Sams Journey Visual Literacy ES1 FS

Stage :
English Key Concept: Visual Literacy
Sam’s Bush Journey
Term: 3
Weeks: 1-2
The ability to decode, interpret, create, question and evaluate texts that communicate with
visual images as well as, or rather than, words.
Focus: Representational Meanings – How the ‘story’ is represented through visual text
Devices: Shapes/Line; colour /patterns; how they are used to be symbolic
Quality Teaching Framework
Intellectual Quality –
English Curriculum Focus:
Evidence of Learning or
S & L - Speaking & Listening
R & V - Reading & Viewing W & R - Writing & Representing Spelling
G, P & V - Grammar, Punctuation and Vocabulary T I & C -Thinking imaginatively and creatively
E T - Expressing themselves R on L - Reflecting on Learning
How will I know when my students get there?
Students will be able to 'deliver a short presentation using familiar and learned vocabulary' about
the visual features of a page/spread from the focus text.
What strategies and tasks will you use to assess the learning?
e.g. Observation sheet to record verbal responses, written responses in many forms, including
drawings and annotations
Literacy Continuum Focus:
Super 6 Comprehension Strategies
Comprehension, Speaking, Writing, Vocabulary
Making connections
Resource: RRR Revisit, Reflect, Retell. L. Holt, 2009
Learning across the curriculum:
Cross Curriculum Priorities
ATSI histories and Cultures
ESL Language program
Comprehension C2
►Gives a sequenced retell of a story when prompted.
►Recalls some details from illustrations in a story
book. ►Predicts a plausible next event in a story.
Comprehension C3
►Gives an unprompted sequenced retell of a story that
includes the beginning, middle and end. ►Recalls many
details from illustrations in a story book.
Aspects of Speaking C2
►Uses simple sentences and phrases when speaking
►Participates in whole class discussions.
Aspects of Speaking C3
►Uses pace and volume for emphasis when speaking ►
Listens and responds to literary and factual texts read
and viewed.
Vocabulary knowledge C2
►Knows the meaning of, and when speaking can use
words that are likely to be encountered in easy reading
Vocabulary knowledge C3
►Begins to expand the vocab used to describe
everyday events and experiences ► Begins to use topic
words when speaking and writing.
Making Connections
S&L1: respond to and
compose texts
GP&V – vocabulary
R&V1 – respond to and view
R & V 2
Explore different
contributions of words and
images to create meaning.
TI&C – engage, develop &
Apply, respond to
ET - engage, develop &
Apply, respond to
R&V1 – respond to and view
W&R 1/2 – compose texts
with pict and graphics
S&L1: respond to and
compose texts
R on L – dev and apply
Reading / Speaking and Listening
Before Reading
 Questioning: RRR p46-47 Stimulating discussions through questions
 Who has been for a walk in the bush? What was it like? Building
connections, illicit vocabulary
Introduction: this is a story about a boy called Sam who is visiting his Nana.
Nan likes to go for walks in the bush, but Sam doesn’t. They are aboriginal
people. Why is walking in the bush important to Nan? Link to prior knowledge –
Rainbow Snake, Dreamtime stories, Big Rain Coming.
During Reading
 Questioning: RRR p46-47 Stimulating discussions through questions
Visual Literacy Devices
 Shapes/Line – how are lines used to create height, perspective,
transition from outside to inside the house (wallpaper). Natural line vs
man made.
 colour /patterns - When the storm comes/use of dark colours- elicits
emotions. How does it make you feel when you see these dark colours.
How does the billabong feel? Warm vs cool colours.
 how they are used to be symbolic - Look at illustrations what are the
dark figures? What might they be representing. Who is telling the
story? How are these figures important to Nan? Sam? (point of view)
Look at how the land is represented throughout the illustrations –
discuss importance of the land and dreaming stories to Aboriginal
 Go on a walk around the school. Observe how natural environment has
curved lines and built environment has more straight lines.
 Look at other books by the same illustrator. What are the similarities?
After Reading - Assessment
 Creating an illustration like Bronwyn Bancroft.
 Students 'deliver a short presentation using familiar and learned
vocabulary' about the visual features – explicit criteria
Follow up action
 weeks 2-3 T3 Revise, feedback, Evaluate
 Planning Day Week 4 Term
Observation Sheet
S & L1
S & L 1