Get Real Barbie Presentation (1)

“Get Real,
By: Christina, Brianna, and Jacqueline
 Anorexia is an eating disorder that may have fatal consequences.
 People suffering from anorexia consume only very small quantities
of food, which leads to starvation. Eventually they become
dangerously thin, yet still perceive themselves as overweight.
 Frequently, people with anorexia become so undernourished that
they have to be hospitalized. Even then they deny that anything is
wrong with them.
 There are two subtypes of anorexia: One type is linked to a
different type of eating disorder called bulimia, which is
characterized by ''bingeing and purging;'' a person eats and then
deliberately vomits.
 The other subtype of anorexia manifests itself through severe
restriction of food and calories.
 The exact causes of anorexia are unknown but there are
psychological, environmental, and social factors that may
contribute to the development of anorexia.
 People with anorexia come to believe that their lives would be
better if only they were thinner. Nine out of 10 people with anorexia
are female and one in every 100 women is anorexic. A person can
be considered anorexic when her weight drops below 15% of
Social Determinants
 Mental health is influenced by many social determinants.
Eating disorders are mostly influenced by physical and
social environmental factors. As the “Get Real Barbie”
campaign gives the example of little girls wanting to look like
Barbie, is only one example of an environmental influence.
 Our society today overall has the biggest impact on
triggering eating disorders. All different forms of media
presents females the same way. Tall, skinny, large busted,
clear skin, shinny hair and not a scar or wrinkle in sight
 With these unrealistic images of women and their unhealthy
ways of diet and exercising, the media is the strongest
influence on encouraging eating disorders.
What Triggers an Eating
 There is no single cause to an eating disorder, it is influenced from
a generation of factors.
 Psychological factors including low self-esteem, depression and
 Interpersonal factors including personal relationships, troubled
family, history of any abuse (psychical, sexual, verbal).
 Social Environments
 Media plays a roll in this by promoting unhealthy body images
and diets. The models that are in the media are tiny enough as
it is, yet the editors still seam to edit their photos and be make
them look like a barbie doll.
The Internet
 How crazy is it that this “Anna Rexia” Halloween
costume is being sold online!?
 Every 2 seconds a Barbie is sold around the world
 Target market: ages 3-12
 On average a girl will collect 7 Barbie’s in her childhood
 “Slumber Party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came
with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a
book entitled ‘How to Lose Weight’ with directions inside
stating simply ‘Don’t eat.’ (Main, 2000)
 You can imagine the magnitude of Barbie’s influence on
young girls
Times Have Changed
 In this decade eating disorders have became more
popular. The famous models young girls look up to
today compared to in the 50’s could play a key role in
the developing unhealthy eating and exercising habits.
Marilyn Monroe – 1950’s
Miranda Kerr - 2012
Barbie Then and Now
 This change is also evident in Barbie’s
2013 “Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders”
“Get real, Barbie.”
 The South Shore Eating Disorders Collaborative
(SSEDC) started the “Get real, Barbie” campaign
during the Eating Disorders Awareness Week.
 Its objective was to glorify the unrealistic
measurements of Barbie and how her perfect physique,
hair, and face give young girls such high expectations
of themselves.
 When these girls grow up and do not look like Barbie,
some go to extreme lengths to obtain her figure.
If Barbie was a human
Barbie without makeup
Ecological Domains
 Intrapersonal and Interpersonal ecological domains should be
concentrated on the development of eating disorders.
 Whether it be in your home or in your workplace or school,
positive body image and healthy lifestyles should be
 Learning to love yourself the way you are and inner beauty
should be promoted instead of “10 ways to get your sexiest
body ever” or “How to loose 30 pounds in a month”
 An eating disorder is a serious mental health issue. A person
suffering from this illness needs a lot of support and love to help
them get through it. It is a long roller coaster ride but your
support could save their life.
Telling someone with an eating disorder to ‘just eat’ is like telling
someone with claustrophobia to get inside a small cupboard and
lock the door.
Making a Change
 The ecological domain that this campaign is targeting is
the intrapersonal factor.
 By revealing the truth about Barbie’s measurements,
the “Get Real, Barbie” campaign hopes to make a
change in the way Barbie influences their target
Making a Change
 Strives to bring about a change in the way
young girls perceive Barbie by educating
them on the dangers of her proportions.
 To teach girls that Barbie’s measurements
are highly disproportionate, and reflect those
of an individual with anorexia.
 The health promotion campaign could be improved by
more awareness and the importance of it.
 We feel that there is not enough awareness about this
topic and fundraising events should be in effect to help
individuals suffering from a eating disorder.
 There are many fundraising events that could be
implemented through this campaign such as bake
sales, silent auction , fun fair carnival to raise money for
Individuals suffering from an eating disorder as well as
create awareness.
National Eating Disorder
 There is a national eating disorder week which takes place
every February that helps raise awareness on eating
 Without doing this project we would have not known about
this which means they are not promoting this topic well.
 The awareness week could be improved by having
inspirational individuals or celebrities who have experienced
an eating disorder talk to individuals going through this
struggle as well as make appearances at schools to get the
message out about how dangerous an eating disorder is.
So Really.. Get real, Barbie
 We agree that Barbie has a negative influence on
young girls
 It is also alarming that the measurements of Barbie are
getting smaller and smaller
 What’s next for Barbie?
Anorexic Barbie?
 (im doing them now hehe)