Neuromuscular Disease 神经系统疾病 Topic 2. The cranial nerves


Neuromuscular Disease(1)

Neurological Examination Infections of the CNS

Department of Pediatrics

Soochow University Affiliated Children’s Hospital

Neuromuscular Disease


Section 1.

Neurological Examination (P123)

Main contents: four divisions





Introduce the general examination of neurological system.

Introduce the examination of the cranial nerves.

Emphasize the motor examination.

Introduce the sensory examination.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

1.1 level of consciousness

consciousness unconsciousness:

□sleepy (drowsy).

□stupor (lethargy).


complicating abnormal mental condition



Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

1.2 head

□head shape, head circumference

microcephaly. hydrocephalus.

cephalus quadratus.

malformation of CNS



a bulging fontanelle is indicative of raised intracranial pressure.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

a bulging fontanelle is indicative of raised intracranial pressure.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

1.3 Skin: neurocutaneous stigmata neurofibromatosis tuberous sclerosis

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. General examination

The general examination of neurological system emphasize:

□level of consciousness.



Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves













first cranial nerve (olfactory nerve).

second nerve (optical nerve).

third nerve (oculomotor nerve).

fourth nerve (trochlear nerve).

fifth nerve (trigeminal nerve).

sixth nerve (abducent nerve).

seventh nerve (facial nerve). eighth nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve). ninth nerve (glossopharyngeal nerve).

tenth nerve (vagus nerve). eleventh nerve (accessory nerve). twelfth nerve (hypoglossal nerve).

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves base of skull Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The first cranial nerve (olfactory nerve)

□ rarely examined in children.

□ assessed by using smelling agents (e.g. cigarette, soap).

□ possible by asking direct questions about the child’s sense of smell.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The second nerve (optical nerve)

□vision: testing by covering one eye and asking the older child to read picture cards.

□visual field: using a small toy or finger with the child focusing on your nose.

□fundus of eye: testing by funduscopy.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves third nerve (oculomotor nerve) fourth nerve (trochlear nerve) sixth nerve (abducent nerve)

□testing three pair of nerves together.

□steadying the child’s head while asking him to follow with his eyes a bright object or finger traversing a large ‘H’.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The fifth nerve (trigeminal nerve)

□ motor component: requires the child to push his jaw against your hand.

□ motor component lesion: drawing of the jaw to the abnormal side on gaping.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The fifth nerve (trigeminal nerve)

□sensory component:

 asking the child to close his eyes and say ‘yes’ every time

 you touch the three divisions

 (ophthalmic, maxillary and mandibular).

□the corneal reflex test.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The seventh nerve (facial nerve) seventh-nerve palsy

□facial asymmetry with loss of nasolabial folds and drawing of the face to the normal side.

□the child shouldn’t be able to blow out the cheeks and close the mouth tightly.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The seventh nerve(facial nerve) seventh-nerve palsy

□lower motor neuron lesion: loss of the forehead creases; the child doesn’t close the eye tightly.

□upper motor neuron lesion: preservation of the forehead creases; the child should be able to close the eye tightly.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The eighth nerve

(vestibulocochlear nerve)

□checked by direct questions relating to hearing.

□around 3~4 months of age: the child should be able to turn head to sound source, and smile with sweet sounding.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves ninth nerve (glossopharyngeal nerve) tenth nerve (vagus nerve)

□functioning normally: the uvula rises symmetrically when the child says ‘aah’.

□the nerves lesion: the uvula rises asymmetrically when the child says ‘aah’.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The eleventh nerve (accessory nerve) eleventh nerve lesion the child doesn’t raise his shoulders and push his head against resistance.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

The twelfth nerve (hypoglossal nerve)

□asking the child to protrude and waggle the tongue from side to side.

□the nerves lesion: drawing of the tongue to the abnormal side on protruding.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. The cranial nerves

Nerve test (Cranial nerve assessment in infants)

Ⅱ not tested. blinks to bright light; appears to fix/follow(3+months).

Ⅲ Ⅵ assess highlights on pupils for squint; abnormal position of globe.

Ⅻ corneal reflexes; sucking movements.

Ⅺ facial asymmetry especially while crying.

Ⅷ startles to sound; quietens with soothing.

Ⅸ Ⅹ gag reflex.

not tested.

tongue movement.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Motor examination

3.1 Muscle tone

□assessed by observing osture and moving joints.

□Hypotonicity: a frog-leg; floppy posture.

□Spasticity: increased tone that relaxes suddenly (clasp-knife).

□Rigidity: constant resistance to passive movement.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Motor examination

3.2 Muscle power: assessed by inviting the child to perform some functions against resistance.

Power Observation (Grading of muscle power from 0 to 5)

0 No power.

1 Barely perceptible power without gravity removed horizontally.

2 Movement with gravity removed horizontally doesn’t overcome gravity (e.g. lift off the bed) .

3 Movement just overcomes gravity.

4 Movement against gravity and some resistance.

5 Normal power.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Motor examination

3.3 Reflexes

□assessed by using a finger in neonates; a small hammer in older hildren

(knee reflex test).

□Plantar reflexes are not downgoing until the child is walking.

□Pathologic reflexe: Babinski sign.

Neuromuscular Disease


inborn reflex

Sucking reflex Moro reflex

Rooting reflex

Grasp reflex

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Motor examination

3.4 Mobility and gait (e.g. cerebral palsy)

□writhing actions (athetosis).

□abnormal movements (scissors gait).

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Motor examination

3.5 Speech

□speech sometimes affected in motor disorders.

□cerebellar abnormalities:

1) poor coordination.

2) intention tremor.

3) dysdiadochokinesia.

4) pendular nystagmus.

5) hypotonia.

6) staccato speech.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Sensory examination

Sensory assessment often proves the most difficult part of the neurological examination.

4.1 superficial sensation

□ pain sensation: tested with a needle to assess.

□ touch sensation: tested with a piece of cotton.

□ temperature sensation: using warm and cold tubes.

by asking the child to identify sensation of the skin.

4.2 deep sensation

□ vibration sense: tested with a tuning fork.

□ position sense: by asking the child to identify positions of the thumbs and big toes with the eyes closed.

Neuromuscular Disease


Section 2.

Infections of the CNS (p128)

Neuromuscular Disease


Section 2.

Infections of the CNS (p128)

Main contents: four divisions

1.bacterial meningitis the causes, clinical features, complication, diagnosis and management.


the causes and clinical features.

3.viral meningitis the clinical features.

4.brain abscess the clinical features.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.1 The microbiological cause

Neonatal period or less than

2 months

□Group B streptococci

□Gram-negative bacilli


□Listeria monocytogenes

□Haemophilus influenzae

Children (exceed 2 months)

□Neisseria meningitides

□Haemophilus influenzae

□Streptococcus pneumoniae if immunosuppressed

□Gram-negative bacilli


Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.2 Risk factor


□the immunosuppressed.

□cranial or spinal defects.

□CSF leak.

□penetrating trauma.

□ventricular shunt.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.3 Clinical features : symptoms

□ there may be a preceding URI (upper respiratory infection) for a few days.

□ a fever.

□ poor feeding.

□ photophobia.

□ vomiting.

□ convulsion (up to 25% of these patients).

□ irritability.

□ drowsiness.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.3 clinical features: signs

Meningeal irritation sign:

1) neck stiffness.

2) Kernig’s sign.

3) Brudzinki’s sign.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.3 clinical features: signs

□Meningeal irritation sign

(neck stiffness, Kernig’s sign, Brudzinki’s sign)

□A bulging fontanelle is indicative of raised intracranial pressure.

(meningeal irritation sign are often absent in infants).

□Focal neurological signs

(palsy, aphasia).

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.3 clinical features: meningococcaemia

□often rapidly progressive over a few hours.

□fulminating septicaemia, shock and DIC

(disseminated intravascular coagulation).

□a purpuric rash in a toxic child.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.4 Complication

□subdural effusions

(due to resistant organisms or inadequate treatment).



□SIADH (inappropriate ADH secretion):

Hyponatraemia and a hypo-osmolar state.

□cranial nerve lesion.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

Subdural effusions normal

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis ependymitis normal

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

Hydrocephalus normal

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.5 The diagnosis

Examination of the CSF (cerebrospinal fluid)

□an increase in WBC 、 neutrophil and protein.

□a decrease in CSF glucose.

□a Gram stain: help to identify of pathogens.

□rapid bacterial antigen detection: help to identify the organism.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.5 The diagnosis

The lumbar puncture is avoided:

□severe raised intracranial pressure.

□severe cardiorespiratory compromise.

□fulminant meningococcaemia with a typical rash and rapidly progressive course.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.5 The diagnosis

Other methods help to identify of pathogens

□several blood cultures.

□nasopharyngeal swabs cultures.

□purpuric rash skin scrapings.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.6 management

□ before identification of the organism: employing thirdgeneration cephalosporins such as cefotaxime or ceftriaxone.

□ after identification of the organism: antibiotics have been given according to the causative organism.

□ other management: mannitol and Dex. for brain edema.

supportive methods.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 1. Bacterial meningitis

1.7 Long-term sequelae

□deafness (up to 30%).

□reduced vision.


□neurodevelopmental delay.

□mental retardation.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis a diffuse infection of the brain parenchyma.

2.1 Causes of encephalitis



□herpes (simplex, varicella)




□HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Viruses).

□sometimes with toxoplasma, mycobacteria and mycoplasma.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis

2.2 clinical features

□The disease:

1)mild and self-limiting (enteroviruses).

2)severe and rapidly progressive (herpes, mycoplasma).

□symptoms: fever. headache. vomiting. sometimes seizures. hallucination. photophobia. a nonspecific erythematous rash.

□signs: altered consciousness (drowsy, stupor, coma).

neck stiffness.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis

2.3 The diagnosis

□The CSF shows :

1) normal or increase in white cells.

2) normal or mild increase in protein.

3) normal in CSF glucose.

□EEG (electroencephalogram).

□CT or MRI scanning.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis

EEG: normal abnormal

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis

MRI: viral encephalitis normal

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 2. Encephalitis

2.4 management

□specific antimicrobial drugs:

1) aciclovir is the drug of choice with herpes infection.

2) treatment mycoplasma.

□control complications:

1) control raised intracranial pressure (mannitol and Dex. for brain edema).

2) control seizures.

□supportive methods.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Viral meningitis

3.1 Causes of Viral meningitis

□enteroviruses (80%).




Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Viral meningitis

3.2 clinical features


1) a nonspecific febrile illness.

2) headache.

3) vomiting.

4) seizure.


1) altered consciousness (drowsy, stupor, coma).

2) neck stiffness.

3) focal neurological signs (palsy, aphasia).

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 3. Viral meningitis

3.3 The diagnosis

The CSF shows :

□normal or increase in white cells.

□normal or mild increase in protein.

□normal in CSF glucose.

□viruses can sometimes be isolated from the CSF.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Brain abscess

4.1 Causative agents

□Staphylococcus aureus.


□Gram-negative bacilli.


□Fungi (occasionally).

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Brain abscess

4.3 clinical features

1) fever.

2) headaches.

3) vomiting.

4) seizure.

5) focal neurological signs.

6) lethargy. coma.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Brain abscess

4.4 The diagnosis

□CT or MRI scanning the diagnosis is confirmed.

□A lumbar puncture is avoided because of the significant risk of cerebellar herniation.

Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Brain abscess


Neuromuscular Disease


Topic 4. Brain abscess

4.5 management

□Treatment involves: combination antibiotics in high dose.

□Surgical aspiration indication:

1) multilocular abscess.

2) fungal abscess.

3) gas formation.

4) significantly raised intracranial pressure.

Neuromuscular Disease



□What important features whould you cheak on the general examination of neurological system ?

□What are complications of bacterial meningitis?

□What are clinical features of viral meningitis?

Neuromuscular Disease


Neuromuscular Disease

