Company Logo :
: Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 2. Kısım 22. Cad. No:10 07190 Döşemealtı/ANTALYA
: 0.242.249 46 46
: 0.242.249 46 00
: info@tasaco.com
Web site
: www.tasaco.com
Brief history of the company (establishment date, current situation, export experience-if there is etc.)
TASACO TARIM, one of the group companies of Doktor Tarsa, is a seed and crop production
company, founded in 1996. First began to agricultural activities with chips corn production.
Is a partner of Füpaş Inc. which is Doctor Tarsa’s and also is one of the group companies started
operating in 2004.
In the private sector in Turkey it is the company producing largest number of certified wheat seed. In
wheat, 5 pieces of bread wheat, 5 pieces of durum and 1 for biscuit with a total of 11 units of wheat
varieties have been granted production permission and / or has been registered. On the other hand 1
triticale, 2 paddy rice, 1 clove and 1 cotton varieties have been granted production permission and /
or have been registered. The 44 varieties of vegetable seeds have been registered to the commercial
list. Our clover seed called Prosementi, has gained huge appreciation and have become the most
demanded in seed varieties.
Our range called SAGITTARIO, has found a wide planting area reaching from Mardin to Tekirdağ, in
Southeastern Anatolia and coastal areas. Due to its high quality, it raised up to the first class (same
group with Bezostoja-1) in purchase scales of TMO in 2005.
Our range called ESPERIA which grows in cold climates, showed that there can be an alternative for
Bezostoja -1 range. Both of our two wheat ranges solved Turkey’s wheat quality problem.
Our country was forced to import wheat from time to time due to the lack of quality in local market,
and by our two ranges (SAGITTARIO and ESPERIA) quality issues have been surmounted.
Being the favorite of pasta and wheat industrialists with their quality, our wheat ranges ZENIT,
SVEVO, LEVANTE , SARAGOLLA and MAESTRALE have a very important production area in
Southeastern, Eastern and Aegean Regions.
TASACO supplies its flower seed through import and serves to producers services.
Crop Producing Operations
TASACO’s other operation field is projected crop production.
Have been producing and storing chips type corn for FRİTOLAY company for 16 years. With
manufacture and storage that is completely carried out under hygienic conditions, 10,000 tons of
chip type corn is being produced and stored. TASACO has the certificate of International AIB
Inspection company.
Our facilities located in Yenice-Tarsus/MERSİN we have 16.000 tons of vertical and 3.000 tons of
horizontal storage capacity with a total of 19.000 tons for both corn and wheat. We have installed
facilities with the capacity of 5 tons/hour seed preparation and 100 tons/hour corn cleaning. We also
finished installation and began to use our seed preparation facilities in Söke /AYDIN with capacity of
5 tons/hour and in Ilgın/KONYA with capacity of 10 tons/hour.
Storage investments continue to be developed.
On the other hand, Italian Barilla provides our company 8-10 thousand tons of wheat production a
year. This Project of us is performed under contracts with farmers from Southeastern Anatolia
Region and Aegean Region.
Our Representatives
Prosementi - Italy
Bertone Sementi - Italy
Person in charge: Ali Behzat Özman
Legal status: Executive Board Member
Number of employees (administration, production, total)
Production:29 People
Administration:11 People
Others:25 People
Totaly:65 People
The size of the factory/production/storage facilities:
Konya- Ilgın Seed Production Facility: Being at 9 km distance from Konya city Ilgın county, our facility is
established on an area of 91.800 sqm in 2011. The facility has modern seed preparation facility with
capacity of 20 tons/hour, 14.000 tons of vertical crop silos, 4.500 tons of horizontal storage for
packaged seeds, with a total of 18.500 tons of crop and seed capacity.
Aydın –Söke /Güllübahçe Seed Production Facility: Within municipality boundaries of Aydın city Söke
county Güllübahçe town, our facility is established on an area of 18.700 sqm in 2009. The facility has
has modern seed preparation facility with automatic color separation with capacity of 5 tons/hour,
7.000 tons vertical crop silos, 6.700 tons of horizontal storage for packaged seeds, with a total of
13.700 tons of crop and seed capacity.
Mersin – Tarsus / Yenice Tohum Üretim Tesisi: Being at 1 km distance from Mersin city Tarsus county
Yenice town, our facility is established on an area of 50.142 m2 sqm in 1996. Its the first facility of
Tasaca Tarım. Started to its agricultural operations by producing chips type corn for FRİTOLAY
company, and it has focused its activities on the production of wheat seed in later years. The facility
has modern seed preparation facility with automatic color separation with capacity of 5 tons/hour,
16.000 tons of vertical crop silos, 4.250 tons of horizontal storage for packaged seeds, with a total of
20.250 tons of crop and seed storage capacity.
Exporter: X
Manufacturer: X
Agency: X
Others :
Products: Wheat seeds, paddy rice seeds, fodder plant seeds, vegetable seeds, flower seeds
Growth plans (investments, growth projects etc.): We have 3 wheat seed preparation facilities at
present. Our target is to raise up to 5 facilities (to establish 2 more facilities, one in Southeastern
Anatolia Region and one in Thrace Region).