Calculator Cheat Sheet

AP Statistics
Calculator Cheat Sheet
Reseed Calculator: #, STO, MATH, Scroll to PRB, 1:rand (EX: 12345 → rand)
Producing One Random Integer: MATH, Scroll to PRB, 5:randInt, Enter low value, high value (EX:
RandInt(1, 100) to produce a random number from 1 to 100)
Producing More Than One Random Integer: MATH, Scroll to PRB, 5:randInt, Enter low value, high
value, # of values (EX: RandInt(1, 100, 5) to produce 5 random numbers from 1 to 100)
Exploring Data
Entering Data Into a List: STAT, Edit…, Type data into list of choice
Clearing a List: STAT, Edit…, Highlight list name, Press CLEAR (not DEL), ENTER
STAT, 4:ClrList, Enter list name (2nd STAT, Choose List)
Clearing All Lists: 2nd +, 4:ClrAllLists, ENTER
Recovering a Deleted List: STAT, 5:SetUpEditor, ENTER
Summing a List: 2nd STAT, Scroll to MATH, 5:sum, Enter list name
Calculating Summary Statistics: STAT, Edit…, Enter data in L1, STAT, Scroll to CALC, 1:1VarStats, List = L1, FrqList = leave blank, Calculate
Modified Boxplot: 2nd Y = , 1:Plot1 (want Plots 2 & 3 off unless graphing more than one boxplot),
Highlight ON, Highlight 1st boxplot (1st graph on 2nd row), Enter list the data are in, Freq: 1 (unless you
have used frequencies in another list), ZOOM, 9:ZoomStat
Scatterplot: Follow steps for boxplot above, Choose 1st graph listed, Enter x-list & y-list, ZOOM,
Turning Stat Diagnostics & Stat Wizards On: MODE, Scroll to bottom, Next to Stat Diagnostics &
Stat Wizards highlight ON
Calculating LSRL, r, & r2: Make sure Stat Diagnostic is On (see above), Enter data into two lists,
STAT, Scroll to CALC, 8:LinReg(a+bx), Enter x & y lists, Leave FreqList and Store RegEQ blank,
Graphing LSRL on Scatterplot: Follow directions above for Scatterplot and Calculating LSRL, Y=
(make sure it is all cleared out), VARS, 5:Statistics, Scroll to EQ, 1:RegEQ, ZOOM, 9:ZoomStat
Pulling in Residuals List into List Menu: Follow directions for Calculating LSRL above, STAT,
Edit…, Decide where you want Residual List, highlight the list that you want to the right of the residual
list, 2nd DEL, 2nd STAT, Choose RESID, Enter
NOTE: You can do this once & then leave the residual list there. It will overwrite itself each time a
LSRL is calculated.
Residual Plot: Follow the steps for graphing a scatterplot above, however, change the y-list to the
residual list (2nd STAT, Choose RESID)
Normal Probability: Find z-score(s) first, showing work on your paper. Draw a sketch if it helps you.
2nd VARS, 2:nromalcdf, Enter lower z-score, higher z-score, leave μ = 0 and σ = 1, Paste, ENTER
Inverse Normal: The inverse normal command will report the z-score associated with a particular area
under the curve. Draw a sketch to represent the situation. 2nd VARS, 3:invNorm, Next to area type the
amount of area to the left (regardless of where you shaded), leave μ = 0 and σ = 1, Paste, ENTER. You
will likely still have some Algebra to do with this reported z-score.
Discrete Expected Value and Standard Deviation: Remember, you still have to show the work on your
paper, so make sure you understand the formula. STAT, Edit…, Enter x’s into L1 and P(x) into L2,
STAT, Scroll to CALC, 1:1-VarStats, List = L1, FrqList = L2, Calculate
Binomial Probability for a Single x-Value: Remember, you still have to show substitution into the
formula on your paper. 2nd VARS, binompdf, trials = n, p = probability of success on any given trial, x
value = whatever # of successes you are trying to find probability for, Paste, ENTER
Binomial Probability for Multiple x-Values Summed Together: ALPHA, WINDOW, 2: Σ( . Type
largest value
 n  x
n x 
into formula
  p (1  p)  filling in the smallest x-value, largest x-value, n, and p.
x  smallest value  x 
Leave x as a variable (use X,T,θ,n key)
Geometric Probability for a Single Value: Remember, you still have to show substitution into
the formula on your paper. 2nd VARS, geometpdf, p = probability of success on any given trail,
x value = whatever trial # you are looking for success on, Paste, ENTER
Geometric Probability for Multiple x-Values Summed Together: ALPHA, WINDOW, 2: Σ(
largest value
Type into formula
x  smallest value
(1  p) x 1 p  filling in the smallest x-value, largest x-value, and p.
Leave x as a variable (use X,T,θ,n key)
Inference procedures: STAT, Scroll to TESTS
The menus for each test are pretty self-explanatory
For the 2-sample t-procedures, Pooled = NO