Reading Schedule for Period 1 Seniors, Class of 2014! Monday

Reading Schedule for Period 1 Seniors, Class of 2014!
October 2013
Sept. 30 begin Renaissance (14851660)
Oct. 2: Research essays due. Begin
Macbeth, by William Shakespeare.
Oct. 7: Macbeth act 1 quiz
Renaissance poetry: “Astrophyl and
Stella” Sir Philip Sydney
Oct. 14: Gulliver’s Travels, by
Jonathan Swift and Areopagitica, by
John Milton due. Macbeth act 3
quiz. discussion
Oct. 21: Senior Breakfast!
Oct. 9: Macbeth act 2 quiz
“labyrinth” by Mary Wroth
Oct. 28: .quiz on 1st half of
Areopagitica (approx. 30pgs)
selected John Donne poetry.
Oct. 4: Trivia Competition (review
and SAT prep.)
Money due for Romeo and Juliet
extra credit event.
Oct. 11: No School.
Romeo and Juliet film @ Pasadena
Archlight cinemas on Colorado ave.
Oct. 16: Macbeth act 4 quiz
Queen Elizabeth poetry
Oct. 18: Trivia Competition (review
and SAT prep.)
Oct. 23: Macbeth act 5 quiz
“Out Out” by Robert Frost (poem
Oct. 30: quiz on 2nd half of
Areopagitica. Discussion. Wrap up
Renaissance unit. (Socratic
seminar/fishbowl discussion) In class
essays/SAT prep.
Oct. 25: Wrap up Macbeth, begin
Areopagitica, by John Milton;
Nov. 1: Trivia Competition (review
and SAT prep.)
November 2013
Nov. 4: Intro. to The Restoration
period (1660-1785); and Gulliver’s
Travels, by Jonathan Swift.
Nov. 11: no School
Nov. 18: Dracula, by Bram Stoker
due; Gulliver’s Travels quiz (pt3: ch.
1-6). Restoration period poetry
Nov. 25: No school
Nov. 6: Gulliver’s Travels quiz (ch.1ch.5); “A Modest Proposal,” by
Jonathan Swift
Nov. 13: Gulliver’s Travels quiz (ch. 6- pt
2: ch 8, or the end of pt2); Alexander
Pope “The Rape of the Lock”
Nov. 20: Gulliver’s Travels quiz (pt3:
Discussion. Wrap up Restoration unit
Nov. 27: no school
Nov. 8: Trivia Competition
Nov. 15: Trivia Competition
Nov. 22: Trivia Competition
Nov. 29: no school
December 2013
Dec. 2 Introduce Romanticism
(1798-1832); begin Dracula, by
Bram Stoker
Dec. 9: Dracula quiz (ch.6-11); Edgar
Allen Poe poetry: “Annabel Lee”
(American). Discussion
Dec. 16: Dracula quiz (ch. 17-21);
Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley due.
Dec. 4: Dracula quiz (ch.1-5); poetry
by William Blake: “Tyger, Tyger”
Dec. 6: Trivia Competition
Dec. 11: Dracula quiz (ch. 12-16).
Dec. 13: Trivia Competition
Dec. 18: Dracula quiz (ch. 22-end).
Dec. 20: no school
Reading Schedule for Period 1 Seniors, Class of 2014!
January 2014
Jan. 13: Refresh Romanticism; begin
Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
Jan. 20: No school
Jan. 27: Frankenstein quiz (ch. 17end). Discussion
Jan. 15: Frankenstein quiz (ch. 1-5);
The Picture of Dorian Gray due.
Nathaniel Hawthorne short Story :
“Young Goodman Brown”
Jan. 22: Frankenstein quiz (ch. 6-16)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge poetry:
“The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”
Jan. 29: /wrap up Romanticism.
Jan. 17: Trivia Competition
Feb. 5: Dorian Gray quiz (ch. 1-5);
Robert Browning poetry:
“Porphyria’s Lover,” Emerson: “Self
Feb. 12: Dorian Gray quiz (ch. 1216); Charles Dickens: “A Visit to
Newgate Prison”
Feb. 7: Trivia Competition
Jan. 24: Trivia Competition
Jan. 31: Trivia Competition
February 2014
Feb. 3: Introduce Victorian age
(1832-1901). Begin The Picture
of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde
Feb. 10: Dorian Gray quiz (ch. 6-11);
“The Lady of Shallot” by Alfred Lord
Tennyson; Thoreau: “Civil
Feb. 17: No school
Feb. 24: Wrap up Victorian unit.
HW: Read excerpt from Thomas
More’s Utopia (circa 1516 CE)
Feb. 19: Dorian Gray quiz (ch. 17end). 1984, by George Orwell due.
Feb. 26: no school
Feb. 14: Trivia Competition.
HW: Read: excerpt from “Critique of
Judgment: Analytic of the Beautiful”
by Immanuel Kant
Feb. 21: Trivia Competition
Feb. 28: no school
March 2014
Mar. 3: Begin Modern Lit. (19011950): Unit/Dystopia unit
Mar. 10: 1984 quiz (ch. 4-6).
Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury
and Brave New World, by Aldous
Huxley due.
Mar. 17: 1984 quiz (ch. 4-7); Octavio
paz poetry
Mar. 24: 1984 quiz (ch. 4-end).
“Shooting an Elephant,” by George
Mar. 31: Fahrenheit 451 (American)
Mar. 5: 1984 quiz (ch. 1-3)
Mar. 7: Trivia Competition
Mar. 12: 1984 quiz (ch. 7-pt2, ch. 3);
“Life on Mars” Short story by
Geoffrey A. Landis
Mar. 14: Trivia Competition
Mar. 19: 1984 quiz (ch. 8- pt3, ch. 3)
Mar. 21: Trivia Competition
Mar. 26: Discussion. WWII speeches
(Winston Churchill)
Mar. 28: Trivia Competition
Possible trip to Holocaust Museum…
Reading Schedule for Period 1 Seniors, Class of 2014!
April 2014
Mar. 31
Apr. 7: Fahrenheit 451 quiz (section
2: “The Sieve and the Sand”)
Apr. 14: no school
Apr. 21:Brave New World test
(probably an in class essay).
The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath due
Apr. 28: Holocaust reading (Wiesel?)
Discuss steps of
May 2014
May 5:shortened day (2pm).
Feminism. Simone de Beauvoir,
“The Second Sex: Chapter 28: Myth
and Reality”
May 12: The Bell Jar quiz (ch. 1-4)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman, “The
Yellow Wallpaper”
May 19: The Bell jar quiz (ch. 10-14).
Poetry by Ted Hughes (Sylvia’s
May 26: No school
Apr. 2: Fahrenheit 451 quiz (section
1: “The Hearth and the
Apr. 9: Fahrenheit 451 quiz (section
3: “Burning Bright”)
Introduce Brave New World, by
Aldous Huxley
Apr. 16: no school
Apr. 23: Introduce Social Justice
research project (will have
community outreach, research, and
components). Due last week of May.
Discussion of literature
Apr. 30: Intro to new unit:
Contemporary literature (civil rights
Apr. 4: Trivia Competition
May 7: Shortened day (2pm) into.
To The Bell Jar/Sylvia Plath
May 9: Trivia Competition
May 14: The Bell Jar quiz (ch. 5-9).
Investigate injustices done to the
insane in CA. Read: “Jonny Panic
and the Bible of Dreams,” by Sylvia
May 21: The Bell Jar quiz (ch. 15end) Discussion. Wrap up unit.
May 16: Trivia Competition
(invitations to Social Injustices
Symposium sent out by today)
May 28: Practice presentations for
Social Justices Symposium
Apr. 11:Wrap up discussion for
Fahrenheit 451. Introduce Brave
New World.
Spring Break HW: Read Brave New
Apr. 18: no school
Apr. 25: Trivia Competition
May 2: Shortened day (2pm) Trivia
May 23: Social Injustices Project
due. (brochures ready, research
done, poster done)
May 30: Social Justice Symposium!
After school. Time TBA (shooting for
Reading List and due dates for honors seniors, period 1 (MWF):
The following novels are due on the date specified within the parentheses. You must bring the novel to class on that date
to get credit for having acquired the novel on time. Thank you.
The Middle Ages (495AD-1485AD): The Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, by The Gawain Poet (due: 9/9/13)
Renaissance (1485-1660): Macbeth, by William Shakespeare (due: 9/25/13)
Areopagitica, by John Milton (due: 10/14/13)
Restoration (1660-1785): Gulliver’s Travels, by Jonathan Swift (due: 10/14/13)
Romanticism (1798-1832): Dracula, by Bram Stoker (due: 11/18/13), and Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley
(due: 12/16/13)
Victorians (1832-1901): The Picture of Dorian Gray, by Oscar Wilde (due: 1/15/14)
Emerging Modernism (1901-1950): 1984, by George Orwell (due: 2/19/14). Fahrenheit 451, by Ray Bradbury, and Brave New
World, by Aldous Huxley (due: 3/10/14)
Contemporary Literature (1950-present): The Bell Jar, by Sylvia Plath (due: 4/21/14)