Name Date - chrismcgregor

Name __________________________________________________ Date _________________
Project Integrate U.S. History Pre-Test
Standard 8.US.1.3
_____ 1. The President of the United States during the Civil War was
a. Thomas Jefferson.
b. Daniel Webster.
c. Abraham Lincoln.
d. James Buchanan.
_____ 2. The Confederate general who earned his nickname for standing firm at the Battle of
Bull Run was
a. Ulysses S. Grant.
b. Thomas Jackson.
c. Robert E. Lee.
d. Philip Sheridan.
_____ 3. The turning point of the Civil War came at the Battle of
a. the Wilderness.
b. Antietam.
c. Gettysburg.
d. Appomattox Courthouse.
_____ 4. Which of the following are names of famous battles of the Civil War?
I. Antietam
III. Vicksburg
II. Valley Forge
IV. Saratoga
a. I. and II.
b. I. and III.
c. II. and IV.
d. none of the above
_____ 5. The head of all nurses for the Union Army was
a. Clara Barton.
b. Martha Washington.
c. Harriet Beecher Stowe.
d. Dorthea Dix.
_____ 6. The President of the Confederate States of America was
a. Jefferson Davis.
b. Ulysses S. Grant.
c. Dred Scott.
d. Robert E. Lee.
_____ 7. Which of the following battles of the Civil War took place at sea?
a. Battle of Bull Run
b. Battle of Brandywine
c. Monitor vs. Merrimac
d. Battle of Fredericksburg
_____ 8. Who wrote Uncle Tom’s Cabin?
a. Sojourner Truth
b. Harriet Beecher Stowe
c. Harriet Tubman
d. Clara Barton
_____ 9. Who was the abolitionist who seized the federal arsenal at Harper’s Ferry?
a. Dred Scott
b. Daniel Webster
c. Stephen Douglas
d. John Brown
_____ 10. In which of the following battles were more Americans killed or wounded than in the
American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Mexican War combined?
a. Battle of Antietam
b. Battle of Shiloh
c. Battle of Bull Run
d. Battle of Vicksburg
_____ 11. Who was the commander of the Confederate forces during the Civil War?
a. Ulysses S. Grant
b. Robert E. Lee
c. Zachary Taylor
d. Robert G. Shaw
_____ 12. Which of the following people was the founder of the American Red Cross?
a. Dorthea Dix
b. William Lloyd Garrison
c. Clara Barton
d. Harriet Beecher Stowe
_____ 13. The Confederates won decisive victories at
a. Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville.
b. Spotsylvania and Gettysburg.
c. Bull Run and Shiloh.
d. Antietam and Vicksburg.
_____ 14. Who ran for President against Abraham Lincoln in 1864?
a. Jefferson Davis
b. George McClellan
c. Robert E. Lee
d. Thomas Jackson
_____ 15. Which Civil War battle was fought over control of the Mississippi River?
a. Battle of Vicksburg
b. Battle of Bull Run
c. Battle of Antietam
d. Battle of Gettysburg
_____ 16. Which Civil War battle took place just outside of Washington, D.C.?
a. Battle of Shiloh
b. Battle of Chancellorsville
c. Battle of Bull Run
d. Battle of Bunker Hill
_____ 17. Which of the following women was born into slavery and later became an abolitionist
and a popular speaker?
a. Harriet Beecher Stowe
b. Sojourner Truth
c. Dorthea Dix
d. Clara Barton
_____ 18. Which of the following Generals fought for the Union?
a. Thomas Jackson
b. Robert E. Lee
c. John Brown
d. Philip Sheridan
_____ 19. Who was the “conductor” of the famous Underground Railroad?
a. Harriet Beecher Stowe
b. Harriet Tubman
c. Daniel Webster
d. Stephen Douglas
_____ 20. The commander of Union forces during the Civil War was
a. Robert E. Lee.
b. Thomas Jackson.
c. Ulysses S. Grant.
d. Philip Sheridan.
_____ 21. Which of the following battles was the bloodiest of the Civil War?
a. Battle of Shiloh
b. Battle of Bull Run
c. Battle of Antietam
d. Battle of Vicksburg
_____ 22. The first shots of the Civil War were fired at
a. Washington, D.C.
b. Valley Forge.
c. Fort Sumter.
d. Gettysburg.
_____ 23. The Confederate Army surrendered at a place called
a. Princeton.
b. Valley Forge.
c. Gettysburg.
d. Appomattox Courthouse.
_____ 24. General George Pickett led the famous “Pickett’s Charge” during which battle?
a. Battle of Chancellorsville
b. Battle of Shiloh
c. Battle of Gettysburg
d. Battle of Antietam
_____ 25. Which of the following people was a member of Congress who spoke passionately
against slavery and said that it was “evil?”
a. Daniel Webster
b. Jefferson Davis
c. John C. Calhoun
d. Dred Scott