Teacher: D. Spates Subject Area: Principles of Business Marketing

D. Spates
Subject Area:
Principles of Business Marketing and Finance
International and Domestic Business
Lesson Date:
12/1/14 thru 12/5/14
Room No.:
Lesson Title:
Lesson 4: Financial Planning
Lesson 5: Economic & Ethical Activity in a Changing World
Lesson 6: The Foundation of International Business
Meeting Time/Period:
1st, 3rd
Grade Levels:
9 - 11
What is the lesson objective? The student will / can…
 (L4) Recognize important financial questions that must be answered in a business.
 (L4) List the steps in budget preparation.
 (L5) Give reasons why ethical behavior is good for business.
 (L5) Describe the social responsibilities of businesses
 (L6) Distinguish between domestic business and international business.
 (L6) Discuss reasons why international business is important.
 (L6) Understand the history of international business.
 (L6) Describe basic international business activities.
 (L6) Explain the components of the international business environment.
 (L6) Explain the importance of international business for workers, consumers, and citizens.
Anticipatory Set:
 List three goods/services that are specialties for the United States.
 Provide examples of how political relations affect international business around the world.
 List advantages and disadvantages for increased international business.
Marzano Strateg(ies):
 Summarizing and Note taking
 Practice
 Providing Feedback
 Recognition
 Q&A
(Lesson 6)
 culture – the accepted behaviors, customs, and values of a society or a system of learned, shared, unifying,
and interrelated beliefs, values, and assumptions
 domestic business – making, buying, and selling goods and services within a country
 exports – products sold to other countries
 global dependency-a condition that exists when items consumers need and want are created in other
 imports-products bought from businesses in other countries
 international business-all business activities needed to create, ship, and sell goods and services across
national borders
 trade barriers-restrictions that reduce free trade among countries
Direct Teach:
 Warm-up
 Financial Planning & Economic and Ethical Activity Review
 The Foundation of International Business Digital Presentation
Independent Practice:
 Financial Planning/ Economic & Ethical Activity Exam
 The Foundation of International Business Digital Notes & Vocabulary
 The Foundation of International Business Review Handouts
Extension Activity:
Everfi- Financial Literacy
Why is international business important?
Why do governments sometimes create trade barriers to discourage imports?
What is the difference between an import and an export?
Closure: Upon completion of lesson, students will be able to answer the following questions:
Why should individuals study the culture of another country before conducting international business?
Why do governments sometimes create trade barriers to discourage imports?
What is global dependency?
 Textbook: Southwestern Cengage Learning: “Principles of Business” 8e
 Internet
 Edmodo
 Handouts