“SILK ROAD” FROM CHINA TO TURKEY WHY TURKEY? AN OVERVIEW OF TURKISH ECONOMY & TURKISH-CHINESE BILATERAL RELATIONS Serah Kekeç Commercial Counselor Embassy of the Republic of Turkey CONTENT TURKISH ECONOMY IN GENERAL WHY TURKEY? - Investing in Turkey - Sectors for Cooperation TURKEY – CHINA BILATERAL RELATIONS Turkey is the 16th largest economy in the World (6th when compared to EU Countries – IMF/2011) 4 Growth Performance (2012) Turkey has quickly recovered from the global financial crisis and among the least affected countries from current economic uncertainties Turkey has the highest economic growth rate in Europe Average annual growth rate between 2002 and 2012 is 5.2% Real GDP growth for 2011 has been realized as 8.8% Real GDP growth for 2012 realized as 2.2%. 5 GDP The biggest economy in the region (2012,Current prices, Billion $) %5.0 annual average growth in the last 10 years (US: %1.6, EU: %1.0, Poland: %4.3) Source: IMF 6 GDP Per Capita Source: Dollar value is from TURKSTAT, PPP GNI value from World Bank Since 2002 GDP per capita has tripled from 3,492 USD to 10,497 USD. According to Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) GNI per capita surpassed 18 thousand USD. 7 Inflation (Annual Percent Change) Source: TURKSTAT Annual inflation in 2013 was realized as 7.40% and 6.97% according to CPI and PPI, respectively. 8 General Government Gross Debt Stock Turkish Government’s gross debt stock to GDP ratio is %36,1 while the EU27 average is %85,1 Maastricht Criteria %60 (Q3 - 2012) Source: Eurostat, Treasury 9 General Government Budget Balance Turkish Government’s budget balance to GDP ratio is % 2 while the EU27 average is -%4,5 %3 Maastricht Criteria (Q3 - 2012) Source: Eurostat, Treasury 10 Unemployment Rates (%) In December 2013, unemployment rate was 10.0% and seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 9.4%. In 2013, unemployment rate was 9.7%. Seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in Euro Area was 12.0% and 10.8% in (EU28) in January 2014. In terms of unemployment ratio Turkey outperformed 14 EU countries according to current data. After Russia, Germany, England and France, Turkey has the 5th largest labor force 11 among the European countries. (2012, World Bank) Policy Orientation The year 2023 would be the centenary of Turkish Republic’s establishment. Therefore we set up a challenging vision for 2023. By year 2023, we do intend; to take place among the top 10 economies in the world, to achieve an annual export level of 500 billion USD and to raise per capita income to 25 thousand USD. Medium Term Program (2013-15) aims to sustain economic growth, to decrease the current account deficit, and to preserve macroeconomic and financial stability. 2013* GDP (Billion $, Current Prices) GDP Per Capita ($) Real GDP Growth (%) Current Account Balance / GDP (%) 2014* 2015* 858 919 998 11,318 11,982 12,859 4.0 5.0 5.0 -7.1 -6.9 -6.5 12 Foreign Direct Investment Inflows FDI inflows (cumulative) Companies with Intr.Capital (cumulative) • 1923-2002 : 15 billion USD • 2003-2012 : 122,4 billion USD A.T. Kearney FDI Confidence Index Rankings 2010 23 2012 13 6.000 30.000 The Global Competitiveness Index Rankings 2011-2012 59 2012-2013 43 25 22,0 20,2 19,5 20 15,9 15 12,4 10,0 10 5 3,4 1,1 1,7 2002 2003 8,4 9,0 2009 2010 2,8 0 2001 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2011 2012 13 Turkey’s Foreign Trade (Billion US$) 450 400 350 300 135 153 241 237 2011 2012 132 250 114 107 200 102 85 74 150 63 100 50 47 36 52 69 98 117 140 170 202 186 141 0 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 IMPORT 2007 2008 2009 2010 EXPORT 14 Turkey’s Foreign Trade (Billion US$) (Billion $) 2012* 2013* 2014** 2015** 2016** 2023*** Exports Imports Volume of trade Balance of trade Exports/Imports (%) * Actual (Source: TURKSTAT) 152.5 151.8 236.5 251.7 389.0 403.5 -84.1 -99.8 64.5 60.3 166.5 262.0 428.5 -95.5 63.5 184.0 202.5 500.0 282.0 305.0 625.0 466.0 507.5 1,125.0 -98.0 -102.5 -125.0 65.2 66.4 80.0 **Forecast: Medium Term Programme, Ministry of Development- 10/09/2012) Major EXPORT Partners - 2012; Germany (%9), Iraq (%7), Iran (%7), UK (%6), UAE (%5), Russian Fed. (%4), Italy (%4) Major EXPORT Items - 2012; Automotive and autoparts, Machinery, Iron & Steel, Electrical Appliances, Clothing Major IMPORT Partners-2012; Russia (%11), Germany (%9), China (%9), USA (%6), Italy (%6), Iran (%5), Fransa (%4) Major IMPORT Items-2012; Petroleum & Gas, Machinery, Automotive & Autoparts, Turkey has the 5th most liberal trade policies in the world (World Trade Indicators 2009) Customs Union with the EU Free Trade Agreements with 20 countries: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. EFTA Israel Macedonia Croatia Bosnia & Herzegovina Palestine Tunisia Morocco Syria Egypt 11. Albania 12. Georgia 13. Montenegro 14. Serbia 15. Chile 16. Jordan 17. Lebanon 18. Mauritius 19. Korea *Also ongoing negotiations 16 WHY TURKEY? 17 Why Turkey? Growth Markets Brazil Russia India China Mexico Korea Turkey Indonesia • Dynamic, Stable and Attractive Economy (The Fastest Growing Economy among OECD Countries) Why Turkey? Potential of Young Population (2010) Source: World Bank (2011), TURKSTAT (2012) 19 Why Turkey? Productive and Cost-Effective Labor Force (The longest hours worked per week of full-time employment-annual average in Europe(2012))* 20 Why Turkey? A potential market with 74 million consumers Increasing GDP Per Capita (10,444 USD per capita income 2011) Fast Growing Country (2010-8,9%, 2011-8,5%) (According to OECD, Turkey is expected to be the fastest growing OECD country for the years 2011-2017 with 6,7% average) Why Turkey? International Hub An important partner because of its proximity to huge markets Preferential market access to the European Union and 19 FTA partners RUSSIAN FEDERATION EUROPE GDP – $ 1,5 Trillion Population - 142 million GDP – $ 18.4 Trillion Population – 666 million 4h MIDDLE EAST AND NORTH AFRICA GDP – $ 2,8 Trillion Population – 636 million CENTRAL ASIA & CAUCASUS GDP – $ 290 billion Population – 80 million Why Turkey? Turkey As An Energy Corridor And Terminal Existing Natural Gas Pipelines Existing Oil Pipelines Natural Gas Pipelines under Construction Natural Gas Pipelines Underway Proposed Natural Gas Pipelines An important bridge between energy suppliers (Russia, Iran, Azerbaijan) and consumers (EU) Oil Pipelines under Construction 23 Why Turkey? Structural Reforms Corporate Income Tax %20 National Treatment Protection Against Expropriation Guarantee of Transfers NewFDI Law & Other Legislation Freedom to invest Employment of Expatriates Int’l Arbitration Access to Real Estate Policies to bring together international capital with Turkey’s assets FDI Regime • • • • • • National treatment No pre-entry screening /minimum capital requirements Right to acquire real estate Guarantee to transfer proceeds Right to employ key expatriate staff Right to access international dispute settlement • • • • Bilateral Investment Treaties with 86 countries Double Taxation Agreements with 78 countries Customs Union with the EU Free Trade Agreements with 19 countries Improving investment climate : Moving target for the government since 2002 • Streamlining procedures for investments and eliminating administrative and bureaucratic hurdles in line with changing priorities and needs of business • Political ownership • Making full use of public-private dialogue through permanent platforms (Coordination Council for Improvement of Investment Climate, Investment Advisory Council) Support Measures The New Investment Incentives Program Regional Investment Incentive Scheme - Customs Duty Exemption - VAT Exemption - Tax Deduction - Social Security Premium Support (Employer’s Share) - Land Allocation - Interest Support - Income Tax Withholding Allowance Support (In Region 6) - Social Security Premium Support (Employee’s Share) (In Region 6) Large Scale Investment Incentive Scheme - Customs Duty Exemption - VAT Exemption - Tax Deduction - Social Security Premium Support (Employer’s Share) - Land Allocation - Income Tax Withholding Allowance Support (In Region 6) - Social Security Premium Support (Employee’s Share) (In Region 6) Strategic Investment Incentive Scheme - Customs Duty Exemption - VAT Exemption - Tax Deduction - Social Security Premium Support (Employer’s Share) - Land Allocation General Investment Incentive Scheme - Customs Duty Exemption - VAT Exemption - Income Tax Withholding Allowance Support (In Region 6) - Interest Support - VAT Refund - Income Tax Withholding Allowance Support (In Region 6) - Social Security Premium Support (Employee’s Share) (In Region 6) 26 26 The New Investment Incentive Scheme 2 1 1 4 2 1 2 3 3 4 1 2 3 1 • • • • • • • • 5 3 5 2 3 4 1 5 2 5 3 3 5 4 2 5 4 5 3 4 5 5 6 V.A.T. Exemption (for the imported and domestically provided Machinery and Equipment) Customs Duty Exemption (for the imported Machinery and Equipment) Reduced Corporate Income Tax (C.I.T. between %2 - %10) Social Security Premium Support (Both Employer’s and Employee’s Share, for 2 – 12 years) Land Allocation Interest Support Income Tax Withholding Allowance VAT Refund for Construction Expenses 27 28 Turkey-China Bilateral Relations Turkey-China Trade Relations 1. Phase : A Remote Trade Partner Export-2000 : 96 Million US $ Import-2000 : 1,34 Billion US $ Volume : 1,44 Billion US $ Balance : 1,24 Billion US $ 2. Phase : Ever-increasing Trade Relations Export -2005 : 550 Million US $ Import-2005 : 6,88 Billion US $ Volume : 7,43 Billion US $ Balance : 6,33 Billion US $ 3. Phase : One of the Main Trade Partners Export-2010 : 2,26 Million US $ Import-2010 : 17,18 Million US $ Volume : 19,44 Million US $ Balance : 14,92 Million US $ Million US Dollar Change (%) 2010 2011 2012 2013 2011-2012 2012-2013 Export 2,269 2,466 2,833 3,602 15% 27% Import 17,180 21,693 21,295 24,686 -2% 16% Volume 19,450 24,160 24,129 28,289 0% 17% Deficit -14,911 -19,227 -18,462 -21,084 -4% 14% Turkey’s Export to China (The first 10 product (million US $) groups) HS CODE TOTAL 2009 2010 2011 2012 1.599,1 2.259,8 2.467,0 2.833,4 PRODUCT NAME All products 2515 Marble, travertine, ecaussine etc, 350,6 589,6 630,6 779,9 2610 Chromium ores and concentrates 236,6 414,8 385,5 360,4 2603 Copper ores and concentrates 234,0 273,3 193,0 267,6 2840 Borates; peroxoborates (perborates) 124,4 165,3 233,7 231,4 2607 Lead ores and concentrates 16,0 56,5 80,0 102,6 2528 Natural borates & concentrates; natural boric acid not more than 85% h 42,4 73,2 90,3 82,9 2616 Precious-metal ores and concentrates 0,1 0,6 0,5 63,8 2608 Zinc ores and concentrates 36,6 54,3 43,1 62,9 2810 Oxides of boron; boric acids 20,1 48,8 58,7 38,6 5501 Synthetic filament tow 21,8 32,7 36,8 37,9 30 Turkey’s Imports from China (The first 10 product groups) HS CODE PRODUCT NAME TOTAL All products (million US $) 2009 2010 2011 2012 12.676,6 17.180,0 21.692,0 21.295,0 886,9 977,8 1.481,2 1.651,3 1.232,9 1.433,7 1.492,7 1.612,8 474,8 583,9 602,0 495,7 40,3 49,0 71,8 468,3 8517 Electric app for line telephony,incl curr line system 8471 Automatic data processing machines;optical reader, etc 8531 Electric sound/visual signallg app (e.g. bell/siren, fire alarms) 8529 Parts for television, radio and radar apparatus 5402 Synthetic filam yarn, not put up 179,3 253,3 333,0 438,7 8502 Electric generating sets and rotary converters 118,4 395,2 116,9 354,2 9503 Other toys; scale model (puzzles of all kinds, stuffed toys, electric t 178,4 263,8 390,6 338,4 8414 Air/vacuum pumps, air/other gas compressors & fans 129,8 189,2 256,8 307,5 8504 Electric transformers, static converters & inductors 161,7 211,6 276,2 261,4 8443 Printing machinery; machines for uses ancillary to printing 164,4 237,1 275,7 258,9 31 FAVOURABLE SECTORS FOR BILATERAL COMMERCIAL AND INVESTMENT RELATIONS TELE ENERGY TRANSPORTATION MINING AUTOMOTIVE & AUTOPARTS INDUSTRIES CONSTRUCTION IT & SOFTWARE IRON & STEEL NATURAL & PRECIOUS STONES FURNITURE LEATHER ARTICLES TEXTILE MACHINE & EQUIPMENT AGRICULTURE COMMUNICATION TOURISM 32 Turkey-China Economic Relations MAIN GOAL: Deepened Commercial and Economic Cooperation Sustainable Relations Strategic Partnership - Sustainable and Mutually Beneficial Trade Relations - Consolidation of Relations Through Economic Cooperation * Reciprocal Investments * Reciprocal Investments to State Bonds * Strengthening Financial Cooperation * Improving relations in the banking sectors and opening branches * Cooperation in the 3rd countries in the contracting sector * Cooperation in the infrastructure projects Sectoral Cooperation (energy, transportation, telecomunication etc. ) * Cooperation in the fields of Energy and Transportation * Cooperation in tourism - Improvement of cooperation in the regional and multilateral platforms 33 Political Determination -Xi Jingping, Vice President of PRC, Turkey visit in February 2012 * Official Meetings and Business Forum * Important Agreements - R. Tayyip Erdoğan, Prime Minister of Turkey, China visit in April 2012 * Offical Meetings, Business Forum, Investment Forum * Important Agreements -Important Agreements * Financial Technical Cooperation Agreement * Swap Agreement * Protocol on Banking Cooperation * Tobacco Protocol * Letter of Intent for Nuclear Cooperation * Agreement on Food Safety 34 THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION ! 35