Session II.3.8 Part II Quantities and Measurements Module 3 Principles of Radiation Detection and Measurement Session 8 Nuclear Track Detectors 3/2003 Rev 1 IAEA Post Graduate Educational Course Radiation Protection and Safe Use of Radiation Sources II.3.8 – slide 1 of 34 Overview Nuclear track etch detectors and principles of detection will be discussed Students will learn about etchable plastic foils, detection thresholds for various materials, neutron detection, approaches to track etch detection, proton detection, and types of track etch detector systems 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 2 of 34 Content Etchable plastic foils Detection thresholds for various track etch materials Energy window of detectability Neutron detection Stability of track damage Chemical etching procedures 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 3 of 34 Content Fission-foil converter approach to track etch detection Cellulose nitrate approach to track etch detection Proton detection Types of track etch detector systems 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 4 of 34 Etchable Plastic Foils During the 1960s, investigators found that dielectric materials became more chemically etchable by exposure to ionizing radiation Materials include glass, mica and plastics Radiation induction of etchability requires a certain energy deposition “threshold” per unit mass along the track of high-LET particles 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 5 of 34 Etchable Plastic Foils After radiation exposure, chemical action by an etchant (e.g. HF, NaOH) causes removal of the radiation-damaged volume This removal leaves a conical or cylindrical pit or hole This hole is large enough to see with low magnification and to count and interpret dosimetrically 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 6 of 34 Etchable Plastic Foils For the material to be etchable, the specific energy imparted in the particle track must exceed some threshold The threshold is characteristic of each dielectric material Threshold minimum specific energy is given in terms of dT/dx or L of the charged particle for a given material 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 7 of 34 L for Dielectric Materials Inorganic materials have a threshold L mostly exceeding 15 MeV cm2/mg, corresponding to 500 keV/m in unitdensity tissue Plastics tend to have lower thresholds 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 8 of 34 L for Dielectric Materials A common radiation-vulnerable plastic in use is cellulose nitrate Cellulose nitrate has a threshold L as low as 1 MeV cm2/mg or 100 keV/m in tissue 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 9 of 34 Energy Window of Detectability Kinetic energy of a given heavy charged particle cannot be too high, since L would be too low in this case However, the kinetic energy must be high enough for the particle to have sufficient range in the material to have recognizable tracks after chemical etching 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 10 of 34 Energy Window of Detectability This situation creates an energy “window” of detectability Window is different for each combination of charged particle, material, irradiation conditions, and etch processing In many cases, this window is closed and no detection is possible 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 11 of 34 Energy Window of Detectability Because of the energy window, nuclear track etch radiation detection has not generally been practical for electrons or gamma rays Its greatest application has been in the area of neutron dosimetry 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 12 of 34 Threshold L vs RBE The lowest threshold L in tissue (= 100 keV/m for cellulose nitrate) occurs around where the RBE reaches a maximum in many mammalian biological systems The RBE range of greatest interest occurs from L = 0.2 keV/ m to L = 100 keV/ m 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 13 of 34 Stability of Track Damage in Plastics Latent-damage track in plastics is stable against spontaneous repair at storage temperatures below 50° C Approaching the softening temperature of a plastic results in rapid annealing and repair, thus removing etchability 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 14 of 34 Chemical Etching Procedures Becker (1973) has reviewed many details of various etching procedures Combination of an etchant with high-voltage AC across the film has been found to improve etching speed and reproducibility in some cases 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 15 of 34 Two Approaches to Track Etch Detection Fission-foil converters Direct interaction of neutrons in etchable film and overlying plastic layer 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 16 of 34 Neutron Track Etch Dosimetry Using Fission-Foil Converters When a foil of fissionable material is struck by neutrons of energies above its fission threshold energy, very heavy energetic charged particles are generated If the foil is adjacent to a plastic film, etchable damage tracks are efficiently produced 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 17 of 34 Neutron Track Etch Dosimetry Using Fission-Foil Converters Number of such etchable tracks has been found to be 1.16 x 10-5 per neutron barn This simple relationship arises from the nearly constant detection efficiency of plastics for fission fragments,and The fact that the common fissile materials yield similar distributions of fragment species 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 18 of 34 Neutron Track Etch Dosimetry Using Fission-Foil Converters A typical chemical etching scheme, used with polycarbonate films, consists of a bath in 30% KOH at 60C for 5 to 50 min Track concentrations range from 106 to 103 tracks/cm2 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 19 of 34 Track Etch Using Cellulose Nitrate Neutron dosimetry can also be performed by neutron interactions in plastic films Fast neutrons striking cellulose nitrate films cause recoiling C, O, and N atoms 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 20 of 34 Track Etch Using Cellulose Nitrate Tracks are inconveniently small under ordinary etching procedures Track size can be greatly enhanced by application of an AC voltage (2000 V at 1 kHz) across the film in the etching bath 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 21 of 34 Proton Detection Using Commercial Plastics A commercial plastic called CR-39 has a low enough L to detect protons resulting from elastic collisions with hydrogen The L threshold, below which the proton tracks are not dense enough to cause etchable damage, is about 100 MeV cm2 /g or 10 KeV/m in tissue 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 22 of 34 Track Etch Detector System – Autoscan 60 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 23 of 34 Track Etch Detector System Autoscan 60 Reader 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 24 of 34 Track Etch Detector System – Polymer Detectors 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 25 of 34 Track Etch Detector System 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 26 of 34 Glass Track-Etch Detectors Developed by University of California at Berkeley in the United States Called BP-1 (barium-phosphate) glass and has high sensitivity and resolution Used in experiments in high-energy physics, and cosmic-ray physics in outer space 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 27 of 34 Typical Track Etch Pit 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 28 of 34 Etch-pits In the Trek Detector Produced By Cosmic Rays 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 29 of 34 Summary Nuclear track etch detectors and principles of detection were discussed Students learned about etchable plastic foils, detection thresholds for various materials, neutron detection, approaches to track etch detection, proton detection, and types of track etch detector systems 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 30 of 34 Where to Get More Information Knoll, G.T., Radiation Detection and Measurement, 3rd Edition, Wiley, New York (2000) Attix, F.H., Introduction to Radiological Physics and Radiation Dosimetry, Wiley, New York (1986) International Atomic Energy Agency, Determination of Absorbed Dose in Photon and Electron Beams, 2nd Edition, Technical Reports Series No. 277, IAEA, Vienna (1997) 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 31 of 34 Where to Get More Information International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Quantities and Units in Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Report No. 51, ICRU, Bethesda (1993) International Commission on Radiation Units and Measurements, Fundamental Quantities and Units for Ionizing Radiation, Report No. 60, ICRU, Bethesda (1998) Hine, G. J. and Brownell, G. L., (Ed. ), Radiation Dosimetry, Academic Press (New York, 1956) 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 32 of 34 Where to Get More Information Bevelacqua, Joseph J., Contemporary Health Physics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (New York, 1995) International Commission on Radiological Protection, Data for Protection Against Ionizing Radiation from External Sources: Supplement to ICRP Publication 15. A Report of ICRP Committee 3, ICRP Publication 21, Pergamon Press (Oxford, 1973) 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 33 of 34 Where to Get More Information Cember, H., Introduction to Health Physics, 3rd Edition, McGraw-Hill, New York (2000) Firestone, R.B., Baglin, C.M., Frank-Chu, S.Y., Eds., Table of Isotopes (8th Edition, 1999 update), Wiley, New York (1999) International Atomic Energy Agency, The Safe Use of Radiation Sources, Training Course Series No. 6, IAEA, Vienna (1995) 3/2003 Rev 1 II.3.8 – slide 34 of 34