Lexie Conner Theatre 395 Long Syllabus Class: Acting 1 Acting 1 is designed to: Teach students about the basics of acting as well as have them develop an appreciation for being on stage and what it takes to put a production together. Units: 1. Basic Movement 2. Using a Stage Voice 3. Improvisation 4. Acting with a Partner 5. Researching a character 6. Auditioning 7. Beginning Combat Requirements: 1. Quiz over each unit a. Each quiz will have 10 questions on Vocabulary and 10 questions on general information from the unit. 2. 3 Monologues throughout the semester (1 for midterm) 3. Participation in class 4. 2 Partner or Group Scenes (1 for final) 5. Mock Audition 6. Service Project, helping in some area of the current show being put together 7. Extra Credit for being in shows Plays to be read, discussed, and each one will have a quiz 1. Arsenic and Old Lace 2. Almost Maine 3. The Crucible Clothing: Students may wear whatever they would like to unless otherwise instructed. Be prepared to have an outfit for acting that is easy to move in. Attendance: Students are expected to be in class everyday unless: 1. You are ill 2. Death in the family 3. Field Trip for another class With each of these, you must have a written note from your doctor, parents, or other teachers, by the next class period. Grading Scale: 100—90 A 89—80 B 79—70 C 69—60 D 59-below F Semester Begins on August 20th and ends on December 14th, 2012 Week 1: August 20th—August 24th Monday: Introduction of teacher and class; go over syllabus and what is expected of the students throughout the semester. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday: Work through Unit 1 on Basic Movement Friday: Take quiz on Basic Movement; Hand out Arsenic and Old Lace Homework: Read first act of Arsenic and Old Lace by Wednesday before class Week 2: August 27th—August 31st Monday: Begin Unit 2 on Stage Voice Tuesday: Spend time on the stage practicing projection Wednesday: Discuss first act of A&OL Homework--Read second act of A&OL by Tuesday before class Thursday: Review Unit 2 Friday: Quiz of Unit 2; More time practicing on the stage with voice Week 3: September 3rd—September 7th Monday: Labor Day—No School Tuesday: Discuss second act of A&OL; hand out first monologues; discuss service projects for the current show Homework—Finish A&OL by Friday before class Wednesday and Thursday: Practice monologues in class (some with me, some with a partner or group, and some on your own) Friday: Discuss the rest of A&OL; Use rest of class period to practice monologues Homework—practice monologues to be performed Monday and Tuesday Week 4: September 10th—September 14th Monday and Tuesday: Perform monologues in front of class for a grade. Looking for projection such as what we worked on in Unit 2 and showing that you have begun to learn how to be comfortable on stage from the movement we worked on and talked about in Unit 1. Wednesday: Quiz over Arsenic and Old Lace Thursday and Friday: Watch Arsenic and Old Lace Week 5: September 17th—September 21st Monday: Start Unit 3 Tuesday and Wednesday: Auditorium day for Improv games (Dr. Know-It-All; Freeze; etc.) Thursday: Review Unit 3 Friday: Unit 3 Quiz; Begin Unit 4 on Partner Acting Week 6: September 24th—September 28th Monday: Move on to more advanced Improv Tuesday: Handout first partner scenes Wednesday: More advanced Improv games Thursday: TBA Friday: Rehearse scenes in class Week 7: October 1st—October 5th Monday: Rehearse scenes in class Tuesday and Wednesday: Working through Unit 4 Thursday: Review Day; Rehearse in class Friday: Unit 4 quiz; Begin looking at scenes for feedback Week 8: October 8th—October 12th Monday: Continue to look at scenes for feedback Tuesday: Rehearse scenes Wednesday: Begin Unit 5 on researching a character Thursday: Students will begin to write a short character analysis of their favorite movie or TV character. When finished we will discuss. Friday: Rehearse scenes Looking at scenes for a grade will begin on Monday Week 9: October 15th—October 19th Monday and Tuesday: Look at scenes for a grade Wednesday: Continue with Unit 5 For homework: write a character analysis for a character from Arsenic and Old Lace Thursday: Turn in homework; Review of Unit 5 Friday: Quiz from Unit 5; hand out Almost Maine Homework: read First Act of Almost Maine for Wednesday Week 10: October 22nd—October 26th Monday and Tuesday: Fall Break: No School Wednesday: Discuss First Act of Almost Maine Homework: Read the rest of Almost Maine for Friday Thursday: Hand out second monologue; begin rehearsing Friday: Discuss the rest of Almost Maine; review entire show for quiz on Monday Week 11: October 29th—November 2nd Monday: Quiz over Almost Maine; rehearse monologues Tuesday: Rehearse monologues Wednesday and Thursday: Perform monologues for a grade Friday: Begin Unit 6 on Auditioning Week 12: November 5th—November 9th Monday: Continue with Unit 6 Tuesday: Choose one of the two past monologues for our mock audition; begin rehearsing Wednesday: Watch a few good auditions and bad auditions (youtube/ I will show you myself!); sign up for order of mock audition Thursday: Begin mock auditions Friday: Continue mock auditions You will “audition” just for me and when you are finished you and I will quickly discuss the good things and the things that can be improved for next time. Week 13: November 12th—November 16th Monday: Spend day helping build set for the upcoming production Tuesday: Handout final monologue; sort through costumes for upcoming production Wednesday and Thursday: Rehearsal days for monologues Friday: Handout The Crucible; Begin seeing monologues for a grade Homework: read first act of The Crucible for Tuesday Week 14: November 19th—November 23rd Monday: Finish monologues for a grade; handout final partner scenes Tuesday: Discuss Act 1 of The Crucible Homework: Finish The Crucible for next Monday Wednesday: rehearse partner scenes Thursday and Friday: Thanksgiving Break; No School Week 15: November 26th—November 30th Monday: Discuss the rest of The Crucible; review for quiz Tuesday Tuesday: Quiz over The Crucible; rehearse partner scenes Wednesday and Thursday: Watch The Crucible Friday: Unit 7 over Stage Combat Week 16: December 3rd—December 7th Monday: In Auditorium working on Stage Combat Tuesday: rehearse partner scenes Wednesday—Friday: Perform partner scenes for a grade End of Semester