LA-1-Agenda1 - Fordson High School

Language Arts 1
Daily Agenda
Mr. Schmitt and Mrs. Pniewski
9/3/13 Agenda
• Bell Work: Find a seat and wait for further directions.
• Daily Learning Targets (write on “Bell Work” worksheet):
– I can follow directions the first time they are given.
– I can recognize and comply with classroom policies.
• In class activities:
– Check out books (stays in the classroom).
– Overview of syllabus
– Fill out note cards w/ answers to the following:
First and last name, grade
Favorite color
Favorite subject in school
Two super powers…why did you choose them?
Draw a symbol to represent you (i.e. a smiley face, peace sign, heart,
• Homework:
– Bring student id card to class tomorrow. **You will need it to
check out a book from the Media Center.
• Bell Work: What was the coolest activity you did during the summer?
Why was it so much fun? **Answer the questions in 3-5 complete
• Learning Targets:
– I can choose a real or imagined experience to address.
– I can find, read and collect information from a variety of sources.
• In class activities:
– Media Center Tour (all hour).
• Homework:
– Bring your SSR book to class tomorrow. 
9/5/13 Agenda
• Bell Work: Silent Sustained Reading (10 minutes).
**Write down how many pages you read.
• Daily Learning Targets:
• In class activities:
– Read and discuss syllabus
– Fill out student survey for Mr. S and Ms. J
– Ice Breaker-Two Truths and a Lie
• Homework: None
9/6/13 Agenda
• Bell Work: SSR for 10 minutes (write down how
many pages you read).
• Daily Learning Targets:
– I can define “central idea.”
– I can figure out the author’s main points.
– I can read a text and summarize the text.
• In class activities:
– Close and Critical Reading (assignment and
• Homework: Close and Critical Reading article (on
your own).
9/9 Agenda
Bell Work:
Task #1: Turn in your signed syllabus (if you did not on Friday)
Task #2: Show Mr. Schmitt your binder w/ materials (if you did not on Friday)
Task #3: Label using the following headings:
1) Bell Work, 2) Reading 3) Writing 4) Summative Assessments 5) Formative
– Main Task (write on Bell Work handout): Fill in the blanks and complete the
practice sections after the presentation.
– Nouns and Pronouns Power Point (Guided Notes)
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can identify the 5 major components in a plot diagram.
In Class Activities:
– Elements of a Plot Diagram Power Point
– Plot Diagram using “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” and “Cat’s in the
• Exit Ticket: Turn in your CCR Assignment from Friday.
9/10 Agenda
• Bell Work:
– Task: Identify and underline the nouns in the following
– 1) The students agreed to complete the homework
– 2) The Detroit Tigers are the best team in baseball.
– 3) Hailey wrote her essay 10 minutes before the start of
• Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can identify the 5 major components in a plot diagram.
• In Class Activities:
– Life Graph Pre Writing Assignment
9/11 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write a 4-5 sentence response to the video on 9/11. What
did you like about it? Which parts made you think? What did
you learn? **These questions are to get you started.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can select the details to explain a topic.
– I can organize the ideas to show connections and distinctions.
In Class Activities:
– Watch 9/11 Video (complete bell work after viewing)
– Finish Plot Diagram Activity for “Fresh Prince of Bell Air” and
“Cat’s in the Cradle”
– Introduce Life Graph Assignment (Begin working, finish in class
tomorrow and share).
9/12 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Circle all of the nouns and pronouns in the following
– 1) Mr. Schmitt brought his iPad to school we could check out
some of the educational applications.
– 2) She missed the bus this morning, but her mother was able to
drive her to Dearborn High School.
– 3) He was not happy with the grade his group received on their
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can identify the 5 major components in a plot diagram.
In Class Activities:
– Details Chart Pre Writing Activity
9/13 Agenda
Bell Work: Grammar Quiz on Nouns and Pronouns
– Task: Follow the directions on the quiz provided.
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can identify the 5 major components in a plot diagram.
In Class Activities:
– Add Dialogue Pre Writing Activity
– 1) Reggie Bush ran for his second touchdown
in the second half of the game.
– 2) Before Jalen and I left for the day, we went
over the work he missed.
– 3) The girls practiced their dance routine after
9/16 Agenda
Bell Work: Identify the type of noun that is underlined in the following
– Task:
– 1) The night was calm on Friday. ____________
– 2) It was hard not to notice the sunset. ______________
– 3) I bought a new pair of headphones. _______________
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can identify the 5 major components in a plot diagram.
In Class Activities:
Collect Bell Work from last week.
Notes on Possessive and Plural Nouns
Review Short Story Narrative Assignment from Friday
Pre-Writing Activity, Donut Thinking Map
SSR (15 minutes) **Write down the author and title of the book you read.
Also, include the number of pages you read.
Homework: Bring your SSR Book tomorrow!!!
9/17 Agenda
• Bell Work: SRI Testing
– Task: SRI Testing
• Daily Learning Targets: N/A
• In Class Activities:
– When finished with your test, you will complete the “Circle Map.”
– If you finish your “Circle Map,” please fill out a student survey.
– **If you are done with the tasks above, you are to read your SSR
book. 
9/18 Agenda
Bell Work:
Task: Rewrite the underlined nouns in the following sentences to make
them possessive.
– 1) The baby toy fell on the ground. _____________________
– 2) The women computers were broken. __________________
– 3) The author books were very popular. _________________
– 4) The girl team lost last night. __________________
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic
In Class Activities:
– Collect Donut Map (stamp for completion)
– Collect Surveys
– Personal Narrative Pre-Write Part #1 (Pre-Write for 15 min. then
complete hand out).
– SSR last 10 minutes of class (pass back graded assignments during SSR).
– Finish Pre-Write Part #1
9/19 Agenda
Bell Work:
Task: Identify the underlined possessive noun as “singular” or “plural.”
– 1) The boys’ game was postponed. _____________________
– 2) I had dinner at the president’s home. _________________
– 3) I lost my phone at the girls’ meet. ___________________
– 4) Ahmad’s homework was found in the trash. ____________
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic
In Class Activities:
– Check Pre-Write Part #1 for completion
– Take Write Source Pre-Test (formative grade)
– Write a one page reflection on the Anti-Bullying Assembly
• What did you learn? What did you already know? How do you plan to apply
new information? What does it mean to be a student at DHS? How can you
continue to promote a positive and safe school atmosphere? **Use these
questions as a guide if you need to.
– Finish Mr. S’s Survey
– Finish Pre-Write Part #1
9/20 Agenda
Bell Work:
– B.W. Task: Study for Possessive Noun Quiz
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic.
In Class Activities:
– Take Possessive Noun Quiz
– Collect Mr. S’s Survey and Anti-Bullying Assembly Reflection
– Creating a Plot and Adding Dialogue handout (using free-write from
Homework: Enjoy your weekend! 
9/23 Agenda
Bell Work:
Task: Identify the underlined words as nouns or pronouns.
1) Tommy forgot his lunch box at home.
2) My teacher arrives at school before his students show up.
3) My friend lost her cell phone as she stepped on to the bus.
Daily Learning Targets:
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic.
In Class Activities:
– Creating a Plot and Adding Dialogue handout (using free-write from
Wed.) **Due tomorrow at the start of class.
– Meet with Mr. S to discuss your paper.
– Begin working on Outline handout
– **If you finish the Outline handout, start writing your Rough Draft.
Homework: Complete any missing work and turn in before the end of
the hour.
9/24 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: 1) Read over the Rubric. 2) List 5 tasks that you need to
address in your Personal Narrative in order for you to receive an “A”
grade (write in the “Student Response” section on your Bell Work
1) Daily Learning Targets (Personal Narrative):
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic.
• In Class Activities:
– Group Activity: Rating the essay.
– Finish your Outline for tomorrow.
• Homework:
– Finish Outline
– Begin working on Rough Draft (due Thursday at the beginning of the hour).
9/25 Agenda
Bell Work:
Task: Underline the antecedent and circle the pronoun(s) in the following
Student Response:
1) Mrs. P used her unique teaching skills to achieve student success.
2) Ali lost his glasses on his walk home from school.
3) The Pioneers won their game against their rival, Fordson High School.
4) After our short nap, my girlfriend and I watched “Keeping Up With the
Daily Learning Targets (Personal Narrative):
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions, quotations,
and other information to develop the topic.
In Class Activities:
– Write your Rough Draft (due at the beginning of the hour on Thursday).
– **2nd, 5th, 6th-If you are done, you will SSR for the rest of the hour.
– **3rd-If you are done, you will work on the “Dialogue” handout. If you finish the
handout, you will SSR for the rest of the hour.
– You must meet with Mr. S or Mrs. P to discuss your paper if you have yet to do so.
(2nd, 5th, 6th)
– You must meet with Mr. S to discuss your paper if you have yet to do so. (3rd)
Homework: Finish your Rough Draft for Thursday
9/26 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Take notes and participate during “Attention Grabber” Power
– Student Response: See “Attention Grabber” handout.
• Daily Learning Targets (Personal Narrative):
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic.
• In Class Activities:
– “Show Don’t Tell” Lesson using descriptions and adding dialogue.
– “Attention Grabber” Power Point
– Incorporate “Show Don’t Tell” with your Rough Draft.
– Incorporate “Attention Grabber” with your Rough Draft.
– Dialogue handout
– Complete any missing assignments for Personal Narrative Unit
• Homework: Edit and add components to Rough Draft for Friday.
9/27 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Show me…
1) I was walking to school.
2) An ambulance drove by.
3) They pulled a female out of one of the cars.
4) We had a “late start” day due to the accident.
– Student Response (write your new paragraph):
Daily Learning Targets (Personal Narrative):
– I can determine the topic to be examined.
– I can select well-chosen, relevant, and sufficient facts, definitions,
quotations, and other information to develop the topic.
In Class Activities:
– Check for Rough Drafts
– Peer Editing Workshop (you will have a minimum of two other people
read your essay).
– Dialogue handout (work on it when finished with your partners)
– Read your SSR book
Homework: Edit and add components to Rough Draft. Make sure you are
ready to type your paper this weekend and turn it in on Monday!!!! 
9/30 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write a two paragraph reflection on your Personal Narrative Essay. Use
the following questions to guide your response: What did you like about your
essay? What didn’t you like about your essay? How can you improve your
essay? Are there any areas of the essay that needed more explanation during
instruction time? How did this essay help improve your writing skills? What
skills can you take from this essay and apply to future assessments?
– Student Response: On a separate sheet of paper, write your reflection.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can figure out the structure of a text and the order of events.
• In Class Activities:
– Collect Personal Narratives **Attach the Peer Editing Worksheet that your
partner filled out for your paper and rubric to the back.
– Notes on Tone + Practice
– Read “Casey at the Bat” and “The Make-Up Queen.” Fill out a plot diagram
handout for both poems. Be prepared to discuss your responses. 
• Homework:
– Finish Plot Diagram handout
10/1 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Notes on Transitive and Intransitive Verbs
– Student Response: **Write “See Transitive and Intransitive Verbs handout”
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can figure out the structure of a text and the order of events.
In Class Activities:
– Baseball 101 Notes
– Read “Casey at the Bat” and “The Make Up Queen.” Fill out a plot diagram handout
for both poems. Be prepared to discuss your responses. 
– Finish Plot Diagram and three sentence summary for “Casey at the Bat” and “The
Make Up Queen.”
10/2 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: What does a “good classroom” look like? How should students be behaving?
What rules should they follow? What are the consequences for failing to follow
these rules? Answer the following questions by writing a five sentence response. Be
prepared to share answers in order for me to put them on the board and create a
classroom “rules/expectations” list.
– Student Response: Write your response for this section, not what I type here…
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can figure out the structure of a text and the order of events.
In Class Activities:
– Finish plot diagram for “Casey at the Bat.” Write a 3 sentence summary.
– Read and complete plot diagram for “The Make Up Queen.” Write a 3 sentence
– Finish plot diagram handout and 3 sentence summary for “Casey at the Bat” and
“The Make Up Queen.”
10/2 Agenda (2nd hour only)
Bell Work:
– Task: Watch the Assembly on the T.V.
– Student Response: Take home the forms provided and return
to me with yours and your parents’ signature tomorrow.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can figure out the structure of a text and the order of events.
• In Class Activities:
– Finish plot diagram for “Casey at the Bat.” Write a 3 sentence
– Read and complete plot diagram for “The Make Up Queen.” Write
a 3 sentence summary.
• Homework:
– Finish plot diagram handout and 3 sentence summary for “Casey
at the Bat” and “The Make Up Queen.”
10/3 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: With your “elbow partner,” review and discuss your summaries for “Casey at the
Bat” and “The Make Up Queen.” Determine and write down the three most important
events/details a reader should know about both poems.
– Student Response: Write the three most important events/details a reader
should know about both poems (6 items total). If you cannot come up with
them, write down any questions or confusion you might have had to discuss
and clarify with the class.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can read a text and summarize the story line.
– I can show how the order of events and manipulation of time create mystery, tension,
or surprise.
In Class Activities:
– Introduce, Model, and Practice Double Entry Journals
– Begin reading “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell pg. 19 in your textbook.
– None
10/4 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write two to three sentences to describe the tone that is
portrayed on page 19 for The Most Dangerous Game.
– Student Response: Write your sentences on your Bell Work sheet or
on a separate sheet of paper. 
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can show how the order of events and manipulation of time create
mystery, tension, or surprise.
• In Class Activities:
– Continue “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell (page 20 in
your textbook). Read pages 20-27 as a class.
• Homework:
– For Monday, write a two paragraph response…we will give you the
prompt before you leave.
10/7 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write a three sentence response describing Rainsford’s character in The Most Dangerous
Game. **Use the following questions to guide your response. 1) Do you trust him as a narrator?
Why or why not? 2) What are Rainford’s initial thoughts on hunting? Does he feel sorry for the
animals that he hunts? Explain your answer.
– Student Response: Write your sentences on your Bell Work sheet or on a separate sheet of paper. 
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can show how the order of events and manipulation of time create mystery, tension, or surprise.
In Class Activities:
– Check homework assignment for completion during partner discussion of Bell Work.
– Class discussion of your Bell Work responses.
• Rules for discussion:
– 1) Talk to your elbow partner about your responses
– 2) summarize your partner’s response on a separate sheet of paper by listing their points
– 3) Raise your hand to share your responses with the class when directed
– Continue “The Most Dangerous Game” by Richard Connell (pages 27- 32 in your textbook).
• Follow along with the audio
• Write down examples of suspense and textual evidence for your Double Entry Journal
• Write down examples of “humans vs. animals” and textual evidence for your Double Entry
– Fill in examples for your Double Entry Journal for pages 27-31
– Finish reading through page 31 if you are not caught up (for tomorrow, Tuesday).
10/8 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: On a separate, half sheet of paper, answer the following quiz questions:
1) Why is Zaroff bored with hunting sailors? **What reason does he give to
Rainsford? Be specific and explain.
2) Initially, does Rainsford agree to play the game? Why or why not? **Dependent on
your answer to the first part of this question.
3) What does Zaroff tell Rainsford that Rainsford must not do if he wins the game?
– Student Response: Write your answers on a separate, half sheet of paper. **Once all of
you are finished, we will switch and have you grade your classmate’s quiz. Please use a
pen, marker, or highlighter to grade his or her quiz.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can show how the order of events and manipulation of time create mystery, tension,
or surprise.
In Class Activities:
– Continue reading and finish reading The Most Dangerous Game (pg. 31-36).
– Good students will do the following:
• Follow along with the audio
• Write down examples of suspense and textual evidence for your Double Entry
• Write down examples of “humans vs. animals” and textual evidence for your
Double Entry Journal
– Fill in examples for your Double Entry Journal for pages 31-36
– Finish reading the short story (pg 31-36) **If you are not caught up use the link below
and read for homework.
10/9 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: On a separate, half sheet of paper, answer the following quiz questions:
• 1) Who kills Ivan? How does he kill him? Explain in detail.
• 2) How does Rainsford escape being caught/killed by Zaroff’s dogs?
• 3) Who wins the final duel/battle at the end of the story? What happened
to the loser? Explain.
– Student Response: Write your answers on a separate, half sheet of paper.
**Once all of you are finished, we will switch and have you grade your
classmate’s quiz. Please use a pen, marker, or highlighter to grade his or her
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can show how the order of events and manipulation of time create mystery,
tension, or surprise.
In Class Activities:
– Assign Survival Guide Assessment
– Good students will do the following:
• Pay attention during the explanation/presentation of the project.
• Work diligently on the assessment for the remainder of the hour.
– Continue to work on Survival Guide Project
10/10 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write a three sentence response while answering the following questions. What
did you like about The Most Dangerous Game? What didn’t you like about The Most
Dangerous Game? Be specific and explain.
– Student Response: Write your answers on your Bell Work handout or attach a separate
sheet of paper.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can compare and contrast the representation of a subject in two different mediums.
– I can analyze the similarities/differences in emphasis (what is depicted) and absent
(what is missing) in each medium.
In Class Activities:
– Critical Analysis and Making Connections Lesson using The Hunger Games
– Continue to work on your Survival Guide Project
– Good students will do the following:
• Pay attention during the lesson.
• Work diligently on his/her Survival Guide Project for the remainder of the hour.
– Your Personal Narratives will be returned to you tomorrow. We apologize for the delay.
– Continue to work on Survival Guide Project
10/11 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Write a three sentence response to the following questions: What are your plans
for next week’s mini break? If you are doing “nothing,” explain why.
– Student Response: Write your answer on your Bell Work handout or attach a separate
sheet of paper.
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can compare and contrast the representation of a subject in two different mediums.
– I can analyze the similarities/differences in emphasis (what is depicted) and absent
(what is missing) in each medium.
In Class Activities:
– Work on your Survival Guide Project
– Turn in any missing assignments for partial credit
– Good students will do the following:
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
• Work diligently on his/her Survival Guide Project for the remainder of the hour
– Your Personal Narratives will be returned to you on Thursday (the day you return from
break). Your scores will be posted on Student Connect by Tuesday. If you would like to
see mine or Mrs. P’s comments, please email me at
– Continue to work on Survival Guide Project (due Thursday 10/17)
10/17 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Reflect on your Survival Guide Project. Answer the following questions to the best
of your ability. 1) Which was your favorite section to work on? Why? 2) Which part of
your project are you proud of? Why? 3) Which part of your project would you like to
improve? Why?
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can create a plot that follows the plot diagram.
– I can develop and strengthen writing as needed by planning, revising, editing, rewriting,
or trying a new approach, focusing on addressing what is most significant for a specific
purpose and audience.
In Class Activities:
– Turn in Survival Guide Project
– Work on your own to fill out “Response to Comments and Suggestions” handouts (you
will receive 5 points added to your Personal Narrative score for completing the
assignment accurately). **If you have questions, ask your elbow partner or Mr. S (or
Mrs. P for hours 2, 5, 6).
– Good students will do the following:
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
– Your final grade for MP1 will be updated and posted by 3 p.m.
– You do not have any homework tonight. 
10/18 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions: 1) What does it mean to close and critically read?
2) Have you used the four square strategy in other classes? 3) What is the strategy to be
used when you first start to read an article?
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can make specific references to passages and events from a text to prove what the text
says directly as well as the meaning I can infer indirectly.
– I can find appropriate quotations and references to elements of the plot.
– I can make meaning by asking “why” questions.
In Class Activities:
– Close and Critical Reading Power Point (fill in notes)
– Talking to the Text (model)
– Fill out “Four Square” for David Sedaris Article
– SSR “I was homeless” article (last 15 minutes of class)
• Fill out Four Square for “I am homeless” article
– Good students will do the following:
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
– Read and fill out “Four Square” for “I was homeless” article from Scope Magazine.
10/21 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Follow directions for the prompts. 1) List two items you circled in the David
Sedaris article, “Big Boy.” 2) List two notes you wrote in the margin for the David Sedaris
article, “Big Boy.”
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can make specific references to passages and events from a text to prove what the text
says directly as well as the meaning I can infer indirectly.
In Class Activities:
– Discuss Bell Work responses
– Discuss responses for Four Square Activity **15 minutes to finish assignment
– In pairs, “Talk to the Text” using the article “I was homeless”
– In pairs, Fill out Four Square for “I am homeless” article
Good students will do the following:
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
– Read and fill out “Four Square” Activity for “I was homeless” article from Scope
10/22 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions. 1) What should be included in a summary of a
text? 2) In your own words, what does “text to text” and “text to self” mean?
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can make specific references to passages and events from a text to prove what the text
says directly as well as the meaning I can infer indirectly.
In Class Activities:
– In pairs, “Talk to the Text” for the “I am homeless” article.
– In pairs, complete the “Four Square” activity for the “I am homeless” article.
Good students will do the following:]
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
• Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
• Organize his/her binder
– No homework! 
10/23 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Take out your “Narrative Text: Four Square” handout. Look it over and use it
during the assessment.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
– I can make specific references to passages and events from a text to prove what the text
says directly as well as the meaning I can infer indirectly.
In Class Activities:
– Close and Critical Reading Assessment (Summative)
– SSR when you are done
Good students will do the following:]
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
• Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
• Organize his/her binder
– No homework! 
10/24 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions to the best of your ability (and write in complete
sentences). 1) What does the word “relationship” mean to you? Is there such thing as a
“perfect relationship?” Why or why not? Explain your answers and be specific.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
In Class Activities:
– Group Activity Reading the article “Living in Sym”
– Gallery Walk and take notes on each group’s poster
– Focus Question on mutual relationships
Good students will do the following:
• SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
• Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
• Organize his/her binder
– Finish response to Focus Question on mutual relationships
10/28 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Sit down and wait for further directions. Wait until your name is called to receive
your new seat assignment. Turn in Bell Work sheet from 10/17-10/18 and 10/21-10/25.
Take notes on run-on sentences (handout).
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
In Class Activities:
– Mini Lesson: Run-on sentences
– Analyzing relationships using Finding Nemo (clips)
– Describe a mutual relationship from another piece of text or your own life (text to text,
text to self).
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
Exit Ticket:
Write down your response on the back of the “Relationships in pop culture” handout.
10/29 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Correct the following run on sentences:
That dog is the one that helped me he still scares me.
Judy leads a charmed life she never seems to have a serious accident.
It was wonderful weather on Monday the boy flew his kite outside.
The book was very interesting the main character died in the last scene!
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can conduct research projects that answer a question and show my understanding
of the subject under investigation.
In Class Activities:
– Quick check for homework completion.
– Quick discussion about responses to homework questions and mutual relationships.
– Focus Question on mutual relationships.
– The Odyssey: Introducing vocabulary and key terms. 
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
Create your own literary allusion and finish the handout. 
10/30 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Correct the following run on sentences:
Mr. Schmitt and Mrs. Pniewski left the building they did not return after lunch.
Jalen turned in his homework he checked to make sure he had no missing assignments.
The Odyssey is an epic poem Odysseus is the protagonist.
Dearborn High is a great school I could not imagine going anywhere else.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can conduct research projects that answer a question and show my understanding of the subject
under investigation.
In Class Activities:
– Turn in homework assignment from Monday (Finding Nemo and mutual relationships)
– Quick discussion about examples of “text to text” and “text to self” using mutual relationships.
– Finish research assignment from yesterday.
– Share examples of literary allusions.
– Focus Question on mutual relationships.
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
Write response to “Focus Question on mutual relationships.”
10/31 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Correct the following sentences. Put “C” if the sentence is not a run-on sentence.
Make the appropriate corrections if it is a run-on sentence. 
Halloween is my favorite holiday; I love dressing up in costumes.
I ate too much candy I need to go to the dentist.
I enjoy reading comic books, Captain Planet is my favorite super hero.
I dressed up as a clown for school but I had an allergic reaction to the make up.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can make meaning by asking “why” questions.
2) I can define “theme.”
In Class Activities:
Review Notes
Present some literary allusions that you created. **Check assignment for completion
Notes on Epic Poetry
Partner Work: Recreate the hero cycle (unique representation including a map, labels,
descriptions, illustrations, examples.
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
No homework tonight! Happy Halloween! 
11/1 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Look over your notes on run-on sentences to study for the quiz. 
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can make meaning by asking “why” questions.
2) I can define “theme.”
In Class Activities:
Study for quiz on identifying and correcting run-on sentences
Take the quiz
Resume and finish notes on Epic Poetry
Partner Work: Recreate the hero cycle (unique representation including a map, labels,
descriptions, illustrations, examples. Must be drawn and in color. 
– Hero Anticipation Guide (if time).
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
No homework tonight! Enjoy your weekend! 
P.S. You can thank us later.
11/4 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Give two examples of a simile and two examples of a metaphor.
**Remember, similes compare to unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
A metaphor directly compares to unlike things.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can make meaning by asking “why” questions.
2) I can define “theme.”
In Class Activities:
– Finish Hero Pattern Assignment w/ partner (20 mins)
– More notes on the characteristics of an “epic hero”
– Hero Anticipation Guide (if time)
– Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
11/6 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Give two examples of a simile and two examples of a metaphor.
**Remember, similes compare to unlike things using the words “like” or “as.”
A metaphor directly compares to unlike things.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can make meaning by asking “why” questions.
2) I can define “theme.”
In Class Activities:
– Turn in Hero Pattern Assignment (after Bell Work)
– Model Mapping Activity
– Partner Work: Mapping Odysseus’ Journey Activity
– Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
Finish Mapping Activity (due at the beginning of class on Thursday).
11/6 Bell Work
Examples of Similes:
1)She slept like a baby.
2)He is as fast as a cheetah.
3)He is as tough as nails.
4)The teacher was wise like an owl.
Examples of Metaphors:
1)You are my sunshine.
2)He is a snail in this race.
3)John is a pig during dinner.
4)Susie is a snake for cheating on her husband.
11/7 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Give one example of a simile, one example of a metaphor, and one literary
allusion to the Trojans (explain how the allusion fits characteristics of the Trojans).
**You could use the Trojan Horse, Helen of Troy, the name of the city, etc.
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
2) I can propel conversations by posing and responding to questions that relate the
current discussion to broader themes or larger ideas.
In Class Activities:
– Turn in Mapping Activity (only if fully completed, turn in to the late work folder for your
hour, tomorrow, if you need to finish it).
– Hero Anticipation Guide and Four Corners Activity
– Begin reading The Odyssey (pgs. 981-984) **Double Entry Journal while reading.
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Finish Bell Work for this week/last week
Organize his/her binder
11/10 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task:
• Identify the type of noun (in bold) that is used in each sentence (Questions 1 and
• Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent (Questions 3 and 4).
– Student Response:
• 1) Michael wrote a book about his childhood. ________________
• 2) The two students developed a strong friendship. _________________
• 3) Nik lost his glasses in one of his classes.
• 4) Tahani turned in all of her missing assignments.
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text
says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
In Class Activities:
– Notes on “Invocation” and “Sailing to Troy” w/ activities.
– Begin reading The Odyssey (pgs. 981-984) **Double Entry Journal while reading.
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
SSR if they have “nothing to do.”
Organize his/her binder
11/12 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task:
• Identify the type of noun (in bold) that is used in each sentence (Questions 1 and 2).
• Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent (Questions 3 and 4).
– Student Response:
• 1) The girls’ basketball team won last night. ________________
• 2) Both teachers left the room to speak with the principal. _________________
• 3) The jury read its verdict.
• 4) A number of volunteers are offering their help.
– Daily Learning Targets:
1) I can cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says
explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.
In Class Activities:
– Discuss answers to questions from “Sailing from Troy.”
– Quiz on “Sailing from Troy.”
– Introduce O’s Episode Pattern
– Partner read “The Lotus Eaters” and answer questions
– Fill out O’s Episode Pattern and the Double Entry Journal and answer
– Pass back graded assignments and assessments (organize binders)
Good students will do the following:
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
Organize his/her binder
Finish reading “The Lotus Eaters” and fill out O’s Episode Pattern. 
11/13 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task:
• Identify the type of noun (in bold) that is used in each sentence (Questions 1 & 2).
• Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent (Questions 3 & 4).
– Student Response:
• 1) The crowd gathered around the stage. ___________________
• 2) Circe was known for practicing witchcraft. ________________
• 3) Abdul remembered to bring all of his materials to class.
• 4) Mr. S and Mrs. P care about their students’ success.
– Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in Homer’s The Odyssey.
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the text says explicitly.
In Class Activities:
– Introduce and Model “O’s Episode Pattern”
– Review rules and norms for “Pairs to Squares” set up.
– Partner read “The Lotus Eaters” from Homer’s The Odyssey (pg. 984-985). **Fill out episode pattern
handout out and make entries in Double Entry Journal.
– In pairs, answer the three questions associated with the reading.
– In squares, discuss and compare responses to the three questions. *Write responses on sticky notes.
– Before you leave, put your group’s responses on the poster.
Turn in missing assignments (folders and bin added to the room)
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your class’s designated
folder, located next to the door).
11/14 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task:
• Re-read “The Lotus Eaters” on pgs. 984 and 985.
• For your Double Entry Journal, write down any hero qualities that “O” depicts in the text. Also,
make sure to cite textual evidence to support your examples. **Write down your explanation
on the left side and write the entire quote and line numbers on the right side.
– Student Response:
Example 1)
Textual EvidenceExample 2)
Textual Evidence-
Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in Homer’s The Odyssey.
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the text says explicitly.
In Class Activities:
– Meet with your squares to go over the pattern from “The Lotus Eaters”
– On the board, as a class, we will review the events from the reading.
– After the review, in your squares, you will answer the three questions and post sticky notes on each
– Begin reading “Cyclops”
– In pairs, answer the three questions associated with the reading.
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your class’s designated
folder, located next to the door).
11/15 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability:
• 1) What do you like about The Odyssey and why?
• 2) What don’t you like about The Odyssey and why?
• 3) Do you think that Odysseus has good intentions? Why or why not?
– Response must be in complete sentences! 
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in
Homer’s The Odyssey.
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the
text says explicitly.
In Class Activities:
– Review Progress Report
– Highlight any missing assignments
– Pass back graded work and organize binders
– Continue reading “Cyclops” from Homer’s The Odyssey w/ your partner. 
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your
class’s designated folder, located next to the door).
11/18 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Epithet is an adjective or descriptive phrase expressing a quality characteristic of
the person or thing mentioned. Ex: "The bewitching nymph" (Calypso), "The man of
twists and turns" ( Odysseus), "The great tactician" - This term creates the image of
Odysseus as being intelligent, and probably comes his being the initiator of the idea for
the "Trojan horse.“ **Find two examples of epithets from Homer’s The Odyssey.
– Student Response:
– 1)
– 2)
– Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in Homer’s The
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the text says
In Class Activities:
– Collect signed Progress Reports
– Show iBlog website
– Remind 101 sign up *Text @lah2, @lah3, @lah5, @lah6 to (586) 690-4859
– Partner Read “The Cyclops” pg. 990-995
– Answer 3 questions and draw a picture of who “O” meets after reading (with your
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your class’s
designated folder, located next to the door).
11/19 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability:
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in
Homer’s The Odyssey.
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the
text says explicitly.
In Class Activities:
– Partner Read “The Cyclops” pg. 995-999
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your
class’s designated folder, located next to the door).
11/20 Agenda
Bell Work:
– Task: Answer the following questions honestly and to the best of your ability:
– Student Response:
– Daily Learning Targets:
• I can draw inferences from the text and make predictions.
• I can identify components of the episodic pattern that is present in
Homer’s The Odyssey.
• I can identify and cite textual evidence to support my analysis of what the
text says explicitly.
In Class Activities:
– Chorus Read “Cyclops” as a class 
– Watch video from Cyclops perspective
– Rewrite Cyclops Scene using modern language and from his perspective (with
your partner)
• Complete and turn in absent, late, or missing assignments (put them in your
class’s designated folder, located next to the door).