Best Practices or Emerging Practices in the Nation/UW Colleges BEST PRACTICES An excellent summary of reported national Best Practices can be found in MDRC’s Unlocking the Gate: What we know about improving Developmental Education (2011). This document not only summarizes the reports of others, but attempts to identify those practices for which there is significant data available to consider them as true Best Practices. In this reports initiatives aimed at improving the success of developmental students are clustered into four areas: avoidance of Dev Ed; acceleration through Dev Ed to college-level; contextualization of basic skills; and support for Dev Ed students outside of the classroom. The report concludes that the most promising strategies include contextualization of Dev Ed by linking it to training or college-level courses and programs that compress the time frame that students spend in Developmental Education, such as mainstreaming or modularization, show the most promise. Another strategy the report deems promising involves the early assessment of high school students followed by programming to help those students performing poorly to up-grade their skills; this strategy is an example of the Avoidance of Dev Ed category mentioned above. The use of technology linked with acceleration and/or modularization was reported to have some potential for improving student success as measured by course completion and progress into college-level courses; the efficacy of the use of technology alone has yet to be demonstrated. A more recent initiative that deserves mention here is the Mathway initiative launched by the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching in partnership with the Dana Center. This initiative focuses on curricular transformation with the aim of shortening the length of time students spend in Developmental Math. Innovative pedagogy and redesigned math pathways are the earmarks of Quantway and Statway, which take students through Dev Ed math and college-level quantitative analysis or statistics, respectively, in a single year. A recent report from the Carnegie Foundation, providing analyses of results to-date for both programs, suggests that this approach has great promise. 52% of students participating in Statway in 2012-2013 completed the collegelevel course in one year, vs. 5.9% of students in the same institutions who did not participate in Statway. 52% of students participating in Quantway completed the college-level course in one year vs. 20.6% of non-Quantway students in the same institution. It should be noted that while Mathway could certainly be considered a promising practice, it requires institutions to accept the premise that statistics and quantitative analysis are appropriate math endpoints for college-students vs the endpoint of a calculus-based pathway. National Practice General Examples Specific Examples Trends We need to find national best practices for placement of dev. Math students UW Colleges (campuses) UW Manitowoc and UW Washington Co. Early College High School: integrates HS with first two years of college (many funded by the Gates Students earn more credits, more likely to persist, decrease in need for remediation Positive trends; 75% of 2007 students earn some college credit Summer placement test prep courses; active communication between math faculty and student affairs at the beginning of the year to identify misplaced students. UW Marathon Inclusion of faculty in summer registration UW Waukesha Work with local high schools to improve math readiness selfassessment; Also uses an improved placement protocol to allow multiple options for students beginning in MAT091. (this data from G. Nettesheim’s access to success preliminary data and J. Miller’s program report) College Now (Kingsborough CC,NY): allows students to take dev ed courses while still in HS, normally take placement test; Practice UW Manitowoc Summer refresher courses to allow students. UW Marathon Refresher course offered to improve placement into first math course. UW Washington Co. Summer refresher courses prior to math placement test. Description Stats Foundation) Early Assessment Program (California) tests juniors can take concrete steps as seniors to improve score Less likely to need developmental math (fairly rigorous assessment) On-campus classes in summer Fast-track (compressed courses) screening process, available to higherassessing students self-paced courses through modularization Mountain Empire CC: 2 levels Dev Ed each in half a semester Univ of Maryland take accel dev ed first 5 weeks and then retake placement MathMyWay (Foothill) Improvement in study skills and college math and reading readiness (Texas) (descriptive statistics) Passed and persisted at higher rates Nearly all moved on to college level UW Baraboo Combined 090/091 in one semester. UW Barron Combined 090/091 in one semester (requiring ALEKS) Combined 091/105 in one semester Combined 090/091 course in one semester; accelerated/blended 105 and 110 in any term UW Fond du Lac UW Fox Valley 20% higher pass rate in collegelevel math Increased retention, UW Manitowoc Accelerated 091/10; Both are 8 week courses (courses are also offered in summer in an Goal is to allow a student to complete the firstyear curriculum in one year regardless of initial course placement Mainstreaming (with supplemental support) Yearlong Integrated Reading and Writing (SF state) Baltimore CC accelerated learning project in English (college-level course with extra hour) English course pass rates and level of reading comprehension UW Marathon UW Marinette Completed college-level courses, enrolled and completed additional English requirements and attempted college courses at a higher rate (controlled for pre-existing characteristics) accelerated format) Note: No MAT090 offered. Combined 091/105 course in one semester (uses ALEKS) Accelerated course formats in the summer and Winterim terms; Utilizing a Mastery based mathematics software (Hawkes Learning System) in an Emporium model with on-demand personalized assistance for MAT090, MAT091, and MAT105 UW Marshfield Accelerated course formats in summer and Winterim terms; Combined 091/105 using the Vertical Learning model (UW Waukesha) in a pilot in fall, 2013. UW Richland Combined 090/091 in one semester UW Rock Combined 091/105 in one semester; Uses a mastery-based computer software in an emporium model with on-demand personalized instructor assistance (Hawkes learning system); in MAT090, MAT091,and MAT105 (piloted MAT110 in Fall, 2013). Assessed; not rigorously (did not redesign all sections) UW Sheboygan Uses mastery-based computer software with on-demand personalized assistance in an emporium model (Hawkes learning system); all courses offer opportunity to accelerate through the math pathway to the core requirement (MAT110 piloted in this format in fall, 2013); utilizes 3 week LEA102 supplements for slower students in order to complete math course from previous semester; MANDATORY ATTENDANCE IN ALL HAWKES COURSES UW Washington Accelerated 091/105 courses (8 week courses); summer courses offered in an accelerated format; Note: No MAT090 offered. UW Waukesha Combined 091/105 (will be MAT103 in fall, 2014) Assessed; rigorously according to Best Practices; very good initial data; controlled for student motivation, individual differences (redesigned all dev. Courses); MAT090 2013 success rates increased by 10% in 2012 over campus avg.; improved by 15% in 2013 over campus avg.; 091 improved success rates 12% in 2012 and 2013 over campus avg.; transition rates; course performance in next course. Assessed; Not sure if in one semester using vertical learning model and ALEKS; Note: No MAT090 offered. Queensborough CC links Dev Ed math with college-level courses Kingsborough CC Dev Ed English, collegelevel course and student success course In general show increased persistence to next year, modest impacts on achievement. Some diminishment in difference s over time Increase in number of credits earned and progression through dev edMore likely to pass CUNY Eng assessment by end of 2nd rigorously assessed; not sure representative sampling used; researcher reporting very good results to date. semester qualifying them for college-level Contextualized learning in vocational programs (small group) peerled I-BEST (Integrated Basic Education and Skills Training; Washington State) Esl and occupational training More likely to advance to credit-bearing courses, persist, earn credits and improve basic skills. (statewide data) Breaking Through similar type program linking training to remediation Some positive outcomes like increase in college readiness No specific examples Little rigorous evidence of any (self-selection bias) Baraboo, Fox Valley, Manitowoc, UW Marathon, Rock County, Waukesha Professional tutors (Some are faculty donating time; some are Math Specialists) Most promising of types of tutoring, tutors must be trained Peer tutoring across the college These are students who are selected based on faculty recommendations and/or enrollment into advanced math classes and who have a high record of achievement in math courses; training provided by the respective learning centers; special training is conducted for those tutors who work with dev. Students. Lorain CC and Owens CC; mandatory meetings twice per semester with advisors (not only dev ed students) Mountain Empire Community College Beneficial for dev ed students chances in success in college-level math and transfer; no impact on course path rates, credit accumulation, GPA (??) Advising… Early Alert only on some campuses Advising Dev. Students Majority of academic advising accomplished by student affairs staff; approx. ½ of the campuses also use math instructional staff in providing advising. Most first year math students advising initiated by advisors; referral to learning centers mostly accomplished by instructional staff Most advising of dev. Students follow a typical pattern including 1 -2 meetings per year and up to 4 meetings per year is not uncommon. State of Florida (SI leader conducts additional session, knows Increase in pass rates, persistence and GPAs (data not strong at this point, numbers, structure of UW Baraboo Supplemental Instruction Specialized 1 credit LEC100 linked to sections of MAT105 and MAT110 what is happening in course) studies) Study done by CCRC; positive effects on persistence, degree earning and transfers; particularly for Dev Ed students UW Barron Daily peer tutoring in the learning center UW Fond du Lac LEC100 for students with Math Anxiety UW Fox Valley Places supplemental materials on the campus website, including videos and blackboard collaborate entries; designated developmental tutoring center UW Manitowoc LEC100 courses targeted for developmental students UW Marinette LEC100 targeted for students with math anxiety; targeted LEC100 for use of calculators across the curriculum. UW Richland Targeted LEC100 for students with math anxiety UW Sheboygan Special Winterim course for at-risk dev. Math students for a intensive review of basic arithmetic UW Waukesha Targeted LEC100 included in a learning community with dev. Math and dev. english (above data from G. Nettesheim’s access to success preliminary data) From earlier reports – most based on correlations with higher student outcomes Placement assessments: mandatory assessment and placement; prep opps Management/Admin: early enrollment in courses/req completion before entering college-level courses Pedagogy and Curriculum: active learning; PBL; contextualized learning; study skills; learning communities; computer-assisted learning; mastery learning Student Services: tutoring; advising Faculty: Training related and behavioral In-depth literature search using ERIC