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Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Ms. Sydney Teel
ENGL 1213-203 (30539): English Composition II
Summer 2013: MW 5:30–8:20 pm (June 3 – July 24), NEC-A161 (traditional, in-person discussion/lecture)
Contact Info: (preferred), 918-595-7465 (may leave messages)
Office: A-177 (in NE campus FACET Center)
Office Hours:
Mon 7:30-12:30 pm & 1:30-5:00 pm
Tues 7:30-8:30 am & 2-5:30 pm
Wed 7:30-12:30 pm & 1:30-5:00 pm
Thurs 7:30-8:30 am & 2-5:30 pm
TCC Outlook Email Site:
Blackboard Site: (You must be able to login to Blackboard on a regular basis. All handouts, homework
assignments, and updates will be posted on Blackboard. Also, we will use other features of Blackboard,
including discussion board posts.)
TCC Website:
Course Prerequisites
Successful completion of ENGL 1113 or AP/CLEP credit.
Course Description
ENGL 1213 is the second (and final) required composition course at TCC. During the semester, the course will continue
to develop students’ abilities in invention, drafting, and revising through the practice of writing. Students are expected
to research and develop positions on arguable topics which can be revised through peer interaction several times before
reaching the instructor. Along with developing persuasive writing skills, the course emphasizes research methods,
documentation techniques, and quotation/paraphrase management skills. In the classroom, we will focus on students’
writing in addition to analyzing fiction and arguments.
Textbooks and Required Material
Nicholas Delbanco, Alan Cheuse
Literature: Craft & Voice, 2nd ed.
McGraw-Hill, 2012
Jane Aaron
Little, Brown Essential Handbook, 7th ed.
Pearson, 2011
You will also need Microsoft Office 2007 or 2010 (downloadable from TCC Blackboard for free). If you don’t have a
word processing program or a computer at home, you can always use a computer for free in the FACET Center lab on the
NE campus. All assignments turned in must be in .doc, .docx, or .rtf format.
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Course Objectives
By the end of the course, students will be able to:
Restrict a subject and define a clear purpose (thesis or topic sentence)
Write well-developed, coherent, and unified paragraphs and essays
Adapt style to a particular audience
Compose sentences that are effective, concise, and varied in structure
Choose words what are precise and appropriate
Use mechanics of English correctly (i.e., grammar, punctuation, and spelling)
Understand, analyze, and evaluate assigned readings
Use secondary sources correctly and effectively with MLA format
Identify and avoid plagiarism
Grading Scale
A ----------89.5 - 100%
B ----------79.5 – 89.49%
C ----------69.5 – 79.49%
D ----------59.5 – 69.49%
F ----------59.49% and below
Essay 1: 20% of final grade
Essay 2: 20% of final grade
Essay 3: 20% of final grade
Essay 4: 20% of final grade
Annotated Bibliography: 5% of final grade
Class participation: 15% of final grade
Each of the four essays must be attached as an electronic copy (.doc or .docx file) on Blackboard by 11:59pm
on the due date (or it will be counted as late)
Class participation includes all daily work, group work, homework, peer reviews, first drafts, and revision
strategies. Each class participation grade will be given a certain number of points based on the activity and
how well a student has met the guidelines of the assignment. Each individual daily work/homework is
worth 15 points, each group work assignment is worth 10 points, each peer review is worth 15 points, each
first draft is worth 20 points, and each revision strategy is worth 15 points. At the end of the semester, a
student’s class participation points will be added together and divided by the total possible points to arrive
at the class participation percentage of the final grade. After each unit throughout the semester, I will
update each student’s participation grade on Blackboard.
Evaluation Techniques
The A Assignment:
Meets all the course objectives (Note: it may contain a few minor deficiencies)
Shows originality of thought
Fulfills the requirements of the assignments
Contains no serious errors in grammar or mechanics
The B Assignment:
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Meets all the course objectives (Note: it may contain a few minor deficiencies)
Fulfills the requirements of the assignments
Contains no serious errors in grammar or mechanics
The C Assignment:
Attempts to meet all the course objectives, but falls short in certain areas
Fulfills the requirements of the assignments
May contain very few serious errors in grammar or mechanics
The D Assignment:
Attempts to meet all the course objectives, but falls short in many areas
Fulfills the requirements of the assignments
May contain serious errors in grammar or mechanics
The F Assignment:
Attempts to meet all the course objectives, but falls short in most areas
May contain serious errors in grammar or mechanics
Serious Errors in Grammar and Mechanics include the following:
 Unjustified Sentence Fragment
 Confused Pronoun Reference
 Comma Splice
 Wrong Pronoun Reference
 Fused Sentence (Run-on Sentence)
 Misplaced Modifier
 Failure in subject and verb agreement
 Dangling Modifier
 Semicolon Separating an Independent and a Dependent Clause
 Excessive Errors in Spelling and Punctuation
*If students have trouble with certain grammatical issues (and almost everyone does), they should take it upon
themselves to look up rules in grammar handbooks (such as your Little, Brown Handbook), research rules online (with
resources such as TCC’s Online Writing Lab –, or even visit the writing lab in the FACET Center to work
one-on-one with a tutor (and practice, practice, practice!). This course does not focus on grammar/mechanical issues,
but it is expected that students should already know the rules (which will be expected in future college classes as well).
Required Format for Assignments
MLA formatting is required for all homework and essay assignments (double-spaced, typed, 12 pt., Times New Roman
font). MLA is also required for documenting sources within your essays.
Late-work Policy
Class participation work is not accepted after the due date, unless the student has an excused absence (look under
attendance policy for definition of “excused absence”). The five major assignments can be turned in late, but the score
will be lowered by 5 points for each day the essay/annotated bibliography is late (i.e. after one day, an 88 becomes a
83). Please turn in work on time to get the best grade you can.
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Please note: I will lower the grade every day that an essay is late (not every class session). If you need to turn in an
essay late, post the electronic copy on Blackboard as you would any essay.
Revision Policy
Students are allowed to revise any of the first 3 essays by the final day of class. The revised essay’s score will replace the
original essay. For a higher grade, the revised essay needs to have deep revisions, rather than simple, surface-level
grammar/mechanical corrections. As with all major essays, students will need to turn in an electronic copy on
Extra Credit Policy
Each student has the opportunity to earn extra credit by attending workshops held by the Northeast Writing lab or by
meeting one-on-one with a tutor at any TCC writing center. Each tutoring session or workshop you attend will add 15
points to your participation point subscore (basically each tutoring session or workshop can replace a zero on an
individual daily work/homework assignment). Be sure the writing center sends me documentation that you attended.
You may earn this extra credit up to 3 times during the semester.
Attendance Policy
ENGL 1213 is a discussion-based course that requires students to interact with each other and the instructor on a daily
basis. Absences hurt the learning atmosphere of the classroom, so please try to attend class every day (especially since
our class is only an 8 week class). Too many absences will hurt your success in the class. I will take attendance every
class period. Of course, some students must miss class for unavoidable reasons. I will excuse absences due to religious
holidays, jury duty, court appearances, documented illness, military service, and family emergencies.
 If students know they must miss class for one of the above reasons, they should tell me ahead of time if
possible. In cases of documented illness or emergency, students should contact me as soon after the absence as
possible. Students who have excused absences will be allowed to make up the daily work they missed, but it is
their responsibility to talk to me and receive instructions for the missed work. Generally, I will allow one week
after returning back to class to make up the missed work.
Tardy Policy
Sometimes students must arrive late for unavoidable reasons, but tardies disrupt the class and interfere with discussions
and group work. I will be lenient with tardies unless they become a habit.
 Please note: If a student misses a daily activity due to his/her tardy, the student will not be allowed to make up
the missed work.
Classroom Etiquette
Open and mutually respectful communication of varied opinions, beliefs, and perspectives during classroom or online
discussion encourages the free exchange of ideas that is essential to higher learning and to the ability to learn from each
other. Because this class is based on discussion, students will be free to talk openly, sometimes regarding controversial
issues. In order to keep this open environment in the classroom, everyone must remember to show respect for each
other. I expect you all to avoid prejudiced comments (whether they are racist, sexist, homophobic, etc.). Also, I will not
tolerate insults, personal attacks, or harassment. I want everyone to be unafraid to share his/her opinions and personal
Also, remember to silence and put away phones (unless there is an emergency, in which case the student needs to talk
to me before class and tell me that s/he must keep the phone on). Do not read newspapers/other materials, listen to
music, or text during class. These activities are disruptive and rude to others in the class.
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Syllabus Changes
Occasionally, changes to the syllabus or course agenda may be necessary. Students will be notified of any changes to
the syllabus in person and on blackboard.
Bad Weather or Emergency Cancellation Policy
Tulsa Community College rarely closes. Classes may be cancelled if extreme weather conditions or emergency situations
arise. TCC always gives cancellation notices to radio and television stations. This information is also available on the TCC
website: If this happens, please refer to Blackboard site ( for the course
website. Any changes related to the class will be posted on this site.
Student Email Communications
All TCC students receive a designated TCC Outlook email address (ex: All communications to
you about TCC and course assignments will be sent to your TCC Outlook email address; and you must use the TCC
Outlook email to send email to, and receive email from, the instructor regarding this course.
ADA Policy
STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS: Students with documented disabilities are provided academic accommodations
through the Educational Access Center (918-595-7115) or Resource Center for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing (918-5957428/TDD-TTY 918-595-7434). If any student needs academic accommodations from either office, the student must
assume responsibility to advise the instructor so an appropriate referral can be made no later than the end of the first
week of class. Academic accommodations will not be provided unless appropriate documentation is provided to the
Educational Access Center to support the need.
Academic Dishonesty and Misconduct
Academic dishonesty (cheating) is defined as the deception of others about one’s own work or about the work of
another. Academic dishonesty or misconduct is not condoned or tolerated at campuses within the Tulsa Community
College system (or any college/university). Tulsa Community College adopts a policy delegating certain forms of
authority for disciplinary action to the faculty. Such disciplinary actions delegated to the faculty include, but are not
limited to, the dismissal of disrespectful or disorderly students from classes. In the case of academic dishonesty and
depending on the offense, a faculty member may:
 Require the student to redo an assignment or test, or require the student to complete a substitute assignment
or test
 Record a "zero" for the assignment or test in question
 Recommend to the student that the student withdraw from the class, or administratively withdraw the student
from the class
 Record a grade of "F" for the student at the end of the semester. Faculty may request that disciplinary action be
taken against a student at the administrative level by submitting such a request to the Dean of Students.
*We will discuss what academic plagiarism is, how to avoid it, and possible consequences of it during this semester.
Withdrawal/Audit Policy
The deadline to withdraw from a course shall not exceed 3/4 the duration of any class. Not attending class does not
constitute withdrawal.
If you are considering withdrawing, begin the process by discussing the issue with the faculty member assigned to the
course. Contact the Advisement Office at any TCC campus to initiate withdrawal from a course ('W' grade) or to change
from Credit to Audit. Withdrawal and/or change to an audit from a course after the drop/add period can alter the
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
financial aid award for the current and future semesters. Students may receive an outstanding bill from TCC if the
recalculation leaves a balance due to TCC. Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may
receive a course grade of “F,” which may have financial aid consequences for the student.
Before you withdraw from a course, be sure to complete the following steps:
1. Talk with me. There may be alternatives to withdrawal that you have not considered. Withdrawing from a
course is a decision that you and I should make together.
2. If we decide that withdrawal from the course is best, you should go to the Counseling Office and request the
“Withdrawal” form.
3. Staff in the Counseling Office will help you fill out the paperwork and process the withdrawal.
4. You should keep a copy of the withdrawal form as a permanent record of the transaction.
Note: Students who stop participating in the course and fail to withdraw may receive a course grade of “F,” which may
have financial aid consequences for the student.
NORTHEAST Instruction Labs
Writing/Reading Lab—FACET Center
American Sign Language—FACET Center
Mathematics Lab—FACET Center
Computer Lab—FACET Center
The TCC Northeast Campus FACET Center combines instructional technology with individualized instruction and
resources for refining skills in math, writing, speaking, research, and computers. The FACET Center is located in the
Enterprise Building. The Summer 2013 hours are as follows: Monday – Thursday 7 am – 9 pm.
To Contact the Division Office
Division Name: Communications Services Division
Associate Dean: Jocelyn Whitney
Office: NEC 2389
Phone: 595-7496
Computer Services Acceptable Use
Access to computing resources is a privilege granted to all TCC faculty, staff, and students. Use of TCC computing
resources is limited to purposes related to the College’s mission of education, research, and community service. Student
use of technology is governed by the Computer Services Acceptable Use Statements/ Standards found in the TCC
Student Code of Conduct Policy Handbook. These handbooks may be obtained by contacting any Student Activities or
Dean of Student Services office.
Institutional Statement
Each student is responsible for being aware of the information contained in the TCC Catalog, the TCC Student Policies &
Resources Handbook, and semester information listed in the class schedule. All information may be viewed on the TCC
TCC Mission Statement
The mission of Tulsa Community College as defined by the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education:
Tulsa Community College betters its community through the intellectual achievement, creative energy, and responsible
citizenship of its students, faculty, and staff by their engagement in teaching, learning, and service opportunities that
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
transform and enrich lives. Tulsa Community College commits to innovative, flexible, and affordable public higher
education that responds to a dynamic global environment.
TCC Core Values
Student Success is the reason TCC exists. We strive for all students to be successful in their educations and we strive for
the education to effectively prepare students for their lives. Learning is the focus because it is the essence of an
institution of learning.
Excellence drives us. We strive to provide excellent education to our students, excellent resources to our community,
and excellent administration and management for our employees.
Stewardship guides our daily decision-making. We investigate community needs and expectation and then respond by
providing quality education that is responsive, convenient and affordable.
Innovation sparks our creativity and ensures that the hearts and minds of our students, faculty, staff and administration
are actively engaged in acquiring learning, increasing our knowledge, and leading the community forward.
Diversity is our common bond. Sincere appreciation for and cultivation of differences enriches our lives, the community
and the education we offer. It is a source of our pride and integral to our success.
TCC General Education Goals
Tulsa Community College students will be able to demonstrate:
Goal #1: Critical Thinking
Critical thinking is the ability to use reasoning skills or strategies to analyze, evaluate and integrate information.
Goal #2: Effective Communication
Effective communication is the ability to develop organized, coherent, unified written and oral presentations for various
audiences and situations.
Goal #3: Engaged Learning
Engaged Learning is meaningful participation in civic, scholarly and cultural activities.
Goal #4 Technological Proficiency
Technological proficiency includes knowledge of productivity and communication application tools, electronic research
capability, and discipline-related technologies.
English Discipline Goals
The English Discipline Goals are designed to ensure that graduates of Tulsa Community College English courses have the
skills, knowledge, and attitudes to carry them successfully through their work and their personal lives. English Discipline
Goals relevant to this course include Effective Writing, Informed Discussion, Critical Reading, and Scholarly Research.
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
Summer 2013 Course Agenda
(subject to change)
June 3
Unit 1
June 5
June 10
June 12
June 17
Unit 2
Introduction, Syllabus, In-class Writing, begin Unit 1
1. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice Chap. 1, 2, & 6 (11-15, 20-31, 138-149), Kate
Chopin’s “Story of an Hour” (150-152), Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” (162-164), and Susan Glaspell’s
“Trifles” (1005-1014)
2. Write: a 250 word short summary and response to one of the three pieces of literature (post on
BB discussion board by class time)*When writing a response, think about the elements of the story
(i.e. character, plot, word choice/style, themes, etc.). You might look at the questions at the end of
the story to help get you started thinking.
FACET Center Orientation, and discuss literature analysis, the reading and homework assignments, and
Essay 1 assignment sheet
1. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice the following works: Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s
“Yellow Wallpaper” (363-372) and Henrik Ibsen’s A Doll’s House (1345-1393)*Look at the
questions after the story/play and think about how you would answer them. We will discuss them
in class.
2. Write: a 250 word response looking at one or two elements (plot, characterization, setting, point
of view, language/style, theme, or symbolism) in one of the two stories. (post on BB discussion
board by class time)*Include examples of the element in the story, discuss how the author uses
that element in whatever way s/he does, and explore why the author would choose to use it in
that way (What is the importance of this element in the story? How does it work on the audience?)
Discuss readings, writing assignment, and essay writing (emphasis on five paragraph essay) and complete
a brainstorming exercise
1. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice Chapter 7 (161, 164-185), Chapter 3 (35-63)
2. Complete: first draft of Essay 1 (at least 700 word, post on BB discussion board by class time for
peer review)
Discuss readings, peer review Essay 1 draft, and discuss essay issues and MLA style citations
1. Finish: final draft of Essay 1 (at least 800 words, due Sun. June 16 at 11:59 pm on BB)
2. Finish: revision strategy (at least 100 words) (post on BB discussion board by Sun. June 16 at
11:59 pm)
3. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice Chapter 17 (560-569), Chapter 27 (922-927), and
the following poems/short essay: Langston Hughes’s “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” (927-928),
“Negro” (928), “Let America be America Again” (930-932), The Negro Artist and the Racial
Mountain” (934-935), “Harlem” (108), and Claude McKay’s “If We Must Die” (938-939) *Be
prepared to discuss and write about these poems in class on Feb 18 (read them carefully)
Begin Unit 2, discuss poetry analysis, readings, and Essay 2 assignment sheet
1. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice Ralph Ellison’s "Battle Royal” (502-510), Alice
Walker’s "Everyday Use" (553-557), ZZ Packer’s “Brownies” (300-313)
2. Write: 250 word response to one story, looking one or two elements from the story (plot,
characterization, setting, point of view, language/style, theme, or symbolism) (post on BB
discussion board by class time)*Include examples of the element in the story, discuss how the
author uses that element in whatever way s/he does, and explore why the author would choose to
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
June 19
June 24
June 26
Unit 3
July 1
July 3
July 8
July 10
Unit 4
July 15
use it in that way (What is the importance of this element in the story? How does it work on the
Discuss readings and writing assignment, brainstorming/outlining exercise
1. Read: Toni Cade Bambara’s “The Lesson” (516-520)
2. Complete: first draft of Essay 2 (at least 700 words, post on BB discussion board by class time)
Discuss readings, peer review Essay 2 draft, discuss essay issues
1. Finish: final draft of Essay 2 (at least 800 words, due Tues. June 25 at 11:59 pm on BB)
2. Finish: revision strategy (at least 100 words) (post on BB discussion board by Tues. June 25 at
11:59 pm)
3. Read: Literature: Craft and Voice Chapter 5 (96-136)
Begin Unit 3, attend library research presentation, and discuss reading and Essay 3 Assignment Sheet
1. Read and annotate: Literature: Craft and Voice Chapter 30 (1003-1004, 1014-1021) and Arthur
Miller’s Death of a Salesman (1278-1341) *Be prepared to discuss the play in class on March 25
2. Write: thoughtful responses to the questions 1-8 and 10-11 after the play (at least a paragraph
for each question) (post on BB discussion board by class time)
Discuss reading and writing assignment and start research
1. Read: Tim O’Brien’s “The Things They Carried” (426-438)
2. Find, print, read, and annotate: 2 scholarly sources for Essay 3 (post links/citations for sources on
BB discussion board by class time) *Sources should be from JSTOR or another library database and
focus on the text you are writing about or discuss the context of the text (i.e. time
Discuss readings and sources and complete a brainstorming/outlining exercise
Complete: first draft of Essay 3 (at least 800 words, post on BB discussion board by class time for peer
Peer review Essay 3 draft, discuss essays with instructor
1. Finish: final draft of Essay 3 (at least 1000 words, due Tues. July 9 at 11:59 pm on BB assignment
link under Content>Unit 3)
2. Finish: revision strategy (at least 100 words) (post on BB discussion board Tues. July 9 by 11:59)
Begin Unit 4, watch City of God , discuss film, annotated bibliographies, and Essay 4 assignment sheet
1. Print, read, and annotate: posted text on BB content page (bring to class)
2. Watch: the film you are planning on writing about
3. Write: a 200 word summary of your chosen film assignment (post on BB discussion board by class
4. Begin: researching sources to use in Essay 4
Discuss film evaluation (including criteria used to evaluate film), student film summaries, and research
1. Complete: brainstorming assignment (evaluative criteria) (post on BB discussion board by class
2. Find, print, read, and annotate: at least 4 possible sources for Essay 4 (post links/citations for
sources on BB discussion board by class time)*Be prepared to summarize, discuss, and write about
the sources during class. Remember, sources could include: historical/political/social context, film
Tulsa Community College—NORTHEAST Campus [Summer 2013]
Communications Services Division
ENGL 1213-203
July 17
July 22
July 24
review, scholarly essay, article over the social issue, film analysis text, etc. Avoid unreliable and
unaccountable sources (i.e.,, etc.)
3. Begin: annotated bibliography (due Mon. July 22)
Discuss film evaluation and sources
1. Finish: final draft of annotated bibliography (due on Blackboard by Mon. July 22 at 11:59 pm on
BB under Content>Unit 4>Annotated Bibliography)
2. Complete: first draft of Essay 4 (at least 1000 words, upload to BB discussion board for in-class
peer reviews)
Annotated bibliography due; peer reviews
1. Finish: final draft of Essay 4 (at least 1200 words, due Wed. July 24 at 11:59 pm on BB under
Content>Unit 4>Essay 4)
2. Finish: any late work, all revisions (due Wed. July 24 at 11:59 pm on BB)
Final day of class – final in-class writing, instructor feedback, final concerns (everything due Wed. July 24
by 11:59 pm on BB)