
Assurance Safety Corporation
117 W. Fulton St., Palo Alto, California 94301
Phone: (650) 887-9415 Fax: (650) 887-9416
November 18, 2013
Ms. Maria Teresa Torres, Human Resources
Salinger Imports, Inc.
6581 Pressburg St.
New Orleans, Louisiana 70075
Dear Ms. Torres,
Assurance Safety Corporation appreciates the opportunity to respond to the Salinger’s
Request of Proposal. We would like to thank Mr. Holder, Warehouse Supervisor and
your senior managers/supervisor, for their valuable information which aided us to prepare
for the study of the problematic situations occurring. Working with Salinger’s has
resulted in a complete acknowledging of what is required and expected from Assurance.
Our proposal expresses a recommended Assurance Safety program designed to minimize
all work related accidence. It will provide all of what your required capabilities, from the
different equipment which will assist workers both to unload and load packages to
surveillance system to document injury occurrence. Our qualified workers will be onsite
to coordinate seminars for your supervisors to ensure proper workplace procedures and
safety methods continued after our departure.
Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. We will do everything in our
ability to ensure the success of the new safety program to alleviate all injury related
Pedro Flores
Account Manager
Enclosure: Proposal
University of Texas - El Paso
Salinger Request of Proposal
“Safety Program”
Christian Martinez
Carina Castillo
Leon Armstrong
Pedro Flores
Workplace Writing
Professor Singh
18 November 2013
Table of Contents
Cover Letter
Title Page .................................................................................. 2
Executive Summary ................................................................. 4
Introduction .............................................................................. 6
Issue .......................................................................................... 8
Relevant Information ............................................................. 11
Available Options ................................................................... 15
Recommendation and Justification ........................................ 19
Works Cited ........................................................................... 21
Budget Cost ............................................................................. 22
Assurance Safety Corporation is gladly going to provide your management
with the proposal of several options that will reduce the number of injuries at
Salinger Imports, which will eventually increase the productivity.
The safety equipment and procedures proposed for Salinger Imports were
prudently and wisely selected and designed by our proficient management team
directed by Pedro Flores, our Account Manager. The construction and planning of
our program will respond to your previous requirements regarding a safety
Our established options were determined from statistics and by reviewing
and investigating the equipment and procedures that Salinger Imports warehouse
has been utilizing. Concerning this and several violations occurring at Salinger
Imports, we created certain recommendations for the safety program. We spotted
that no employee has been properly trained to use most of the equipment. Due to
this, we are recommending in-job sessions or classes that will instruct the
employees on how to perform all their responsibilities and obligations in a safely
matter. Another valuable and influential part of the safety program is the “Safety
Protocols and Policies” handbooks that will contain new policies, instructions, and
accentuate on safety at the workplace. After our investigations we came aware that
some claims are falsified. In order to reduce the number of fake injuries we will
utilize industry level security cameras and a company private server that will store
all the data for top management to analyze and keep track of their employee’s
activities during their work hours.
The three stages of the program will effectively decrease the total number of
injuries in the warehouse, as well as prevent new ones from occurring. We are
conscious that accidents are still going to arise, however, the company sessions will
help get the individual involved, and receive the proper attention. The closed-circuit
surveillance system will provide information on how and what exactly caused the
employee accident and certainly reduce the number of fake insurance claims.
All information gathered obviously facilitated our creation of the safety program,
but on the other hand, it is going to increase the productivity for Salinger Imports.
The expected savings are realistic projections based on the investigations.
The most common occurring injury at Salinger imports is back injuries. Since
2009-2010, 956 injuries have occurred. Costing Salinger Imports 3.5 million dollars.
Not including the open claims, which is 8.2 million dollars. This has significantly
lowered the productivity and progress of Salinger Imports.
This report will explain the options you home
available in order to help the company stop
losing money on worker’s compensation, and
reduce the number of injuries on the job. We
will show in full detail a Safety Program that
will prevent warehouse employee back injury.
We also will provide a training program so you can show to your employee’s. We will
also recommend what kind of warehouse equipment to use and buy, especially the ones
that focus on heavy box lifting. In saying so we will also recommend a tracking
mechanism that would show the time spent on each equipment. We will also put you into
contact with international suppliers that may also help in warehouse operations.
Finally we will provide a budget for
all of the changes, recommendations, and
operations that would partake in reducing
the employee injuries. We will also
answer the following questions in the
report. How much will the company save in doing all these changes and implementing
all the recommendations? How soon can all the programs and changes take place? When
will the company see the success of all the changes if made? And how can the company
prevent further injuries from happing again? All of these questions will have a answer
though out the presentations.
This issue of employees suffering injuries in their workplaces, mostly, back
injuries, and being allowed benefits like paid medical expenses and lost wages can be an
extremely important concept for any company. It is important to protect and take care of
the company employees, as well as it is to take care of the inventory and the company
assets. Unfortunately, we are all aware that these types of injuries are common in the
material handling industry, regardless of some of the safety procedures followed by the
employees in
the warehouse.
These injuries
can lead to lost
higher insurance
bills, and
fines. An accident
in the
workplace, such as
in a warehouse
as is the case, may
lead to lost
productivity. The
employee can be
laid off of
work for a
significant amount of time, meaning the company would have one employee less,
reducing its productivity.
As it is the case of Salinger Imports, preliminary reports from the Human
Resource Department indicated 956 injuries in the year 2009-2010 with a total cost of
$3.5 million, and there is a cost of $8.2 million for open claims. In a case of any accident,
the company would also have to pay higher insurance bills, medical expenses, and
government fines. Due to the large importing of food and household products, Salinger
Imports' warehouse employees have to pack wet and dry food products imported from
Mexico, and Mediterranean countries. These products must be packed by the employees
into mailing boxes, lifted, and placed in carts, which can cause back injuries because of
the box weight. Lifting loads heavier than about 50 pounds will increase the risk of the
injury. Back injuries can also develop gradually as a result of micro trauma brought about
by repetitive activity over time or can be the product of a single traumatic event. In some
cases, the injury may seem to have been caused by one accident, when in reality it could
have also been caused by years of muscular weakening. Because of the slow and
progressive commencing of the injury, sometimes the symptoms are ignored until they
become more severe and serious, often resulting in disabling injury. Injuries can arise in
muscle, ligament, vertebrae, and discs, either singly or in combination (OSHA 2013).
According to the Department of Labor and Industries, there are seven types of injuries
that make up for 95% of the injury claims for employee workplace accidents. These are;
caught in/under/between, falls of elevation, fall at the same level, being struck, motor
vehicle accidents, lower body pain, and upper body pain. Although these accidents are
not always severe, warehouse accidents are numerous. The industry experiences about
15,000 injuries and illnesses each year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Although we are aware that warehouse injuries will not stop occurring regardless of the
changes in equipment, transportation, training and safety programs, etc., we believe these
current and past numbers of injuries can be significantly reduced with certain
recommendations. Salinger Imports should undergo certain changes and upgrades to
prevent and reduce common warehouse injuries. Careful planning and a dedication to
safety are top priorities for keeping warehouse workers injury-free.
In order to help Salinger Imports reduce the number of injury’s occurring on the
job, we have reviewed and investigate what equipment Salinger Imports warehouse have
been using. In our discovery we have seen that not a single employee has been properly
trained with the equipment they are using. We have also discovered that some employees
do not have the qualifications to work on the position they have been hired in. For an
example we found that the average boxes of dry and wet food imported from Mexico and
the Mediterranean counties weigh about 35 pounds.
These boxes of food are moved by carrying them across
the warehouse to be sorted. We found that 80 percent
of the workers cannot lift or carry 35 pounds. In which
resulting in straining their backs when trying to carry
them across. We have also seen many workers carry
the boxes with two people at a time to the sorting area. This is a major problem on many
levels. First is that these boxes are made to be carried by one person. If not then the box
of food has a chance to be damaged. Second
two people carrying boxes across the warehouse
is very dangerous for both workers because they
cannot see or react quickly enough if they ran
into equipment or machinery that’s all around
them. The Third reason is that we have reviewed the workers contract and it is required
of them to lift and carry 35 pounds and if not then they are ineligible for the job.
Due to all these violations we started to check the employees licenses to operate
machinery and, we have discovered that all the licenses have been expired. This is a big
violation with OSHA. As we checked the license we have also discovered that all the
equipment being used is either out of date equipment or needs repairs. In saying so we
have researched and picked out the best replacement equipment for the jobs.
As we researched how back injuries occur we have hired a professional weight
lifter to help us analyze what workers are doing wrong. What we found that the workers
that lift boxes out of sorting area to the trucks are lifting improperly. The weight of those
boxes being lifted is 100 to 200 pounds. Our professional weight lifter Mr.Kennway has
explained to us the
proper way of lifting
heavy boxes.
Mr.Kennway has also
told us that anything
being lifted or carried
that is over 100
pounds requires one to
wear a weight lift
belt. In saying so we
have seen zero
employees wear or
have on a weight lift
belt. Mr.Kennway
has also explained
to us that over time a
person will develop
back injuries if they
do not follow procedure. As we can see this has been going on. Mr.Kennway has
advised the purchase of weight lift belts, and the production of a training video on how to
lift boxes properly as well as how to put on the weight lift belt.
In saying so we have developed a safety program to prevent back injuries, due to
the fact that is the most occurring injury with Salinger Imports. More detailed
information about the safety program will be further in the report, and this will be our
core option to lower down back injuries. Rest assured we have researched this topic
greatly and made sure it is OSHA approved. Furthermore in our investigation we have
noticed an alarming number of fake injuries on the job. In which these workers have
calmed workers compensation. We found that out of 956 injuries’ reported in 2009 to
2010; we found that at least 176 injuries were faked. We were only able to find this
information out due to the video surveillance cameras your company has. We also hired
a professional team of video surveillance to review the footage. The professional team
called Cat’s Eye told us they could have found out more
faked injury’s but due to the lack of surveillance
cameras we were only able to find the amount we said.
We also found that many workers did lie to workers
compensation but due to your Company not having the
workers license up to date and the out of date
equipment those cases have been closed due to the fact
it will be Salinger Imports fault, and your company
would lose more if pursued the cases of the fraud. In saying so the Team Cat’s Eye have
informed us what security cameras to buy, how many to buy, and where to install them.
They have also offered their free service to teach your security team how to catch and
review the tapes carefully. They have also given us their wholes sale Company in which
we will be able to get a 20% discount off the Surveillance cameras. We also know that
the use of surveillance cameras will lower down moral, and intrude on privacy issues.
But we plan to counteract this by putting down on their contracts that surveillance
cameras will watch them. We will also assure that the use of cameras is to protect the
employees and the company. Next we will discus the available options.
Injuries at the workplace create a lot of financial problems with the company as
well as physical, emotional, and financial hardships to the individual involved. In order to
reduce injuries in the workplace, a program must be created in order to deal when things
go wrong and dictate a set of protocols for the employees to follow. Insuring the
individual involved receives the right attention. Such program must be based on a set of
key elements in order for the program to work properly. Elements such as
“…management leadership, worker participation, hazard identification, hazard prevention
and control, education and training, and program evaluation and improvement.” (OSHA,
2012) These set key elements will ensure a reduction of injuries and prevent future ones
from happening. The program we can create for your use will incorporate 3 major parts.
The first part on the program is to drafting a new company “Safety Protocols and
Policies” handbook that will incorporate new policies and emphasize on safety at the
work place. Some key aspects of the new handbook will include a set of instructions on
how to deal with lifting heavy items like incoming shipment boxes and disposing of
chemicals in a proper manner. The handbook will be issued to all the employees and staff
members and the reading of the handbook will be required to everyone. In order to create
this handbook, we will have to meet with the assigned safety coordinator and you to
discuss the content. Some key aspects that will be incorporated in the new handbook are
as follow:
Letting the employees know that safety is a serious important concern in the
Scheduled emergency test dates to ensure alarms are working properly.
Clear safety policies and parameters for workers to follow.
Periodical inspection of the employee’s workstations for potential
The following step after creating a new handbook will be to have an in-job
sessions or classes that instruct the employees on how to performed their duties in a
safely manner. This session will have to be taken at least twice a year for employees and
will have to be a requirement for new employees. The content of this session will be on
identifying safety hazards, potential locations where someone could get hurt, like a gate
where the inventory arrives and others. We understand that time is money, and for that
we will make most of the time allocated for the session to cover the necessary
information and return the workers back to their positions.
Some key points on the session we will create for you will be:
Proper use of forklifts and heavy lifting tools.
Identification of common hazards at your company.
Housekeeping to ensure dry surfaces, avoiding workers from slipping.
Feedback from employees for any safety concerns.
From the first session, we will gather information from previous injuries and any
concerns your workers have and incorporate them into the next sessions that will
continue. We will meet with you if you have any concerns regarding the content and any
feedback from your workers will be given to you and your safety coordinator to ensure
everyone in top management is up to date. The session, together with the new company
handbook will portray the point that:
“Safety is an important factor in the workplace and encourage employees to get
involved in performing their duties in a safely manner and reach out to the safety
coordinator whenever there is a concern.”
Using these two elements on the program will reduce the number of injuries and
will help keep a record whenever they do happen, which leads us to our final part of the
program, documenting incidents.
We understand that there might be some claims that are falsified and others that
are true, in order to reduce both number we will implement a closet-circuit camera
system that will record continuously from opening and closing hours. We will utilize
industry level security cameras and a company private server that will store all the data
for top management to analyze and keep track of workflow. We will investigate which
will be the locations that will yield us a better view and use employee feedback for the
locations of every security camera implemented. Some locations can be:
Inventory loading docks.
Pallet storage racks.
Usual forklift and pallet jack aisle ways.
Chemical storage rooms
These 3 phases on the program will decrease the total number of injuries and
prevent new ones from happening. If they do occur, the company session will help get the
individual involved receive the proper attention in a quick manner. The closed- circuit
surveillance system will provide info on how and what caused such injury and reduce the
number of fake insurance claims, employee theft and any other issues that might occur at
the workplace, recorded in a secure company server for future analysis.
As we have said we have researched and consulted professionals about the type of
equipment you need. We will start out with the Warehouse equipment needed. Starting
with the works themselves and then mechanical devices, and last but not least the
machines themselves. We will be issuing any one who has to step into the warehouse to
wear and have a construction helmet on them. We recommend ABS worker helmet. The
reason is that we have seen at least 30 injuries are due to material falling on employees
heads, and workers hitting there head on the machines by accident. This will greatly
reduce head injuries and the helmet is durable, and comes at a great price of 1.93 each for
600 helmets. This is the best deal we have found, and consulted professional
Construction worker Mr. Atlas and he recommends this one to us.
We have consulted with Mr.Kennway our professional weightlifter on which
weight lifting belts to buy. He suggested the Harbinger 4 Pro Nylon Lifting Belt. He
suggested this because it is an entry level weight lifting belt that is durable and affordable
for 13.50 each belt. We recommend 100 of them. Also once again the reason for the
weight lifting belt is for the prevention of long time back injuries. This will also
significantly reduced back injuries by 95 percent.
We then have consulted with Cat’s Eye Team. A professional surveillance team
that has recommend what security cameras to buy, and gave us a great deal on them.
Cat’s Eye has recommend the 700 TVL Professional security DVR System with monitor.
They are 4 for 699.99, and they recommend 24 of them. They used to be 1599.99 but
with the discount they are 699.99. We recommend the security cameras because of the
fake injuries reported. These professional security cameras will greatly prevent any
worker or employee to take advantage of you company again.
We have also consulted with a represented of Toyota forklift. A team of them
have agreed to help us what to buy and they recommend the 8 Series Large Capacity for
carrying the larger boxes, and the 7 Series Electric to care small to medium boxes. As
well as an Electric Pallet Truck. We recommend being 6 of the 8 Series, 10 of the 7
Series and 20 of the Electric Pallet Truck. They offered a deal for all the equipment for
500,000$. A great deal considerer to replace all of the old and unfix able equipment. We
recommend their new equipment so your company can be up to date with safe equipment
and all OSHA approved.
(n.d.). Retrieved November 2013, from Alibaba:
(2013). Retrieved November 2013, from Toyota Industrial Equipment:
Occupational Safety & Health Administration. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2013, from
United States Department of Labor:
Store. (n.d.). Retrieved November 2013, from Body Building:
Store. (2013). Retrieved November 2013, from Lorex:
Equipment cost: 118,508
Program cost: 300,000
Consulted cost: 500,000
Total cost: 918,508
After the first year of installation of the program Salinger Imports will see a 40% decease
in in back injuries.