Thanksgiving 2013 Praise Service and Love Offering Dear New Hope Church Family, Warm fall greetings and encouragement to everyone as we begin to prepare our hearts for the wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday soon to come. As Christians we have double reason to be filled with thankfulness; first for the gift of salvation and forgiveness of sin through our Lord Jesus Christ, and then for the gift and privilege of living in America, a noble and unique country even with its flaws and shortcomings. Thanksgiving Eve Praise Celebration Wednesday, November 27, 7:30 p.m. Giving thanks is a wonderful family tradition at New Hope Church, an opportunity for young and old to publicly speak words of thanks to the Lord. Thanksgiving always ends up being a choice, an attitude of our heart no matter what circumstances we may experience. So at NHC we have chosen to set aside an hour on Thanksgiving Eve to declare our thanks before one another and express our thankfulness through a special offering to the Lord. As always, there will be open microphones from the floor for vertical praise and thanks to God and encouragement to one another. Start a tradition. Maintain a tradition. Very informal. Our celebration of thanks begins at 7:30 p.m., Thanksgiving Eve. 2013 Thanksgiving Love Offering Partners Mercy House, Kenya For 23 years we have joyfully shared 50% of our total Thanksgiving Love Offering with a worthy Christ honoring ministry to those in great need somewhere around the world. Every year we are blessed to be a blessing in this way. This year we are humbly honored to partner with a quiet, direct ministry in Kenya, Africa, serving as a refuge for women who are victims of the tyranny of sex exploitation. Mercy House provides refuge and alternative options for young girls and women who have become pregnant as the result of the bondage of forced sex trafficking. Through our generous gifts we will enable victims of forced prostitution to find freedom, and help preserve the babies within their wombs that are otherwise aborted at a 90% rate. Mercy House is a local facility in the Mathare Valley of Kenya. The administrative, hands on leadership of Rehema House (Swahili for “mercy”) is conducted by committed African Christians. The vision and funding for Mercy House is led by Terrell and Kristen Welch of Spring, Texas, as an outgrowth of their personal ministry trips to Africa for the cause and in the name of Jesus. The Mercy House doctrinal statement, purpose and history of ministry is completely consistent with the Christ loving, Gospel centered, people serving mission of New Hope Church. How to Give Perhaps this can be our largest Thanksgiving Love Offering ever! Special envelopes are provided in this mailing for our extra giving in addition to regular tithes and offerings for ongoing ministry. Special designation can also be made on regular offering envelopes or through online e-giving. Simply stipulate your extra giving “Thanksgiving ’13.” Special gifts will be received throughout the month of November and on Thanksgiving Eve, concluding Sunday, December 8. Joyfully, together with the Elder Leadership Team, Pastor Steve