Senior English Final Portfolio Assessment (215 Points—20% of final

Senior English Final Portfolio Assessment
(215 Points—20% of final semester grade)
In place of a final examination, all senior English students are required to produce a final portfolio of
their works. This should serve to both showcase and reflect on the written work you have done throughout the
Your portfolio should be neatly organized in a 3-ring binder (as small as possible to fit the material is preferred).
It should include:
 A title page with your full name, name of the course, class period, and due date AND a creative title for
your body of work
 A table of contents with page numbers for each of the required writing pieces (listed below).
 Overall Semester Reflection (described below)
 Tabbed and labeled dividers as noted below
 Required writings (in this order):
Divider #1: Definition
1. Definition one-pager #1 with peer review
2. Definition one-pager #2 with peer review
3. Definition one-pager #3 with peer review
4. Draft of final definition piece with self-reflection
5. Final GRADED Definition Piece
6. Definition Unit Reflection (described below)
Divider #2: Argument
7. Argument one-pager #1 with peer review
8. Argument one-pager #2 with peer review
9. Draft of final argument piece with self-reflection
10. Final GRADED Argument Piece
11. Argument Unit Reflection (described below)
Divider #3: Narrative
12. Narrative one-pager #1 with peer review
13. Narrative one-pager #2 with peer review
14. Narrative one-pager #3 with peer review
15. Draft of final narrative piece with self-reflection
16. Final GRADED Narrative Piece
17. Narrative Unit Reflection (described below)
Divider #4: This I Believe
18. “This I Believe” Final Piece and submission confirmation email (described below)
Divider #5: Choice
19. Teacher Choice ______________________
20. Student Choice-Any additional activity, assignment, or assessment you found beneficial to the course
*Items in bold are NEW writings for this assignment. The rest should have already been completed during the
course of the semester.*
Overall Semester Reflection Requirements
Write a two-page minimum (TYPED, double-spaced) reflection on the writing you have done this semester.
Please organize your response into multiple paragraphs and address at least FOUR of the following topics: Your personal
strengths and weaknesses, where you feel you have improved the most, where you feel you still need the most
improvement, how you did in relation to your SMART goals, which assignments you found the most/least valuable and
why, which paper you are most proud of and why, which paper was your greatest challenge and why, what your revisions
and reflections have taught you about your writing, or how your teacher’s/peers’ comments and feedback have improved
your writing.
Unit Reflection Requirements (#6, #11, and #17 above)
For each unit, reread each of your one-pagers, your draft, and your final piece. Also review the unit notes, peer
review comments, and teacher feedback. Then, compose a 1(full)-2 page typed reflection (Times New Roman, 12-point,
double-spaced) in which you reflect and comment on your performance within that specific mode. Organize your response
into multiple paragraphs. Cite examples from your own writing where applicable, and be sure you go beyond just what was
offered in the peer and teacher feedback. Consider specific strengths, weaknesses, areas of growth, and overall learning
within that mode. Reflect on the question, “If/when I write in this mode in the future, what will I do the same?
Differently?” This should be more specific than your overall reflection, which is a general view of your writing as a whole.
“This I Believe” Final Piece (#18 above)
At the beginning of the semester, you were asked to write a 1-page description of an important belief. This
assignment was inspired by the website For the final piece of your portfolio, you are to revise this essay,
using the writing skills that you have developed over the course of the semester. You also have the option of completely
rewriting the piece if you choose. You will also submit your polished piece to the website, and include the email
submission confirmation in your portfolio. The following information comes directly from the website (please see for all information and guidelines):
Contribute to this project by writing and submitting your own statement of personal belief. We understand how challenging
this is—it requires such intimacy that no one else can do it for you. To guide you through this process, we offer these
Tell a story: Be specific. Take your belief out of the ether and ground it in the events of your life. Consider moments when
belief was formed or tested or changed. Think of your own experience, work, and family, and tell of the things you know
that no one else does. Your story need not be heart-warming or gut-wrenching—it can even be funny—but it should be real.
Make sure your story ties to the essence of your daily life philosophy and the shaping of your beliefs.
Be brief: Your statement should be between 350 and 500 words. That’s about three minutes when read aloud at your
natural pace.
Name your belief: If you can’t name it in a sentence or two, your essay might not be about belief. Also, rather than writing
a list, consider focusing on one core belief, because three minutes is a very short time.
Be positive: Please avoid preaching or editorializing. Tell us what you do believe, not what you don’t believe. Avoid
speaking in the editorial “we.” Make your essay about you; speak in the first person.
Be personal: Write in words and phrases that are comfortable for you to speak. We recommend you read your essay aloud
to yourself several times, and each time edit it and simplify it until you find the words, tone, and story that truly echo your
belief and the way you speak.
When you write your essay, we encourage you to:
Please limit your essay to approximately 500 words.
Tell a story that illustrates how your personal belief was shaped.
Please refrain from writing an opinion piece about a public issue. We want the story of your belief, not an editorial
about a current event.
Tell us what you do believe, not what you don’t believe.
Proofread your essay before you submit it, as we do not accept corrections or changes after we receive your essay.
How can I improve my essay before I submit it?
First, make sure your essay is framed in a concrete belief or conviction (we receive many wonderful essays that contain no
statement of belief). Then, tell us a compelling story about how you came to hold that belief, or a time that belief was
challenged, or how that belief shapes your daily activities. Try sharing one belief instead of composing a list of all of your
How do I know you received my essay?
When you successfully submit your essay through our website, you will see an on-screen message that your essay was
received. In addition, you should receive a confirmation email.
.What happens to my essay after I submit it?
A team of essay reviewers reads every essay that is submitted to our project. At the completion of our review process, which
takes about eight weeks, your essay will then be entered into our online database (found at You
should receive an email that lets you know when we have completed review of your essay and when your essay has been
placed in the online Essay Collection for everyone to read.
Does This I Believe publish every essay it receives?
This I Believe is not a “contest,” but a community conversation. Therefore, every essay we receive is a valued part of our
project. However, we do not accept essays that are not about personal belief, and we do not accept essays that do not fit
within our guidelines. All other essays will be considered for inclusion on our website. Editorial decisions are at the sole
discretion of This I Believe, Inc.
I have submitted an essay, but now I can’t find it. How do I find my own essay?
You can search for your essay on our website by following these directions. While at, mouse over the top
header “Explore,” then scroll down and click on “Essay Search.” On this page, fill in your first name and last name in the
appropriate fields. You will notice that only your first name will be seen on the web page with your essay. We do not
publish last names or other personal information on our website. The only exceptions to this rule are essayists who have
granted permission for use of their last name or essayists from the original 1950s series.
Can I fix typos in my essay after it has been submitted?
This I Believe is not able to make any corrections to essays after they have been submitted to our project. Please be sure to
proofread your essay carefully before submitting it to us.
Submission Agreement
We are delighted that you are interested in submitting your essay to This I Believe. As you will see, you will retain
copyright ownership of your essay. However, you are granting This I Believe, Inc., the license to duplicate, display,
transmit, etc. your essay, and essay-writing reflections, in all media. We are requesting these rights so that your thoughtful
words can inspire as many people as possible for generations to come. Any profits from this work will be used to continue
the operation of our organization. This I Believe, Inc., is a not-for-profit organization established to promote the free and
respectful exchange of stories of core personal belief through media, outreach, and educational activities.
By submitting an essay to This I Believe, Inc., and agreeing to the terms of this Submission Agreement, you affirm that this
essay is original to you, that you own the copyright to this work, no other person owns rights to this essay, and that the
essay does not defame or otherwise violate the rights, copyrights, trademarks, privacy, or reputation of any third party.
You grant This I Believe, Inc., a non-exclusive, assignable, transferable, royalty-free, perpetual, world-wide, and
permanent license to duplicate, display, distribute, excerpt, perform, or transmit the essay, and essay-writing reflections, in
any format or media known or hereafter known. This I Believe, Inc., shall have the right to own or register copyrights to
any works or compilations created by This I Believe, Inc., that contain the essay and/or essay-writing reflections, in whole
or in part.
You agree to indemnify and hold This I Believe, Inc., harmless against any claims asserted by any third parties that allege
the essay violates their rights, or from any breach by you of your promises in this Agreement. You shall be responsible for
any costs incurred by This I Believe, Inc., for defense or settlement of third-party claims, including, but not limited to,
reasonable attorneys’ fees of This I Believe, Inc.
You understand that submitting an essay does not guarantee that your work will be used, displayed, or otherwise
reproduced. Essays, and essay-writing reflections, may be archived for public use, or reproduced in audio form, published
in print or online, or in any other way. The decision of which and how essays, and essay-writing reflections, will be used
will be at the sole discretion of This I Believe, Inc.
You agree to allow This I Believe, Inc., and its assignees to use your name and approved likeness in publishing, promoting,
marketing, or otherwise distributing your essay. You grant This I Believe, Inc., the right to use a picture provided by you to
promote your essay and the series online, in print, in visual displays, and for other ancillary uses.
This Agreement does not give you the right to use any names, images, trademarks, or service marks owned or licensed by
This I Believe, Inc., or any other sub-licensees.
You affirm that you are at least 18 years of age and possess the legal right and ability to enter into this Agreement, or
that you are the parent or legal guardian of the minor who is submitting the essay.
This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the parties and supersedes all prior agreements (whether written or
oral), if any, with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may only be modified or amended by a
writing signed by both parties.
If you have read, acknowledge, and agree to be bound by each of the terms and conditions in this agreement, check the box
next to “I have read and accept the terms of the Submission Agreement” on the Essay Submission Form to complete
submission of your essay.
If you do not agree to be bound by each of the terms and conditions of this Agreement, you will not be allowed to complete
the submission process.
Senior English Final Portfolio Rubric
Overall Reflection (____/20)
Narrative Unit Reflection (____/20)
Definition Unit Reflection (____/20)
Argument Unit Reflection (____/20)
“This I Believe” Polished Piece (____/30)
“This I Believe” online submission (printed confirmation email) (____/10)
Teacher Choice (_____/40)
Student Choice (_____/10)
Presented neatly in three-ring binder with labeled dividers (____/10)
Includes a typed title page with all required information (____/7)
Includes a typed Table of Contents with page numbers (____/6)
Includes all one-pagers (____/8)
Includes peer reviews for all one-pagers and self-reflections for all first drafts (____/11)
Includes final pieces (____/3)
Potential Deductions:
No rubric included with name on it (-2)
Copies of one-pagers and final unit pieces are not the graded copies (-2 each)
Required elements are not in order or aren’t labeled correctly (-10)
TOTAL: _______/215