Renaissance Art

The Renaissance was a time of rebirth and recovery from the Middle Ages. This rebirth is evident in the
transformation of art. Create a small booklet of Medieval and Renaissance art then compare and
contrast the techniques used by the artist of that time.
What you need to do
Collect images of these works of art and place them side by side.
Try to find at least 2 things, per comparison, that illustrates the different styles use by
the artists.
Do not use “overuse” examples, via use the same answer for each comparison
Submit the assignment
- Online-Western Civ drop box ( Remember you must save to the desktop and drag it into the
- Email-
2.5 pts per comparastion-1 0pts total
- 2- Pictures (1pt)
- Label Works of art ( .5 pts)
- Comparison (1pt)
Collect and analyze these images
Medieval Art
Renaissance Art
Madonna and Child by Duccio di Buoninsegna vs Modanna and Child with Saints by Giovanni Bellini
Christ Entering Jerusalem by Giotto di Bondone vs The Creation of Adam by Michelangelo
Gospel of Charlemagne
vs. Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci
The Lamentation by Giotto di Bondone
vs. Galatea by Raphael
Collect the images
Write a couple of statements explaining the differences
Middle Age
Modanna Enthroned by Giotto di Bondone
Madonna Enthroned by Fra Filippo Lippi
The Renaissance artwork appears more lifelike due to the use of shading
It also appears that the Renaissance artwork tries to show emotion while the Middle Age piece appears
cold and lifeless