Weekly Notes Monday Biography Book Tuesday Poetry Wednesday Thursday Short Stories Editing Friday Book Club 2/3 WT=Writing Topic 2/1 2/2 2/4 2/5 You must have journal by TUESDAY, or you will select from those available in class. Class ProceduresNotecard/Song List Creative Writing Anthology Expectations Poetry Rubric Short Story Rubric Have anthology in class (or you get one of mine)-Set up sections/Brainstorm “criteria” ideas then write introduction Copy literary terms from PPT into your journal and complete the literary terms activity as assigned. Get signed up for our Google Classroom account Type your introduction— remember, you may ALWAYS revise what you wrote. Introduction to Book Club and expectations Make sure you have your book and are reading the first chapter! 2/8 2/9 2/12 Copy poetic devices into your journal. 2/10 SUB 2/11 Introduction to Biography Book assignment Einstein, e.e.cummings, Amelia Earhart examples Select Biography from library. Use descriptive language to write your first poem. Choose a short story and read it during class. Identify lit. terms and critique the story for its creativity—does it meet your criteria; did it use the terms effectively? Read “There Once Was” by Margaret Atwood and discuss Revise/edit your work thus far; Chromebooks available for anthology work 15 min. Independent Reading Meet with group and discuss what you have read thus far. Create your own reading schedule by chapters. Be sure to keep up on your groups reading expectations! 2/15 President’s Day 2/16 2/17 2/18 2/19 SUB Revise/edit your work thus far; Chromebooks available for anthology work 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 1 to facilitate discussion You have one anthology piece due this Thursday! 2/25 2/26 Chromebooks available for anthology work 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 2 to facilitate discussion WT1 WT3 WT5 WT2 WT4 WT6 Define poetry Read Observations About Poetry “Ars Poetica” “Poetry” Write your own definition “Isle of the Dead” Short Story 2/22 2/23 2/24 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Review Children’s Book Requirements Describe Protagonist and illustrate Poetry 180 directions to look for poems for your anthology. Find at least three poems that you like and identify the devices within them. Add them to your anthology. WT7 WT8 Know elements of a dystopia by reading “There will come soft rains” and “Searching for Summer” Outline your own dystopia 1st Anthology Poem or Short Story Due Remember you can always revise! Select Group Select Book Get book and read first chapter by next Friday. 2/29 3/1 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Describe Setting and illustrate Read “Knoxville, TN” by Nikki Giovanni Write Favorite Place Poem with partner following directions provided WT9 3/2 Review your outline for your dystopia story and write your own based on the ideas from last week. WT10 3/7 3/8 ½ day 4,5,6 WT11 3/9 WT12 3/3 ½ day no 3/4 ½ day 4,5,6 4th 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 3 to facilitate discussion 3/10 3/11 Elements of a comedy Read “Big Boy” by David Sedaris-note uses for said Substitutes for Said Handout Outline your comedy 1st story or poem returned-read comments Revise/edit your work thus far; Chromebooks available for anthology/children’s book work 15 min. Independent Reading Discuss/Decide on project-assign tasks; are you ready for a new book? SUB 3/16 ½ day no 4th Read “Colors Passing Through Us” by Marge Piercy—Select picture and color; write your poem with the colors you use from the crayon box. 3/14 3/15 Your choice: Found poem or Cross-out poem Write your comedy based on outline from last week 3/17 2nd Anthology Poem or Short Story Due 3/18 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Describe Antagonist and illustrate 3/21 3/22 3/23 3/24 3/25 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Describe Conflict and illustrate Shel Silverstein and Rhythm/Rhyme Scheme. Work with groups to uncover his rhythm/rhyme scheme and recreate your own version of one of his silly poems following the scheme in his poem. Know elements of a sports story by reading “The Thrill of the Grass” Outline your sports story 2nd story or poem returned-read comments Revise/edit your work thus far; Chromebooks available for anthology/children’s book work 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 2 to facilitate discussion 3/28 3/29 3/30 Sensory Words and “Death at an Early Age” 3/31 3rd Anthology Poem or Short Story Due-You must submit 2 stories and 4 poems 4/1 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Create Plot Chart WT13 WT15 WT17 Peer Edit for sensory experience WT14 SUB WT16 WT18 Write your sports story based on outline from last week 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 1 to facilitate discussion 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 3 to facilitate discussion Spring Break 4/4-4/8 4/11 4/12 4/14 4/15 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Identify poetic device you want to use and write exposition and illustrate What is Synesthesia? Write your Synesthesia poem Clue short story game 3rd story or poem returned-read comments Revise/edit your work thus far; Chromebooks available for anthology/children’s book work 15 min. Independent Reading Work on project-assign tasks; are you ready for a new book? 4/18 4/19 4/20 Pretend SHORT STORY DAY! Introduce Fairy Tale Elements through “The Emperor’s New Clothes” and “The Emperor’s New (and Improved) clothes Begin The Emperor’s New Groove 4/21 Chromebooks not available due to testing 4/22 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Identify poetic device you want to use and write rising action and illustrate 4/25 4/26 4/27 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Identify poetic device you want to use and write climax and illustrate Read “Missed Chances” by Stephen Dobyns, “A Story” by Li-Young Lee, and “The Century Quilt” by Marilyn Nelson Waniek and write Childhood Memory poem Write your twisted tale based on your outline from last week 5/2 5/3 WT25 Chromebooks 5/4 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Identify poetic device you want to use and write falling action and illustrate WT19 WT21 WT23 Nature and tone activity in Google Classroom 4/13 WT20 WT22 Finish The Emperor’s New Groove and outline your twisted tale WT24 WT26 Know elements of a memoir by reading “” by Outline your memoir 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 1 to facilitate discussion 4/28 4th Anthology Poem or Short Story Due-You must submit 2 stories and 4 poems 4/29 5/5 5th Anthology Poem or Short Story Due-You must submit 2 stories and 4 poems 5/6 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 2 to facilitate discussion 15 min. Independent Reading Leader 3 to facilitate discussion 5/9 5/10 25 min. Ind. Read of Biography Identify poetic device you want to use and write resolution and illustrate “Phenomenal Woman” by Maya Angelou Chromebooks to research and write your own. Write your memoir based on last week’s outline 5/17 WT29 Submit your favorite work to group share— groups determine the “A” work and submit for final contest 5/24 WT31 Senior Song Share Chromebooks available 5/16 Finish Children’s Book Chromebooks Available 5/23 Senior Song Share 5/30 Memorial Day-No School 6/6 For non-seniors: Movie Poem Directions Select Movie for Final WT27 5/12 6th Anthology Poem or Short Story Due-You must submit 2 stories and 4 poems 5/13 5/18 WT30 Final contest whole-class shares 5/19 Anthology Due Senior Song Assignment Submit video via email for class YouTube channel 5/20 Work on Project; due at end of period! 5/25 WT32 Senior Song Share 5/26 Senior Song Share 5/27 SUB Senior skip day 5/31 Senior Finals 2,4,6 6/1 Senior Finals 1,3,5 6/2 Graduation Rehearsal 6/3 GRADUATION! Final Test Anthologies Returned-Senior farewell 6/8 No 4th today 6/9 4, 5, 6, Finals Movie Work Finish Final Poem 6/10 ½ day schedule to be determined by administration 6/7 Movie Work on Final Poem 5/11 WT28 Must be finished with book today. Work on project