English 13 Kahlet Week 1 Monday August 11 Wednesday August 13 Friday August 15 Welcome to English 13 Outcomes and rubrics Monty Python Argument Clinic Nine Greek Words Pathos, Ethos and Logos, Kronos, Krisis, Kairos, Forensic, Epideictic, Pathos, Ethos, Logos Sign up for PB Works Monty Python Argument Clinic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R DjCqjzbvJY Quiz Mr. Collins' Proposal from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen http://www.pemberley.com/janeinfo/ ppv1n19.html video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t Wx7AF8B0R8 Mr. Darcy's Proposal from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen http://www.myprideandprejudice.co m/2009/07/mr-darcys-proposal/ video link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R NR9UA6cwMI Week 2 Monday August 18 Wednesday August 20 The Borzoi College Reader: Zissner, Simplicity, 15. http://cgiss.boisestate.edu/~billc/Writing/zinsser.html Rozak: "Ideas Come First," 57, Rozak, “The Master Ideas,” 205. http://www.shkaminski.com/Classes/Readings/Roszak 05.htm (Only these two selections) Analytic Circle 1 Analytic Circle continued. Kahlert English 13 Friday August 22 Fallacy Reports From Why People Believe Weird Things Week 3 Monday August 25 Wednesday August 27 Fallacy Reports From Why People Believe Weird Things Friday August 29 Week 4 Monday September 1 Michael Shermer on Expectations http://www.youtube.com/watch?v =M8LNEq1EeEw Introducing summaries.CQ Researcher aliens con[1] mark up.docx Summarizing Academic Articles.docIntroducing summaries.CQ Researcher aliens con[1] mark up.docx Summarizing Academic Articles.doc Continued work on summaries. Labor Day Holiday Wednesday September 3 Style: Lesson 1 Summaries due. Peer Review. MLA format Friday September 5 Structures of Reasoning: The Language of Reasoning CT Chapter 2 “Identifying Reasons and Conclusions:. You'll be given a short essay and asked to identify the reasons and conclusions. There will be a chapter quiz on each chapter of Fisher. The midterm will contain questions similar to the chapter quizzes. Miles: “Essay in Reason” 12, http://www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/journals/ed_lead/el_1 96202_miles.pdf Week 5 Monday September 8 Analytic Circles The Borzoi College Reader Be sure you read the essays before you come to class. William Golding,:“Thinking as a Hobby” http://elearning.ustb.edu.cn/UploadFile//2011123109 5626817.PDF Robinson,” On Various Kinds of Thinking,” 27. http://www.cwu.edu/~garrisop/essays_for_quiz_ one.pdf Scroll down. Third essay in group. Wednesday September10 Analytic Circles Continued 1 Summaries due. Instructor Review Analytic Circle 2 Kahlert English 13 Friday September 12 Week 6 Monday September 15 Wednesday September 17 Weird Things: Chapter 6. Abducted: Encounters with Aliens. Style: Lesson 2 CT: Chapter 4 Understanding Reasoning: Assumptions, Context and a Thinking Map Analytic Circles: Friday September 19 Week 7 Monday September 22 Group Presentations: assigned chapters from Weird Things Wednesday September 24 Analytic Circles John Stuart Mill, “On Liberty” On Liberty Questions 492 http://www.bartleby.com/130/4.html Grudin, “Ideology and Moral Philology,” 41.(PB works) Lakoff and Johnson, “Concepts We Live By,” 61.http://uspace.shef.ac.uk/servlet/JiveServlet/previe wBody/67168-102-1129224/lakoff%20johnson%20metaphor.pdf Friday September 26 Analytic Circles continued. Week 8 Monday September 29 CT Chapter 6: “The Acceptability of Reasons, Including Their Credibility” Style: Lesson 3 Wednesday October 1 Friday October 3 Week 9 Monday October 6 Library Session on Credibility/Databases .Group Presentations: assigned chapters from Weird Things CT Chapter 5 Clarifying and Interpreting Expressions and Ideas Assumptions Pre-writing workshop: Issues in the California Community College System (final paper) Chapter 7: Judging the Credibility of Sources Style: Lesson 4 2 Response paper 1 : Identify the assumptions in the Roswell articles. All response papers in MLA format 3 plus pages. . Response paper 2: Identify the expressions which need clarification in the Roswell argument and using the OED, clarify them. Clarify the meaning of key terms. Do not copy definitions directly from a dictionary and present them as your own. Analytic Circle 3 Response paper 3: Examine each reason in the two Roswell articles and explain whether or not it is acceptable. Response paper 4 Evaluate each author of the Roswell articles for credibility. Kahlert English 13 Wednesday October 8 Analytic Circles: Borzoi: A. Huxley: “Propaganda Analytic Circle 4 Under a Dictatorship,”72, In Brave New World Revisited, Sections 4 and 5 http://www.huxley.net/bnw-revisited/ Bosmajian, “The Language of Oppression,151, http://faculty.mdc.edu/dmcguirk/ENC1101%20Virtua l/ENC1101bosmajian.htm Orwell, “Politics and the English Language,” 158. https://www.mtholyoke.edu/acad/intrel/orwell4 6.htm Friday October 10 Week 10 Monday October 13 Analytic Circles, continued. CT Chapter 8 “Evaluating Inferences: Deductive Validly and Other Grounds” Style: Lesson 5 Response paper 5: Evaluate the inferences in each Roswell article, Wednesday October 15 Analytic Circles Borzoi: Staples, “Just Walk on Analytic Circle 5 By”;http://www.myteacherpages.com/webpages/rsprigg s/files/staples%20just%20walk%20on%20by%20text.pdf Allport, “Prejudice and the Individual,” 325. Friday October 17 Analytic Circles continued Week 11 Monday October 20 CT Chapter 9 “Evaluating Inferences: Assumptions and Other Relevant Arguments” Wednesday October 22 Friday October 24 Week 12 Monday October 27 Wednesday October 29 Friday October 31 Creating your own argument: Aristotelean and Toulmin Models Response paper 6: Evaluate the assumptions/other relevant arguments in the two Roswell articles Outline of 5 page argument paper due. CT Chapter 10 “Reasoning About Causal Explanations” Review of Style lessons. Peer Review draft of 5 page argument paper due. Johnathan Swift, A Modest Proposal, 80. Structure of Analytic Circle 6 a classical argument: http://www2.winthrop.edu/wcenter/handoutsandlinks/ classica.htm 3 Kahlert English 13 Week 13 Monday November 3 Wednesday November 5 Friday November 7 Week 14 Monday November 10 CT Chapter 11: “Decision Making: Options, Consequences, Values, Risks.” Wednesday November 12 Analytic Circle: Martin Luther King, “Letter from Birmingham Jail”: 654.http://www.stanford.edu/group/King/frequentdoc s/birmingham.pdf Analytic circle, continued. Analytic Circe 7 (evidence researcher) Research reports: Identifying arguable issues in the California Community College System Analytic Circle 8 (summarizer) Friday November 14 Week 15 Monday November 17 Wednesday November 19 Friday November 21 Week 16 Monday November 24 Wednesday November 6 Thursday/ Friday November 27 November 28 Week 17 Monday December 1 Wednesday December 13 Friday Introduce Capstone Paper: Instructor Review draft of 5 page argument due. Midterm Exam Review Midterm Exam: Critical Thinking by Fisher Research reports: Identifying arguable issues in the California Community College System Research reports: Identifying arguable issues in the California Community College System Workshop on claims and reasons for CCC paper. Review of Style lessons. Workshop on claims and reasons for CCC paper. Thanksgiving Holiday Peer Review Draft CCCC argument Workshop Final Draft CCCC argument, No late papers. 4 Kahlert English 13 December 15 Week 18 Final Examination as scheduled : Mark up quiz; Fisher process. Grade Calculation Response Papers 20 pts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Quizzes 10 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2QRs/AC 10 pts. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Other Class Participation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Annotations 10 points 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. Final Grade: Midterm: Final: Note: to get full credit for annotations, you must be able to identify the main claim and reasons of the article. You can demonstrate this by writing a one sentence summary at the beginning of each article. You can earn up to 5 extra credit points for additional annotations. For 2QRs, simply turn in your class work; you do not have to re-type them. On Time Peer Review Instructor Review Summary 1 5 pts Summary 2 5 pts Paper 1 15 pts Paper 2 20 pts 5 Revision Final: