MD5 Collisions

MD5 Collisions
Isabelle Stanton
Chalermpong Worawannotai
Description of MD5
Takes any message and outputs an 128-bit
A message is padded so the length is a
multiple of 512 by concatenating a 1 then 0’s
and it’s length as a 64 bit number.
Each 512 bit block is compressed individually
Continued Description
The 512-bit block is divided into 16 32-bit
There are 4 32-bit registers a, b, c and d.
These are initially loaded with IV0 and carry
the hash values from one 512-bit block to the
It works in an iterative (chaining) process:
Hi+1 = f(Hi,Mi) IV0=H0
where Mi is a 512 bit block.
Hash Chaining
512 bits
128 bits
Hn = H
One small step
Courtesy of
For each f there are 4
rounds and each round
has 16 steps
Ti and Si are fixed
constant and depend
only on the steps.
The Rounds
 For fixed i, 4 consecutive steps will yield
ai+4 =bi +((ai +Fi (bi,ci,di)+wi+ti)<<<si)
di+4=ai+((di+Fi+1 (ai,bi,ci)+wi+1+ti+1)<<<si+1)
ci+4=di+((ci+Fi+2 (di,ai,bi)+wi+2+ti+2)<<<si+2)
bi+4=ci+((bi+Fi+3 (ci,di,ai)+wi+3+ti+3)<<<si+3)
ti and si are predefined step dependant constants
The Non-Linear Functions
Fi changes every 16 steps
Fi(X,Y,Z)=(X^Z) ν(Y^~Z)
Fi(X,Y,Z)=X  Y  Z
Fi(X,Y,Z)=Y  (X ν ~Z)
0≤i ≤15
16 ≤i ≤31
32 ≤i ≤47
48 ≤i ≤63
This provides non-linearity so you can not
extract the message from the hash
Finding Collisions
MD5 has a 128 bit hash so a brute force
attack to find a collision requires at most 2128
applications of MD5 and 264 by the birthday
Xiaoyun Wang and Hongbo Yu have an
attack that requires 239 operations
This attack takes at most an hour and 5
minutes on a IBM P690 (supercomputer)
Recall: Differential Cryptanalysis
Find a particular ∆M such that a particular ∆H
occurs with high probability
In collision case, want ∆H = 0.
The attack uses two types of differentials
 XOR differential: ΔX=X  X’
 Modular differential: ΔX=X-X’ mod 232
 For M=(m0,…,mn-1) and M’=(m’0,…m’n-1) the
full hash differential is for a message of
length 512n bits
ΔH0 -> ΔH1 ->…-> ΔHn= ΔH
If M and M’ are a collision pair ΔH=0
Round differentials
ΔHi -> ΔHi+1 can be split into round
differentials as well
Each of these differentials has a probabilistic
relationship with the next.
Ideally, we’d like to be able to set up 2 messages
where we can guarantee with probability 1 that
This can be assured by modifying M so the first
round differential will be what you want
More modifications will improve the probability for
the second, third and fourth round differentials
ΔM0 has been picked to improve this as well
The Attack
Find M=(M0,M1 ) and M’=(M’0,M’1)
i.e. M0 and messages that does this is not a collision
ΔM0 has been picked to improve the probability that the
round differentials will hold
M’0 differ in the 5th, 12th and 15th words only
Same for M1 and M’1.
Every set of messages that does this is not a collision
ΔM0 has been picked to improve this as well
Message Modification
It is easy to modify a message word so that
the first non-zero step differential (after the 5th
step) is anything you want with probability 1
Modify multiple words to guarantee the round
differentials with high probability
Each modification to make one condition hold
may make another not hold
Sufficient Conditions
Δw5 is first non-zero differential
At the 8th step Δw5 has affected a, d and c so
(Δc2, Δd2, Δa2, Δb1 )-> Δb2 since Δb1=0
There are 13 conditions on a2, c2 and d2 that
will guarantee Δb2 to be whatever you like
with high probability
Each characteristic has between 1 and 28
conditions for 30 characteristics for M0 and 29
characteristics with between 2 and 25
conditions for M1 for well over 200 conditions
Conditions for bi
b1,7 = 0
b1,10 = c1,10
b1,13 = c1,13
b1,16 = c1,16
b1,19 = c1,19
b1,22 = c1,22
b1,32 = 1
b1,8 = c1,8
b1,11 = c1,11
b1,14 = c1,14
b1,17 = c1,17
b1,20 = 1
b1,23 = c1,23
b1,9 = c1,9
b1,12 = 1
b1,15 = c1,15
b1,18 = c1,18
b1,21 = c1,21
b1,24 = 0
Technique for M0
Select random M0
Modify M0 so as many of the conditions hold
as possible
Create M0’=M0+ ΔM0
This will result in ΔH1 with probability 2-37
Test this works
This doesn’t require more then 239 MD5
Technique for M1
Select a random message M1
Modify M1 so it meets the conditions
M1’ =M1+ ΔM0
Starting with ΔH1 as IV the probability that
H(M1)=H(M1’) is 2-30
Test the pair of messages for collisions
Creating More Collisions
There are many M1s that will collide with any
properly crafted M0
You can also change the last two words of M0
and maintain the conditions
This reduces the amount of work needed
Actual Collisions
M0 = 2dd31d1 c4eee6c5 69a3d69 5cf9af98 87b5ca2f ab7e4612
3e580440 897ffbb8 634ad55 2b3f409 8388e483 5a417125
e8255108 9fc9cdf7 f2bd1dd9 5b3c3780
M1=d11d0b96 9c7b41dc f497d8e4 d555655a c79a7335 cfdebf0
66f12930 8fb109d1 797f2775 eb5cd530 baade822 5c15cc79
ddcb74ed 6dd3c55f d80a9bb1 e3a7cc35
M0’=2dd31d1 c4eee6c5 69a3d69 5cf9af98 7b5ca2f ab7e4612
3e580440 897ffbb8 634ad55 2b3f409 8388e483 5a41f125
e8255108 9fc9cdf7 72bd1dd9 5b3c3780
M1’=d11d0b96 9c7b41dc f497d8e4 d555655a 479a7335 cfdebf0
66f12930 8fb109d1 797f2775 eb5cd530 baade822 5c154c79
ddcb74ed 6dd3c55f 580a9bb1 e3a7cc35
Hash: 9603161f a30f9dbf 9f65ffbc f41fc7ef
How To Break MD5 and Other Hash Functions –
Xiaoyun Wang and Hongbo Yu (they did the SHA-1
break as well)
Guide to Hash Functions
Cryptographic Hash Lounge (lists what functions
have been broken and links to how)