African Independence

African Independence
Varying Experiences: Ghana
Overall Goals / Expeience of the British
•Respect local political structure while allowing
western influences to civilize African leaders
•Increase trade / maximize control
How did Africans experience colonialism?
•Competition btwn traditional leaders and
education Africans for pol. pwr.
•1930’s/1940’s: cooperation b/c common
•Resistance grew w/ edu (pol. parties,
religious/ethnic/literary groups, newspapers 
spurred debate)
Independence (1957)
WWII = turning point b/c soldiers return to
problems @ home (unemployment / economic
Sparked boycotts / riots / violence
United Gold Coast Congress (nationalist group,
gradual change)
Convention People’s Party (Kwame Nkrumah
Varying Experiences: Kenya
Overall Goals / Experience of the British
•“Settler Colony”
•Control over best land necessary for econ.
•Special privileges to eliminate econ. competition.
(reserved land; restricted farming; segregation)
How did Africans experience colonialism?
•Angry over land distribution (wanted rights to all
•Relocation to “reserves” lacking adequate
water / size
•Heavy restrictions / segregation / taxation forces
Africans to work for Europeans
•Mau Mau Uprising
Independence (1963)
•Formation of political organizations to lobby for
improved conditions
•Mostly along ethnic lines; lack of “Kenyan”
•Post WWII: Mau Mau uprising (Kikuyu ethnic group)
•Overly brutal
•Leads to negotiations for independence
Varying Experiences: DRC
Overall Goals / Experience of the Belgians
•Personal possession of King Leopold II  Belgian
colony 1908
•Top priority to make money
•Believed African subjects happy w/ colonial rule
•Allowed for public works in Belgium
How did Africans experience colonialism?
•Harsh abuse (particularly of children)
•Rape, mutilation, murder
•Forced labor w/ strict quota enforcement
•Division of ethnic groups by colonial boundaries
•Africans restricted in travel and religious practices
•Racial segregation leads to no services / education
Independence (1960)
•Social / Ethnic groups united to push for indep.
•Factors include: growing unrest w/ workers;
formation of political parties; international
criticism of colonialism; African independence.
•Negotiations for independence but rebellion leads to
hasty elections and rapid independence.
Varying Experiences: Algeria
Overall Goals / Experience of the French
•Algeria considered part of mainland France and
leaders attempted to assimilate Algerians
•“Settler Colony”
•Privileged lifestyle (otherwise not obtainable in
•Superiority of culture
How did Africans experience colonialism?
•Loss of culture (viewed as primitive / medieval) and
•Islam restricted
•Extreme poverty, hunger, malnutrition, racism
•Forced to move to cities to survive
•Dual identity: French and Algerian
Independence (1962)
•Ongoing resistance liked to religion (identity / cultural
•Nationalistic groups (formed c. 1920’s/1930’s) began to
demonstrate for freedom (post WWII)
•Front de Liberation Nationale (LFN) leads violent war of
resistance (1954-1962) including acts of terrorism
•Brutal French responses garner international criticism
which forces them to grant independence.