Cool planet mass function and a fly’s-eye ‘evryscope’ at Antarctica Philip Yock, Auckland, New Zealand 20th Microlensing Workshop Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris 13-15 January 2016 Twenty years ago • • • • • Meeting at IAP on gravitational microlensing Christophe Alard announced DIA Bohdan Paczynski was present Would be pleased with results on planets Pleased with contributions by amateurs Plea for high magnification • In the days of Spitzer, K2 and KMTNet • Hope that high mag events still followed The mass function PLANET, Cassan et al, Nature 48, 167, 2012 OGLE-MOA-WISE Oct 2015 preprint MOA Paris, Jan 2016 The mass function PLANET, Cassan et al, Nature 48, 167, 2012 OGLE-MOA-WISE Oct 2015 preprint Need more data at low masses MOA This meeting Few detections and low efficiencies at low mass OGLE-MOA-Wise (four years) Single detections MOA (6 years) Nil detections KMTNet in 2016 KMTNet will detect about 8 lowmass (1 – 10 ME) planets per year Assumes saturated Cassan mass function Calen Henderson et al, ApJ 794, 52, 2014 High magnification technique? • • • • μFUN technique with 1-2m class telescopes Monitor FWHM continuously if Amax > 50 Approximately 24 hours per event Approximately 20 events per year Reminder: monitor Full Width at Half Max FWHM ~ 1 day Follow-up telescopes ignore the wings Ignore FWHM ~ 1 day Ignore 1.5 Earth mass FWHM Photometric errors and cadence from the MOA telescope 5.5 Earth masses Detection efficiency • • • • • • • u0 : 6 values ± .02, ± .01, ±.005 tE : 3 values 10 days, 20 days, 30 days ρ : 3 values .0005, .001, .002 q : 5 values 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, 4.5, 5.5 × 10-5 s : 5 values .95, .85, .75, .65, .55 α: 1 value 60⁰ (for 30⁰ < α < 90⁰) Follow-up data: 1 measurement every .001 day in FWHM at MOA cadence and precision in fair weather • Found fraction of events with Δχ2 > 300 F. Abe et al MNRAS 431, 2975, 2013 C. Airey, Doha workshop, 2013 L. Philpott, Santa Barbara, 2014 Detection efficiencies Planet mass q = 5 × 10-5 Planet distance 0.6 < s < 1.7 Planet angle 30⁰ < α < 150⁰ or 210⁰ < α < 330⁰ Detection efficiency ̴ 75% Planet mass q = 2 × 10-5 Planet distance 0.8 < s < 1.25 Planet angle 30⁰ < α < 150⁰ or 210⁰ < α < 330⁰ Detection efficiency ̴ 80% Detection rate • • • • • • Assume Cassan mass function Assume 20 events monitored per year with Amax > 50 Detetct 8 low mass planets (1-6ME) per year Comparable to KMTNet Independent sample of events Could have been done already Examples: first two high mag planets OGLE-2005-BLG-071 q = 0.0071 s = 1.29 OGLE-2005-BLG-169 q = 6 × 10-5 s = 1.02 Recent event – OGLE-2015-BLG-0966 Rachel Street et al, arXiv:1508.0702 FWHM (top 0.75 mag) FWHM 2.2days modelling? systematics? moon? Eyeball measurements α and ρ lens axis α source track tW α = tan-1 tEumin/(tp-t0) = 50⁰ t0 tp tW≈ 3ρtE (Abe et al) ≈ 0.24 day ρ ≈ 0.24/3×58 ≈ 0.0014 Final measurements of s, q, α, ρ lens axis α source track tW α = tan-1 tEumin/(tp-t0) = 50⁰ t0 tW≈ 3ρtE ≈ 0.24 day ρ ≈ 0.24/3×58 ≈ 0.0014 tp The values of s and q cannot be eyeballed. The shape of the planetary perturbation yielded s = 1.115 or 0.909 and q = 1.7 × 10-4 OGLE-2015-BLG-0966 Low mass planets can be found at high mag ? Multiple planets? Two planet test ̶ OGLE-2012-BLG-0026 Han et al, ApJ 762, L28 (2013) Follow-up observations by amateurs OGLE-2012-BLG-0026 Magnification maps, or whatever OGLE-2012-BLG-0026 Above are Jovian planets Neptunes more common Multi-Neptunes? Triple-Neptune system found by RV Angelle Tanner et al, ApJ 800, 115 (2015) Hunt by microlensing Summary • High mag technique sensitive to low-mass planets • Provides a “snapshot” of a planetary system near the Einstein ring • Multi-planets detectable • Statistics ok • No problems with low detection efficiencies • Statistically unbiased and independent sample of events Telescopes • OGLE and MOA survey more than 30 square deg • Continuous follow-up needed • Hopefully follow-up telescopes available in Australia (Tasmania), South Africa (SAAO) and Chile (Danish) • Some overlap between KMTNet and OGLE/MOA fields would provide checks Antarctica – a personal dream for NZ Excellent seeing, dry atmosphere, long nights, constant air mass Antarctica – a personal dream for NZ F SP A C USA, Australia, Japan, China, France there, but only one NZer Matthew Freeman at Ridge A in 2015 80⁰S, 4000m, driest & coldest place on Earth One possibility – the ‘evryscope’ 25 telephoto lenses (200mm) 10,000 square degree FOV Comparable to TESS Seek transited M dwarfs within 100 lt yr Microlensing events at < 1 kpc (rE ~ 1 AU) Chilean Evryscope (Nick Law et al) Further information: A. Fukui et al ApJ 670, 423 (2007) S. Gaudi et al ApJ 677, 1268 (2008) N. Law et al PASP 127, 234 (2015) Estimated event rate No. of sources = 4/3π (1000pc3 – 700pc3 ) × 0.01pc-3 = 28 million Lenses per source = πAU2 × 500pc × 0.1 pc-3 = 4 x10-9 Prob of lensing = 0.12 Event duration = 7 days Events in 10,000 square degree per winter = 0.12 × 365/7 × 1/4 × 1/2 = 1 per winter Probably too few to hunt for planets F,G