10 Ways to do NTKs Objectives ■ See a demonstration of at least 4 different ways to do NTKs ■ Read about at least 2 other ways to do NTKs ■ (if time) Share our own ideas to fill out the 10 1. Don’t Start with the entry doc or Video For some context: Problem Statement for On Your Marks ■ How can we as Sports Analysts ■ Analyze athlete’s position and time data, and graphically represent their data to inform their understanding of their speed profile ■ So that the athlete can improve his/her performance Who is the better runner? BOB SARAH TIME Position TIME Position 0 sec 0m 0 0 1 sec 3m 1 sec 1m 2 sec 5m 2 sec 2m 3 sec 6m 3 sec 5m NOW…show the entry doc ■ (See Document 1) Other Ways to NOT start with entry doc? ■ Philosophical Question. Example: “Does History make the man, or does man make the history?” ■ Poll: “What’s better? Chile Cheese Fritos or Ranch flavor Doritos?” 2. Use Google Docs Go Here…but don’t start typing yet ■ http://tiny.cc/googleKnowNTK Entry Doc Dear John, We can’t keep going out unless you introduce yourself to my parents in Spanish. It can be short, but they will want to know your name (from you), how you are feeling, and what your family is like. There is no other way. Do you still like me? Yes No , Maria You can “Make a copy” under the File menu ■ Template: http://tiny.cc/NTKtemplate 3. Use Sticky Notes Roles ■ In each group, letter your heads, A-D ■ B = “Runner” ■ A, C, D = rotating scribe. ■ Group 3 = Groupers. ■ Group 5 = Summarizers Roles ■ Group 3 = summarizers ■ Group 4 = Groupers Entry Doc Dear John, We can’t keep going out unless you introduce yourself to my parents in Spanish. It can be short, but they will want to know your name (from you), how you are feeling, and what your family is like. There is no other way. Do you still like me? Yes No , Maria 4. Use Virtual Sticky Notes http://scrumblr.ca/ 5. Hard Copy, with NTKs NS ■ Think about early mapping of NTKs to Next Steps. (Document 2) 6. Notecards ■ Every person gets on card ■ One side: Document Knowledge+Previous Knowledge ■ Other side: NTKs + Next Steps ■ Read entry ■ Each person writes down at least 3 things. ■ Round-Robin Sharing. ■ Add something new in different color pen ■ Each person turns it in: Work Ethic, Critical Thinking, AND collaboration. BOOM. 7. Separate them Need to Know How do I introduce myself in Spanish? How do I say, “Football” in Spanish? How do I make sure that I am being respectful? Need To Know When is it due? Do I have to dress up? Are we going to be in groups? 8. Start with Next Steps ■ Have students write down their action plans, and justify each step with something that they need to know… ■ Could use sfor scaffolding the process. 9. Don’t do Knows/NTKs at all, and see what happens 10. Video? ■ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M neVoOTfs7U&feature=youtube_gdata _player