a strategy? How will it benefit Tuff
Inc. and bring the company new growth? Explain why certain decisions are best supported
with research. How will you control the social impact your advertising campaign will have
on Tuff Inc.? Name 1 possible social impact—for example, deception in advertising. One of
the most common short-term arguments about advertising is that it is so frequently
deceptive. How will you prevent Tuff Inc. from advertising deceptively?
For Tuff Incorporation, corporate branding strategy will take the sales figure to maximum
limit. It will portray its mission and values to the customers to acknowledge them with the great
idea and concerns the company holds for its customers across the globe. The whole portfolio of
the company will be visible to clients to choose from. The existence of the company is from ten
years so the name has to be revised in the hearts of the customers. The whole corporate structure
needs to be highlighted, to awake the fire the company holds. The quality and performance factor
is the vital key.
There is a heavy need to revive the Tuff's company name. Many promotional strategies
are available to promote the business. Promotion to customers and with staff can all have a
positive impact on your business. Keeping involved in new and cost-effective ideas takes work
and capital from the business, yet are effective. Internet promotion such as web positioning with
Google and social websites promises great returns. This medium is in use by almost everyone so
the chances are very high. It will be less expensive, yet all the products can be catered and
available for customers 24/7.
This approach is appropriate because it will highlight the key points and trust of old
customers. By introducing the service of Tuff online as well, image of the company will increase
as they are providing customer facility too. They are working along the world's customs and
trying hard to satisfy the needs of the user. The keywords will attract more business.
There are many drawbacks attached with advertisements commonly associated with
deception of the shown advertisement. Tuff can be secured from such harm as research will be
done accordingly. The needs of the customers will be adopted accordingly. Marketing will be
done keeping the targeted audience in mind. Control and security measures will be applied to
avoid unauthorized access to the new website launched on behalf of the company. Unwanted
advertisements and pop-ups will be blocked.
Kotler, P, & Mindak, W. (1978). Marketing and public relations. The Journal of Marketing,
42(4), 13-20.